September 20, 2024

Why I’m voting for George Bush

Not long ago, in Washington, D.C., I visited the Jefferson Memorial and noted this quotation from Thomas Jefferson’s writings: “Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever.”

I agree with Jefferson that a nation must be concerned with God’s standards for laws as well as leaders.

John Adams wrote, “Statesmen, my dear Sir, may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is religion and morality alone, which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand.”

I believe that President Bush understands this. There may be many honest and good ways to apply the principles that have made us unique among nations. Many of the specific policy matters will be debated and decided by men and women I will never know. But I want those men and women to be led by a man who shares my values. President Bush is such a man.

Solomon wrote, “Righteousness exalts a nation ….” That statement is one of the strongest guiding principles for me as a voter in the upcoming election. It is also the primary reason why I will vote to re-elect President Bush.

I do not mean to imply that only George Bush is righteous. I have met President Bush. I am convinced that he is a good man and a man of faith. But having said that, it is not the personal righteousness of the man that compels me to vote for him; it is the values that he has stood for in the long run, not just when it is politically expedient. His moral and spiritual compass guides his decisions and that is one more reason why he is the only consistent choice.

It is amazing that after all these years of American history we are still debating the value of life. Our founders built everything on the premise that God has given us the “unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” President Bush has by speech and action done much to promote a “culture of life” in America.

When millions of unborn children are being denied this basic biblical and historical right, I am glad to know that we have a president who understands the issue and tries to lead the country in righteousness. He kept his word and signed into law a ban on the terrible procedure known as “partial-birth abortion.” He has also supported the Unborn Victims of Violence Act. These are good examples of his intention to protect life. That is one of the duties God gave to governments.

When I perform wedding ceremonies, I often refer to the fact that God created male and female, and that he established marriage between them as the very first social institution. It is not my idea; I simply read it from the Book of Genesis. God ordained marriage before civil government or the church. President Bush has worked to maintain the foundation of this institution.

Religious freedom has been another right that is respected in America. President Bush has worked to protect this freedom at home and around the world. He has continued the efforts of previous presidents, including the office of ambassador at large for international religious freedom.

The President’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives has been a welcome relief from the over-regulation and discrimination by government toward faith-based organizations such as Catholic Charities, Goodwill Industries, The Salvation Army and Prison Fellowship. These national organizations, like smaller local ministries, have provided efficient models for helping at-risk youth, homeless people, substance abusers, and other oft-neglected members of our population.

People of faith opened doors of compassion for schools, hospitals and other means of caring. That is our history. President Bush has made it easier to open those doors again. He has reminded us that it is possible for organizations motivated by faith to form partnerships with government without infringing on the rights or responsibilities of either one.

I admire the work and understanding of President Bush in promoting values such as these. My admiration for him has grown as I have learned that he is able to carry out these efforts without coercion or favoritism for his particular faith practice. He knows that faith cannot be forced. But he also understands that government must not hinder the practice of faith of its citizens. There are many issues to consider during an election, but these are the priorities for me. These are some of my reasons for standing proudly to support President George W. Bush.

The Rev. Bob Emrich is pastor of Emmanuel Bible Baptist Church of Plymouth and stresses that his opinions are his own. He may be reached at

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