September 21, 2024

GOP offers best choices on Election Day

No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those others that have been tried from time to time.” Winston Churchill’s immortal words are more fitting than ever as we approach one of the most critical elections of our lifetime. It’s impossible to overstate the stakes, but the choices before us are clear.

On Sept. 11, terrorists leveled an unprecedented and horrific blow to us on our own soil. Since that terrible day President Bush has been the commander in chief this country needs and deserves. Over two-thirds of al-Qaida leaders have been captured or killed and the network is on the run. Our work in Iraq will replace a brutal dictator that supported terrorists with a new democracy in the heart of the Middle East. Under the president’s guidance, we have taken the fight to the enemies of freedom and are winning the war on terrorism in Afghanistan instead of Augusta, Baghdad rather than Bangor.

Our president has also made enormous strides to better defend us. Our military is being restored and our troops are enjoying greater pay and a better quality of life. We established the Department of Homeland Security to unify more than 22 agencies and offices with the singular and most vital mission of protecting Americans at home. The current administration has nearly tripled homeland security funding since 2001. Here in Maine, the 9-11 attack was more personal than most places. Under this president, the border with Canada and our hundreds of miles of shoreline are more secure than ever and are being made even safer every day.

The Sept. 11 strikes also paralyzed an economy already in recession. President Bush set himself to revitalizing America’s economic security as well. Mainers know all too well the crushing burden of high taxes. By pursuing an agenda of lower taxes and regulatory relief, the president has kick started our economy. We’ve created 1.9 million jobs over the past 18 months and America is more competitive in the world. In our state, unemployment is well under the already-improved national average. We’re adding jobs, personal incomes are increasing, and housing values are up.

Of course, more work remains to protect the American people and further grow the economy. President Bush is overhauling the nation’s intelligence agencies and will see the war on terror through to root out the enemies of freedom. To further grow the economy, he is working to make permanent the tax relief and has pledged to enact sweeping tax simplification legislation.

George W. Bush offers steady and determined leadership toward a better Maine and a stronger America at a time when we need it most. The contrast with his opponent couldn’t more stark. Sen. John Kerry has proposed trillions of dollars in new spending and, to know how he’ll pay for it, one need look no further than his 98 votes in the Senate to raise taxes. In the war on terror his positions have changed almost daily with the political winds. On so many issues, his unprincipled posturing has been irresponsible and nothing short of dangerous.

After voting to authorize the use of force in Iraq, Sen. Kerry incredibly voted to deny our men and women in the field the resources and supplies they needed. For the future, he only offers vague promises to somehow attract new nations to join a group of more than two dozen he has derided as a coalition of the bribed and coerced.

There are important choices for Maine’s federal and state offices as well. Electing Charlie Summers and Brian Hamel will provide a great complement in Congress to our fine United States Senators, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins. Their commitment to further securing our borders and providing leadership on economic matters will make a difference to the families in Maine.

Mainers are choking under the second-highest tax burden in the nation. State spending continues to increase at an alarming and unsustainable rate. Taken together, they are public enemy number one to greater job and economic growth.

The Republicans in the Maine Legislature will limit out-of-control spending and address the public outcry for tax relief. Democrat leaders are in denial. The tax burden we face is a result of 30 years of Democrat control of the Maine Legislature. We need new leadership in the State Capitol to address it.

On the most important issues facing Maine and our country, the Republican Party offers far superior policies to benefit our neighbors and all Americans. From winning the war on terror to creating jobs and boosting the economy, I hope we can count on you to vote Republican on Nov. 2 for a safer and more prosperous nation.

Kathy Watson is chairman of the Maine Republican Party.

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