
Presque Isle District Court Cases Oct. 1-31, 2004 Cheryle A. Achorn, 39, Fort Fairfield, possession of marijuana, $200. Ben Adams, 18, Presque Isle, operating unregistered ATV, $100. Angel A. Arce, 24, Dospalos, Calif., driving while under influence…
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Presque Isle District Court

Cases Oct. 1-31, 2004

Cheryle A. Achorn, 39, Fort Fairfield, possession of marijuana, $200.

Ben Adams, 18, Presque Isle, operating unregistered ATV, $100.

Angel A. Arce, 24, Dospalos, Calif., driving while under influence of intoxicants, $500, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Jacob D. Ball, 21, Houlton, minor transporting liquor, license suspended 30 days.

Jamie R. Bellanceau, 27, Washburn, negotiating worthless instrument, $200, restitution, $172.04.

Phillip D. Berry, 40, Ashland, failure to register vehicle, $100.

Velma M. Boneville, 19, Presque Isle, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200.

Chad D. Bouchard, 20, Limestone, sale and use of drug paraphernalia, dismissed.

James E. Campbell Jr., 34, Presque Isle, sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $200.

Richard C. Chamberlain, 42, Woodland, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail four months, all but seven days suspended, probation one year, license suspended 18 months; refusing to sign uniform summons complaint, $200.

Kathryn M. Chandler, 42, Mapleton, operating ATV while under age, $100.

Paul J. Churchill, 46, Presque Isle, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $1,100, jail 30 days, license suspended four years.

John M. Ciccolella, 27, Presque Isle, criminal trespass, $250.

Ryan R. Clark, 17, Fort Fairfield, operating ATV on public way, $100.

Robin D. Cobb, 32, Mars Hill, criminal mischief, $400.

Harry J. Coffin Jr., 33, Sorrento, habitual motor vehicle offender, jail six months.

Timothy R. Cole, 43, Caribou, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail seven days, license suspended 18 months.

Patricia Collins, 19, Londonderry, N.H., theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, jury trial.

Kurt D. Condon, 18, Fort Fairfield, possession of marijuana, $200.

John A. Coppolino Jr., 44, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $1,100, jail 30 days, license suspended four years; operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $600, jail seven days, license suspended three years; driving while under influence of intoxicants, $700, jail seven days, license suspended 18 months; operate vehicle without license, jail five days.

Jessie Cote, 23, Mars Hill, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400; possession of marijuana, $200.

Matthew W. Cote, 21, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $400, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days; minor possessing liquor on premises, $200.

Everett Alan Cowett, 40, Presque Isle, assault, jury trial.

Gerald A. Cray, 41, Mars Hill, assault, $300.

Norman Crittenden, 45, Caribou, false public alarm or report, $300.

Kyle W. Cunningham, 19, Fort Fairfield, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Stacy L. Currie, 22, Presque Isle, assault, dismissed.

Jaron G. Cyr, 22, Presque Isle, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $400. Eric D. Deabay, 28, Ashland, assault, jury trial.

Kyle W. Dennett, 21, Mapleton, criminal threatening, $200.

Michael Deveau, 19, Mars Hill, criminal trespass, $300.

Jeremiah J. Dineen, 20, Westfield, failure to register vehicle, $100.

Amanda Doody, 19, Fort Fairfield, attaching false plates, $100; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $250.

Robert R. Dube, 51, Vassalboro, operating unregistered ATV, $100.

Kristofer C. Dyer, 18, Presque Isle, possession tobacco products by minor, $100.

Jason Espling, 20, Caribou, violating protective order, jail 60 days, all suspended, probation one year; terrorizing, $300; operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $200; violating condition of release, $200.

Donna A. Everett, 47, Fort Fairfield, allowing dog to be at large, $75.

Nicholas A. Flewelling, 14, Easton, person 10-16 unlawfully operating ATV, $100.

Barry B. Fortier, 46, Jay, loaded firearm in motor vehicle, $100.

Ryan Gagnon, 21, Presque Isle, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Neil C. Gahagan, 21, Presque Isle, disorderly conduct, dismissed; two counts violating condition of release, jail 60 days each count; procuring liquor for minor, jail 60 days.

Eric S. Gendreau, 23, Presque Isle, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $500.

Richard P. Genest, 62, North Berwick, loaded firearm in motor vehicle, $100.

Neal Grass, 43, Bridgewater, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Wayne Gudreau, 47, Presque Isle, assault; trafficking in dangerous knives; terrorizing; jury trial.

Robert W. Guth, 39, Limestone, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Misty Hafford, 20, Presque Isle, harassment by telephone, filed, no cost; disorderly conduct, dismissed; minor possessing liquor, $300.

Paul J. Hafford, 18, Ashland, operating ATV at imprudent speed, jury trial; minor possessing liquor, $200.

Joseph B. Haines Jr., 32, Presque Isle, terrorizing, dismissed.

Gregory Hall, 19, Poland, possession of marijuana, $200.

Daniel Hanks, 19, Mapleton, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $500, jail 48 hours, license suspended 365 days; criminal trespass, $250; sale and use of drug paraphernalia, dismissed; minor transporting liquor, $100, license suspended 30 days.

Eric S. Harvey, 20, Mapleton, criminal trespass, $250.

Joshua T. Henry, 23, Presque Isle, littering, $100.

Justin A. Hersey, 19, Fort Fairfield, minor possessing liquor on premises, community service 40 hours.

Timothy W. Hersey, 21, Mapleton, harassment by telephone, $300.

Kathryn Jacques, 25, Presque Isle, all night parking, $50.

Michael James, 24, Presque Isle, operating unregistered ATV, dismissed; operating ATV on public way, $100.

Tanya R. Jones, 26, Presque Isle, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $100, restitution, $11.09.

Amy M. Kacherian, 21, Presque Isle, disorderly conduct, $200.

Kristie Kelley, 20, Wade, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Eugene Kesteloot, 36, Westfield, operating unregistered ATV, $100; operating ATV on public way, $100.

Brock Kilcollins, 16, Fort Fairfield, person 10-16 unlawfully operating ATV, $100.

Jacob Kilroy, 26, Presque Isle, burglary, prison three years, all but two years suspended, probation one year, restitution, $753.46; criminal attempt, prison, six months.

James King, 35, Caswell, operating motor vehicle outside class, $100.

Ryan C. Kinney, 25, Mars Hill, assault, jail 24 hours, probation partially revoked, probation continued.

Stanley W. Klezos, 39, Presque Isle, disorderly conduct, $300.

William Labbe Jr., 35, Portage, failing to make oral or written accident report, $400.

Jeaudi W. Landry, 21, Presque Isle, assault, dismissed.

Landen Larsen, 24, Presque Isle, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $700, jail seven days, license suspended 18 months; operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Jessica K. Leighton, 19, Presque Isle, criminal trespass, dismissed.

Renis Levasseur, 35, Fort Fairfield, driving while under influence of intoxicants, jury trial.

Matthew A. Lucas, 20, Benton, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Jose M. Lugo, 26, Presque Isle, assault, jail 10 days.

Richard MacDonald, 27, Blaine, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.

John K. Mansfield Jr., 39, Mapleton, assault, dismissed; obstructing report of crime, $300.

Gerard Martin, 49, Fort Fairfield, operating motor vehicle without license, $100.

Nicholette A. Martin, 22, Presque Isle, possession of marijuana, $200.

Jessica Lynn Maynard, 18, Presque Isle, operating vehicle without license, $250; two counts theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $100 each count.

Dustin D. McGillan, 18, Caribou, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Scott McKeown, 20, Calais, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Janet Lyn McLean, 28, Hillindale, New Brunswick, disorderly conduct, $150.

Bobby D. McLellan, 25, Presque Isle, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $500, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Matthew McLimans, 31, Presque Isle, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $400, license suspended 90 days.

Angela J. McNinch, 28, Houlton, two counts assault, jury trial.

Brooke D. Michaud, 20, Presque Isle, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, filed, defendant paying court cost, $100.

Justin Michaud, 18, Presque Isle, operating unregistered ATV, $100.

John L. Morgan, 41, Presque Isle, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $800 jail 30 days, license suspended 18 months; operating motor vehicle after license suspension, jail 15 days; possessing marijuana, $400.

Eugene P. Morrow, 60, Fort Fairfield, fraudulently obtaining license, $250; unsworn falsification, $250.

Cory Nash, 20, Fort Fairfield, minor consuming liquor, $300.

Grass Neal Family Farms, Bridgewater, two counts failure to register vehicle, $100 each count.

Frederick A. Nightingale, 37, Fort Fairfield, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, filed, defendant paying court cost, $150.

Eric J. Novak, 22, Fort Fairfield, failure to register vehicle, $100.

Angela D. Parady, 20, Easton, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, jail 45 days, probation revoked.

James L. Parlin, 31, Presque Isle, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $500.

Amy S. Pelkey, 20, Presque Isle, minor transporting liquor, license suspended 30 days; possession of marijuana, $200.

Aaron Pelletier, 21, Westfield, criminal trespass, $250.

John K. Perkins, 17, Presque Isle, possession tobacco products by minor, $100.

Katherine A. Pictou, 23, Presque Isle, assault, jail five days.

Ronald A. Plante, 53, Portage Lake, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, dismissed; operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $100.

Jenna R. Richardson, 19, Presque Isle, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Virgil G. Rideout, 21, Presque Isle, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Lamar S. Riopelle, 22, Presque Isle, criminal trespass, $200; violating condition of release, dismissed; disorderly conduct, $250.

Robert C. Robinson, 16, Island Falls, possession tobacco products by minor, $100, community service 20 hours.

James L. Sam, 21, Caribou, negotiating worthless instrument, jail 10 days, restitution, $382.48.

Timothy L. Sandstrom, 38, Stockholm, operating vehicle without license, $200.

Alicia D. Schmidt, 20, Presque Isle, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Johnathan Michael Smith, 31, North Vassalboro, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200.

Daniel R. Sparks, 31, Mars Hill, assault, dismissed.

Shaun Spiers, 24, Easton, operating unregistered ATV, $100.

Albert St. Jean, 21, Presque Isle, negotiating worthless instrument, $100, restitution, $71.48.

Kristopher R. Tarbox, 21, Presque Isle, permitting unlawful use of vehicle, $200.

Lori A. Tarbox, 39, Washburn, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $300.

Rachel E. Theriault, 20, Presque Isle, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Brett Thibodeau, 14, Caribou, possession tobacco products by minor, $100, community service 20 hours.

Michael Tompkins, 40, Caribou, attaching false plates, $100.

Matthew Tweedie, 19, Blaine, operating unregistered ATV, $100.

Michael Tysinger, 23, Fort Fairfield, failing to make oral or written accident report, $300, license suspended 30 days.

Sean M. Wadlington, 21, Blaine, violating protective order, jail 90 days.

Jacob L. Weiss, 15, Castle Hill, operate vehicle without license, license suspended 30 days.

Corey White, 30, Washburn, violating condition of release, jail seven days; assault, jail 75 days, all but seven days suspended, probation two years; violating condition of release, jail seven days.

Richard J. White, 43, Lewiston, loaded firearm in motor vehicle, $100.

Justin Whittaker, 20, Mapleton, failure to register vehicle, $100.

Jason E. Willette Sr., 28, Mapleton, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $400, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Danielle Wood, 22, Presque Isle, obstructing report of crime, filed, defendant paying court cost, $125; procuring liquor for minor, filed, defendant paying court cost, $125.

Edward Workman Sr., 51, Pennsville, N.J., illegally baiting bear, $100.

Michelle L. Wyman, 20, Presque Isle, minor consuming liquor, $200.

Cheryl A. York, 34, Presque Isle, assault, $500.

Roger N. York, 61, Fort Fairfield, assault, jury trial.

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