September 20, 2024

Houlton nips Hodgdon

HODGDON – Mark Socoby scored 17 points Tuesday night to help Houlton edge Hodgdon 51-47 in a boys basketball game during which neither team led by more than five points in the second half.

Jordan Hill scored 13 points for Houlton.

Jimmy Griffin led Hodgdon with 22 points, 10 rebounds and seven assists. Kevin Sanford added 10 points.

Houlton (15-2) 51

Socoby 5-6-17, Hill 6-0-13, O’Connell 2-3-8, B. Miles 2-0-5, A. Miles 2-0-4, Duff 1-0-2, Bartlett 1-0-2, Edwards

Hodgdon (12-5) 47

Griffin 7-6-22, Ke. Sanford 4-3-11, Currie 3-1-7, Condon 2-0-4, Ki. Sanford 1-1-3, Hovey, Carter

3-pt. goals: Socoby, Hill, O’Connell, B. Miles; Griffin 2

Houlton 6 28 42 51

Hodgdon 15 29 39 47

JV: Houlton 56-33

Fort Kent 69, Madawaska 63

At Fort Kent, Mitch Ouellet converted four foul shots and Tom Bard added two in the closing minutes to seal the win for the Warriors.

Ouellet had 14 points for the Warriors and Bard scored 12.

Myles Morneault scored 23 points for the Owls and Peter Gerard added 21.

Madawaska (6-11) 63

Pelletier 1-2-4, M. Sirois 2-4-8, Campbell 1-2-5, Gerard 8-4-21, Morneault 9-2-23, K. Sirois

Fort Kent (7-10) 69

P. Caron 4-1-9, T. Caron 3-0-7, Raymond 4-1-9, Ouellette 3-0-6, Bard 4-2-12, Plourde 3-0-6, Ouellet 5-4-14, Rivera 3-0-6, Rossignol, Jandreau

3-pt. goals: Morneault 3, Campbell, Gerard; Bard 2, T. Caron

Madawaska 14 26 44 63

Fort Kent 13 35 52 69

JV: Fort Kent 60-35

Washburn 67, Fort Fairfield 50

At Fort Fairfield, the Beavers took advantage of their frontcourt height advantage, erasing an early deficit to earn the win.

Jason Thompson scored 14 of his game-high 24 points from the foul line and pulled down 10 rebounds for Washburn. Zach Bird scored 17 points and Chris Pesut contributed 11.

Keith Edgecomb’s 17-point, 14-rebound effort paced Fort Fairfield. Josh Turner netted 10 points.

Washburn (13-5)

C. Pesut 4-3-11, Goupille, A. Thompson 4-1-9, J. Thompson 5-14-24, Nelson, S. Pesut, Bird 5-7-17, Hunt, Parker, Hull

Fort Fairfield (8-10) 50

Bernaiche 1-0-2, Everett 4-0-8, Levasseur 1-0-2, Demerchant 1-1-3, Turner 4-0-10, Edgecomb 7-1-17, Clark 2-0-4, Wasson, King 2-0-4

3-pt. goals: A. Thompson; Turner 2, Edgecomb 2

Washburn 6 26 44 67

Fort Fairfield 15 25 34 50

JV: Fort Fairfield 52-24

George Stevens 63, Bucksport 55

At Bucksport, Collin Henry tallied 10 points in the fourth quarter, going 6-for-8 from the foul line, as the Eagles held off the Golden Bucks.

Henry totaled 17 points for the game, while Tim Carter scored 16 and Chaz Gray 10.

Despite a strong attempt by Wayde Hopkins with 11 points in the second quarter.

Hopkins tossed in 11 second-quarter points on his way to a game-high 18 and he also grabbed nine rebounds. Josh Johnson added 12 points and Brian Clapper had 10.

George Stevens Acad. (8-9) 63

Henry 5-7-17, Carter 7-2-16, Gray 5-0-10, Owen 1-0-2, Cousins, Lymburner 2-0-4, Wessel 2-0-5, Peake 0-3-3, Bridges 3-0-6

Bucksport (6-11) 55

Hopkins 7-3-18, Johnson 4-1-12, Clapper 4-0-10, Pooler 1-0-2, Remick 1-2-4, Bunker 2-0-4, Mills, Gourley, Ames 1-0-2, Carmichael 1-1-3

3-pt. goals: Wessel; Hopkins, Johnson 3, Clapper 2

George Stevens 18 32 46 63

Bucksport 9 29 46 55

JV: GSA 48-42

Machias 81, Jonesport-Beals 60

At Jonesport, Chris Correll scored 15 of his game-high 36 points in the fourth quarter as the Bulldogs pulled away.

James McCarthy added 21 points and Cory Brooks 13 for Machias.

Derrick Beal and Erik Balchen each scored 13 points for Jonesport-Beals, while Jeremy Chandler added 12.

Machias (8-9) 81

Roberts 2-1-5, Correll 16-2-36, Brooks 4-5-13, McCarthy 6-5-21, Falvey 2-0-4, Frutchey 0-2-2

Jonesport-Beals (9-8) 60

Lamson, Griffin 0-1-1, Alley, Holmes 2-1-5, Libby 2-0-4, A. Beal 3-1-7, Faulkingham 0-1-1, Berry 2-0-4, Balchen 6-1-13, Chandler 5-2-12, D. Beal 5-3-13

3-pt. goals: McCarthy 4, Correll 2

Machias 21 38 63 81

Jonesport-Beals 17 26 39 60

JV: Jonesport-Beals 70-50

Washington Acad. 73, Shead 27

At Eastport, Jared Sternburgh scored 16 points and James Ramsdell added 15 to pace the Raiders of East Machias.

Ryan Harmon posted 11 points for Washington Academy of East Machias.

Ricky Kroll topped the Tigers with six points.

Washington Acad. (15-2) 73

Harmon 5-1-11, Look 1-0-2, Ramsdell 3-9-15, Jer. Gray 1-0-2, Sternburgh 5-6-16, Stevens, Jar. Gray 3-0-6, Merritt, Hostetter 2-4-8, Wood 2-3-8, Colbeth 1-0-2, Albee 1-0-2, Jessimen 0-1-1

Shead (2-15) 27

Kroll 3-0-6, Lewey, DeMolet 1-2-4, Stanhope, Bowen, Martinez 1-2-4, P. Joyner 1-1-3, Cyr 0-1-1, Maloney 1-2-4, C. Hastings, S. Hastings, Kilton, Sullivan 2-1-5, B. Joyne.

3-pt. goals: Wood

Washington Acad. 13 30 52 73

Shead 4 17 20 27

JV: WA 88-26

Brunswick 82, Leavitt 38

At Brunswick, Ralph Mims had 36 points, 10 rebounds, and six assists to help give Brunswick the win.

Doug Eichinger netted 13 points for Brunswick and Jesse Kaplan had seven assists.

Jacob Witham scored nine points for Leavitt of Turner.

Leavitt (0-14) 38

Parker 1-0-2, Godfrey 1-0-3, Berry 3-1-7, Burgess 2-2-6, Pirruccello 2-4-8, Witham 3-1-9, Powell 1-1-3, Lilley, Murphy, Sawyer, Angell

Brunswick (13-1) 82

Smith 1-0-2, Lemont 1-0-2, Kaplan 3-2-8, Gauvin 2-0-5, Mims 14-0-36, Eichinger 5-0-13, Gayton 1-0-2, Stankiewicz 2-0-4, Kelly 2-0-4, Warren

3-pt. goals: Witham 2, Godfrey; Mims 8, Eichenger 3, Guavin

Leavitt 12 24 31 38

Brunswick 19 42 66 82

Calvary Chapel 74, Greenville 42

Bradford scores 1,000th point

At the Old Town YMCA gym, senior guard Kyle Bradford reached the 1,000-point career scoring mark when he finished the game with his 21st point while helping undefeated Calvary Chapel win its 17th game.

Josh Madden chipped in with 15 points for the Sabers of Orrington.

Jonah Lizotte paced Greenville with 12 points and Kyle Belmont added 11.

Greenville (3-11) 42

Lizotte 6-0-12, K. Belmont 5-1-11, Edmondson 4-0-9, J. Belmont 3-0-6, Farrington 0-2-2, Aucoin 1-0-2, Lavigne, Graves

Calvary Chapel (17-0) 74

K. Bradford 6-6-21, Madden 7-1-15, Miller 3-0-6, B. Bradford 2-1-5, Dean 2-0-5, Astle 2-0-5, Seekins 1-2-4, Gans 2-3-7, Lowe 1-0-3, Gerritzen

3-pt. goals: Edmondson; K. Bradford 3, Dean, Astle, Lowe

Greenville 12 14 27 42

Calvary Chapel 21 50 63 74

Brewer 57, Old Town 30

At Old Town, Andy Frost scored 20 points to help lead Brewer to the win.

Chris Wilson netted 16 points for the Witches.

Matt Petrie and Cory Miller each scored nine points for Old Town.

Brewer (9-5) 57

Frost 8-3-20, Wilson 7-0-16, Bell 3-0-6, Craig 0-2-2, Francis 3-0-6, Miller 2-0-5, McDonald 1-0-2, young, Rees

Old Town (8-6) 30

Petrie 4-1-9, Miller 4-0-9, Bouchard 2-0-5, Curtis 1-2-4, Tracewski 1-0-2, St. Louis 0-1-1, Thurston, Boucovalous, Fogarty, Conary, Avery, Shaw

3-pt. goals: Wilson 2, Frost, Miller; Miller, Bouchard

Brewer 20 30 43 57

Old Town 4 19 29 30

JV: Old Town 56-47


Houlton-Hodgdon 6, Old Town 1

At Millar Arena in Houlton, Ian Pasquarelli scored three goals and assisted on another for the Blackhawks.

Tyler Hutchinson had a goal and an assist for 10-5 Houlton-Hodgdon. Eben Thompson and Kevin Carton each netted a goal. Andy Clark assisted three goals and Chris Howland assisted two. Mitch Hall and Alex Moors both had an assist. Aaron Fitzpatrick stopped 10 of 11 shots.

John Kosnow scored on a Chris St. Louis assist in the second period for 0-14 Old Town. J.P. Stowe made 44 saves on 50 shots.

Girls basketball

Ashland 44, Washburn 26

At Ashland, Ashley Nemer scored 14 points to help lead Ashland to the win.

Amber Smith netted 12 points for the Hornets.

Nicole McLaughlin, Kari Howe and Liza Maynard each scored six points in Washburn’s final game of the season.

Washburn (6-12) 26

McLaughlin 1-4-6, Howe 2-2-6, L. Maynard 1-4-6, Campbell 2-0-4, Palmer 2-0-4, Burtt, Blakney, C. Maynard, Carter, Espling

Ashland (13-4) 44

Smith 5-2-12, Chamberlin 0-2-2, Peters 4-0-8, Spooner 2-0-4, Nemer 6-2-14, Belskis 1-0-2, Long 1-0-2, Sherman, Hafford, Chasse

3-pt. goals: none scored

Washburn 4 10 21 26

Ashland 12 25 36 44

JV: Ashland 36-35 (OT)

Easton 50, Wisdom 32

At Easton, Jessica Ferris lead the Bears to a win over Wisdom with 15 points.

Nina Alexander added 11 points for Easton.

Christa Lizotte scored 13 points for Pioneers of St. Agatha.

Wisdom (1-15) 32

Lizotte 4-4-13, St. Pierre 3-0-6, Herbert 0-1-1, Voisine 3-0-6, Desjardins 0-1-1, Dyment 1-0-2, Daigle 1-1-3

Easton (2-16) 50

Ferris 6-0-15, Alexander 5-1-11, Osgood 2-0-4, Hickey 2-0-4, Lovely 3-0-8, Ladner 2-0-4, White 1-0-2, Hopkins 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Lizotte; Ferris 3, Lovely 2

Wisdom 9 17 20 32

Easton 15 22 35 50

Calais 71, East Grand 49

At Calais, Tracie Eagan tossed in 21 points and Danielle O’Brien connected for 20 as the Blue Devils beat the Vikings.

Darcey Gillespie netted 11 points for Calais.

Marie Gilman led East Grand of Danforth with 20 points. Paula Osnoe scored 16.

East Grand (5-13) 49

Gilman 7-3-20, Osnoe 4-7-16, McKay 1-0-2, Dodge 1-1-3, Zaneldin 1-6-8, Shay, Langill, Crone, Marks

Calais (14-3) 71

Eagan 8-3-21, O’Brien 9-2-20, Gillespie 5-1-11, Smith 2-0-5, Thomas 1-0-2, Taylor 1-2-4, Allen 0-2-2, Brown 1-0-2, Mingo 2-0-4, Warren, McIver, Lloyd, Stevens, Applebee, Seeley

3-pt. goals: Gilman 3, Osnoe; Eagan 2, Smith

East Grand 5 18 35 49

Calais 16 35 50 71

JV: Calais 56-24

Houlton 65, Central 54

Rollins scores 1,000th point

At Corinth on Monday, Jenny Rollins scored her 1,000th career point for the host Red Devils, but Houlton pulled away in the second half for the win.

Danielle Sewell scored 25 points to pace Houlton, which trailed 35-34 at halftime but outscored Central 19-5 in the third quarter to take control.

Anna Lenentine added 13 points and Katherine Cole 10 for the Shiretowners.

Rollins, the first Central player ever to reach 1,000 points as a junior, finished with 22 points. Shawna Bell added 17.

Houlton (10-6) 65

Cole 4-2-10, Foster 3-2-8, Lenentine 6-1-13, Sewell 6-10-25, Thompson 4-1-9, Guy

Central (13-4) 54

Rollins 10-1-22, Bell 7-0-17, Collins, Elliott 3-0-6, Davis 2-0-5, Libby 0-2-2, Underhill 0-1-1, Daniel 0-1-1, Griffeths, Jones

3-pt. goals: Sewell 3; Bell 3, Rollins, Davis

Houlton 19 34 53 65

Central 16 35 40 54

JV: Central 42-30

Hermon 57, MDI 34

At Hermon, Shannon Wiggin scored 19 points and grabbed eight rebounds as the Hawks soared to victory.

Malerie Hall added 12 points and 12 rebounds for Hermon, while Marissa McLeod contributed nine points, four assists and three steals.

Susan Falt scored nine points and Kelsey Stratton eight to lead Mount Desert Island.

Mount Desert Island (8-9) 34

Stratton 2-2-8, Banks 1-0-2, Shuster 1-0-2, Records 2-0-6, Falt 4-0-9, Young 2-0-6, Dow 0-1-1, Stanley, Christie

Hermon (13-4) 57

McLeod 4-0-9, Dobbins 0-1-1, White 2-1-5, Perry 1-0-2, Wiggin 8-3-19, Nightengale 1-0-2, Hall 6-0-12, McDonald 1-3-5, Gibson 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Stratton 2, Records 2, Young 2, Falt; McLeod

MDI 6 12 19 34

Hermon 10 20 36 57

JV: Mount Desert Island 52-15

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