September 20, 2024

Why I’m voting for John Kerry

On Nov. 2, we will have a very critical presidential election. This election will help determine how our nation will unfold as we progress through this new century. Not only will many internal and national concerns be affected by the results of our presidential choice, our international relationships will be influenced. We must remember that our country is the most important nation to effect change and growth in our entire world.

The Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, or RAC, examines issues that are of concern to contemporary American Reform Jews. RAC is one of American Jews’ most important centers for Jewish social justice and legislative activity. It is located in our nation’s capital. RAC educates and mobilizes our American Jewish community on various legislative and social concerns and advocates for those issues in Congress. RAC directly represents 1.5 million Reform Jews and represents the concerns of most other Jews throughout America. I value RAC’s assessment and analysis of the important issues facing us.

RAC is an important advocate for the state of Israel. While working in Washington to secure favorable votes to support Israel, RAC also urges our government to be more involved with peace efforts between Israel and her neighbors. RAC supports Prime Minister Sharon’s plan for a unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, as do both Sen. John Kerry and President Bush.

It is very important for the United States to be involved in the Middle East peace process directly. It is critical to have a president who will push all sides to talk and make compromises for the goal of peace. The Bush administration has been very distant from this process. Kerry is committed to working for peace between Israel and her neighbors.

RAC is an important advocate for many issues which affect us here in the United States. RAC advocates strongly for environmental concerns. It supports maintaining and strengthening our existing anti-pollution laws, many of which have been weakened over these last three years under the Bush administration, thereby damaging our nation’s environmental health.

RAC accepts the need to examine the reasons for the strong climatic changes which have taken place over the last 50 years and eliminate quickly the human causes of climate change and global warming. RAC supports international treaties to protect our earth from environmental disaster and supports the Endangered Species Act, which is itself endangered now. You can find out how Bush and Kerry stand on these issues by reading the current Sierra Magazine.

Environmental organizations resoundingly support Kerry because of his consistently supportive record regarding environmental and energy concerns. Additionally, last June, 48 Nobel Prize-winning scientists endorsed Kerry. The United States must lead the world toward alternative energy sources and away from our dependency on fossil fuels. Kerry will lead us to greater energy independence.

RAC is a strong advocate for women’s rights and supports providing family planning services to all our citizens. RAC advocates for women’s reproductive rights and for the over-the-counter sale of emergency contraceptive pills. It is likely that the next president will appoint at least one, maybe up to three Supreme Court justices. Row v. Wade is now protected by only a one-vote majority. Our next president may very well determine a woman’s right to control her own reproductive health.

John Kerry supports women’s rights, while the Bush administration is putting the government between the rights of a woman and her doctor to determine what is best.

RAC supports universal health care as a right for all American citizens. I am personally ashamed that we do not have a better health care system in our great country to provide basic needs to those who cannot afford them. A universal health care system is at the heart of securing some economic justice for our country, and I am hopeful that our country will soon establish a plan which supports all our citizens.

John Kerry promotes a fair universal health care plan which will provide for the health needs of our poor and middle-class citizens. The Bush administration has not acted with concern for the needs of the middle class and poor in our country.

Isaiah charges us to help others, to perform acts of righteousness, or “tzedakah,” and calls us to social action and social justice. Isaiah said: “Unlock the shackles of injustice, undo the fetters of bondage, let the oppressed go free, and break every cruel chain.” We can at the very least go out and vote. This is an important election. Many important issues are at stake.

Your vote counts.

Rabbi Barry Krieger is the rabbinic facilitator for the Hillel organization at the University of Maine in Orono. He may be reached at

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