September 21, 2024

Audubon birders scour parks, find 80 species

BANGOR – Eighty birders scoured Bangor’s city parks, open areas and walkways for birds in Maine Audubon’s bird walks this spring.

Coincidentally, when all the lists were combined, they had found 80 species of birds.

Birders were led by Maine Audubon volunteers, expert birders and members of Audubon’s Penobscot Valley Chapter, including Bruce Barker, Betty and Richard Baird, Hope Brogunier, Steve and Ellie Coleman, Chris Corio, Ron Cote, Ronald Davis, Bob Duchesne, Joni Dunn, Tom Hodgman, Judy Kellogg Markowsky, Bob Milardo and Elizabeth Payne.

Birders enjoyed exploring Bangor’s Prentiss Woods, Kenduskeag Stream Trail, Essex Woods, Brown Woods, Maine Audubon’s Penjajawoc Sanctuary, Saxl Park, the Bangor City Forest and the Bog Boardwalk, to see what birds those places would harbor.

They found some of Maine’s most beautiful birds – scarlet tanager, Baltimore oriole, and parula warbler, vivid studies in brilliant scarlet, fiery orange, and blue and yellow.

Most birders were local, but one was from Florida. He had come to Maine especially to see its birds. Along the Bog Boardwalk, he was delighted to see a Canada warbler, the first he had ever seen.

For information about future bird walks, call the Fields Pond Audubon Center at 989-2591.

Birders spotted the following birds: common loon, American bittern, Canada goose, mallard, osprey, bald eagle, sharp-shinned hawk, merlin, wild turkey, Virginia rail, sora, killdeer, spotted sandpiper, ring-billed gull, mourning dove, hummingbird.

Also spotted were: downy woodpecker, hairy woodpecker, northern flicker, Eastern wood peewee, least flycatcher, Eastern phoebe, great crested flycatcher, Eastern kingbird, tree swallow, barn swallow, blue jay, American crow, common raven, black-capped chickadee, tufted titmouse, red-breasted nuthatch, white-breasted nuthatch, Carolina wren, veery, hermit thrush, American robin, gray catbird, cedar waxwing, European starling, solitary vireo, red-eyed vireo, Nashville warbler, northern parula, yellow warbler, chestnut-sided warbler and magnolia warbler.

Also spotted were: yellow-rumped warbler, black-throated green warbler, Blackburnian warbler, pine warbler, palm warbler, blackpoll warbler, Wilson’s warbler, black-and-white warbler, American redstart, ovenbird, northern waterthrush, common yellowthroat, Canada warbler, scarlet tanager, northern cardinal, rose-breasted grosbeak, chipping sparrow, Savannah sparrow, song sparrow, Lincoln’s sparrow, swamp sparrow, white-throated sparrow, bobolink, red-winged blackbird, common grackle, brown-headed cowbird, Baltimore oriole, purple finch, house finch, American goldfinch and house sparrow.

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