September 24, 2024

Central’s Kane hits eight 3-pointers to tip Howlers

CORINTH – Joey Kane nailed eight 3-pointers and scored 30 points as Central downed Penobscot Valley of Howland 62-54 in overtime in a high school boys basketball game Tuesday night.

Central trailed 49-41 with 1:51 left in regulation but scored eight unanswered points and forced overtime on Josh Underhill’s 3-pointer with 11 seconds left.

Jacob Crosby led Penobscot Valley with 11 points, while Josh Ireland, Matt Cummings, and Josh Savage scored 10 points each.

Penobscot Valley (1-5) 54

Ireland 3-4-10, Crosby 5-1-11, Cummings 3-3-10, Hockridge 2-0-5, LaChance 3-0-7, Savage 3-4-10, Hallett 0-1-1, Osborn

Central (4-3) 62

J. Kane 10-2-30, D. Kane 3-3-9, Elliott 3-2-8, Underhill 2-0-5, R. Nickerson 2-0-4, L. Nickerson 1-1-3, Julian 1-1-3, Parker, Palmer, Wiers, Pineo, LaFlamme

3-pt. goals: Cummings, Hockridge, LaChance; J. Kane 8, Underhill

Penobscot Valley 10 23 36 49 54

Central 16 23 40 49 62

JV: Central 45-42

Dexter 69, Stearns 36

At Millinocket, Chris Rabideau scored 18 points to help lift Dexter past Stearns.

Tim McCarthy totaled 11 points for Dexter, and Mark Pullen added 10 points.

Josh Beaulieu and D.J. Charette led the Minutemen with eight points each.

Dexter (7-0) 69

A. Woodman 1-0-2, Lavin 0-1-1, Pierce 1-0-2, Day 2-0-4, Pullen 4-1-10, Bower 3-2-8, Rabideau 9-0-18, B. Woodman 2-1-5, Eastman 3-0-6, Martin 0-2-2, McCarthy 5-1-11

Stearns (0-6) 36

Cyr 0-7-7, Cormier 1-3-5, Martin 2-0-4, McGreevey 2-0-4, Beaulieu 4-0-8, Charette 3-2-8, Chase, Kaul, Nicholson, Lewis

3-pt. goals: Pullen

Dexter 15 26 49 69

Stearns 10 19 29 36

JV: Dexter 47-38

Calvary Chapel 62, East Grand 36

At Eastern Maine Community College in Bangor, Brock Bradford scored 26 points to lead Calvary Chapel of Orrington to the win.

Mike Astle scored 12 points for the Sabers, and Bryan Miller had 10 rebounds.

Brent Byers had 19 points for East Grand of Danforth.

East Grand (2-6) 36

Byers 8-2-19, Crocker 3-0-6, M. Hanington 2-1-5, Rogers 1-2-4, Beaudoin 1-0-2, A. Hanington, Scott, Crone, Morse, Armstrong

Calvary Chapel (5-0) 62

Bradford 10-2-26, Astle 4-2-12, Dean 3-0-7, Seekins 3-1-7, Haverlock 2-2-6, Br. Miller 2-0-4, Chapman, Colby, Nelson, Be. Miller, Newman

3-pt. goals: Byers; Bradford 4, Astle 2, Dean

East Grand 13 18 24 36

Calvary Chapel 21 26 45 62

JV: Calvary Chapel 56-40

Bangor Chr. 62, Searsport 56

At Searsport, Colby Robinson hit two 3-pointers in the final 1:40 to lead Bangor Christian to the win.

Ryan Weston had 24 points and 21 rebounds for the Patriots, and Josh Frost added 12 points.

Matt Nickerson scored 24 points and added 11 rebounds for Searsport. Josh Hancock had 13 points, and Mike Adams scored 11.

Bangor Christian (3-4) 62

Weston 8-8-24, Frost 3-6-12, Sobey 3-0-8, Robinson 2-0-6, Denbow 2-1-5, Dearborn 1-1-3

Searsport (0-8) 56

M. Nickerson 10-2-24, Hancock 4-4-13, Adams 4-3-11, Tufts 1-0-2, Greenlaw 2-0-4, McHatten 1-0-2, Chaar, J. Nickerson, Skillings

3-pt. goals: Sobey 2, Robinson 2; Hancock

Bangor Chr. 15 30 42 62

Searsport 11 25 45 56

Bucksport 56, Orono 50

At Orono, Cameron Gray scored eight of his 15 points in the fourth quarter as the Golden Bucks pulled away from the Red Riots.

Todd Freeman added a dozen points for Bucksport, Joey Carmichael contributed 11, and Chris Remick had 10.

Joe Simon led Orono with 15 points, and Adam Chase added 14.

Bucksport (1-5) 56

Rump 1-0-2, Gray 3-9-15, Freeman 4-1-12, Remick 2-4-10, Carmichael 4-1-11, Babson 1-0-2, Maguire 2-0-4

Orono (2-5) 50

Wakeling 2-2-7, Chase 5-4-14, Millard 1-0-2, Dwyer 1-0-3, Simon 7-1-15, Keezar 1-3-5, Stuart 0-4-4, Dunton

3-pt. goals: Freeman 3, Remick 2, Carmichael 2; Wakeling, Dwyer

Bucksport 15 30 39 56

Orono 8 26 38 50

JV: Orono 55-43

Mattanawcook 76, Schenck 63

At Lincoln, the Lynx nailed 22 of 24 free throws, including 9-for-9 in the fourth quarter, to beat the Wolverines of East Millinocket.

Luke Emery paced the Lynx with 18 points, and Dylan Hanscom added 12. Both players were also perfect from the line with Hanscom hitting eight free throws and Emery converting seven.

Derek Libbey chipped in with 14 points for the winners, Steve Andrews netted 11 and Adam L’Italien added 10.

Aaron Waite led Schenck with 16 points, Chris Byron added 14, and Jordan Pelkey put in 10.

Schenck (3-4) 63

Kimball 1-0-2, McLaughlin 1-0-2, Hamlin 3-2-8, Waite 6-1-16, K. Thompson 3-1-7, Cram 1-1-3, L. Thompson, Byron 2-10-14, Pelkey 3-4-10, Hutchins 0-1-1

Mattanawcook (6-1) 76

Birmingham 1-0-2, Gardner 1-0-2, Libbey 4-4-14, Andrews 5-0-11, Hanscom 2-8-12, Emery 5-7-18, Young 3-1-7, Slike, Kimball, L’Italien 4-2-10

3-pt. goals: Waite 3; Libbey 2, Andrews, Emery

Schenck 13 36 51 63

Mattanawcook 18 39 55 76

JV: MA 61-58

MCI 56, Lincoln Academy 45

At Pittsfield, Victor Quint scored 13 points to lead Maine Central Institute to the win.

Marty Quint had 12 points for MCI as Matt Huff and Micah Curtis each added 11 points.

Patrick Howell scored 14 points for Lincoln Academy.

Lincoln Academy (2-5) 45

Peaslee 4-1-9, Ford 3-0-7, Howell 4-5-14, Coopersmith 0-2-2, Stailing 3-1-7, Williams 2-0-4, Mahan 1-0-2, Elwell

MCI (4-3) 56

Kennedy 3-0-9, M. Quint 4-4-12, Huff 2-6-11, V. Quint 6-1-13, Curtis 3-5-11, Nichols, Hart, Judkins, Souliere

3-pt. goals: Ford, Howell; Kennedy 3, Huff

Lincoln Acad. 4 18 34 45

MCI 10 26 39 56

Hampden 61, Old Town 50

At Hampden, Daniel McCue scored all 16 of his points in the second half to lead Hampden to the win.

Jordan Cook had 21 points and nine rebounds for thee Broncos. McCue also had six assists, and Jay Uhrin had six steals.

Logan Bouchard scored 21 points for the Indians, and Travis Shaw added 12.

Old Town (1-3) 50

Fogarty 1-0-3, Avery 1-2-5, Bouchard 7-6-21, Emerson 2-1-7, St. Louis 1-0-3, Shaw 6-0-12, Reardon, Lacadie, Martinez

Hampden (4-0) 61

Meehan 1-0-2, Moran 2-1-5, McNutt 2-4-8, Uhrin 2-0-4, McCue 3-8-16, Silver 3-0-6, Cook 7-7-21, Ross, Hodgdon

3-pt. goals: Emerson 2, Fogarty, Avery, Bouchard, St. Louis; McCue

Old Town 11 23 38 50

Hampden 10 23 38 61

George Stevens 50, DI-S 39

At Deer Isle, Tim Carter scored a game-high 16 points to power the Eagles of Blue Hill past the Mariners.

Collin Henry added nine points for George Stevens Academy.

Bryant Ciomei paced Deer Isle-Stonington with 15 points, Lance Ciomei had eight, Thomas Robbins added seven rebounds, and Nick Ciomei posted six assists and six steals.

George Stevens (5-1) 50

Carter 6-2-16, Henry 3-3-9, Bridges 3-1-7, Peake 1-3-5, Gray 2-2-6, Owen 1-0-2, Wessel 1-0-2, Gale 1-0-2, Ensworth 0-1-1

Deer Isle-Stonington (4-2) 39

B. Ciomei 6-3-15, L. Ciomei 3-2-8, N. Ciomei 2-2-6, Robbins 1-2-4, Brown 2-1-5, S. Eaton 0-1-1, Billings, Blackmore, Parker, Josh Eaton

3-pt. goals: Carter 2

GSA 13 27 37 50

DI-S 10 23 31 39

Wash. Acad. 66, Woodland 52

At Woodland, Sam Hostetter tallied 14 points as the Raiders won their seventh straight.

Jarred Sternbergh scored 11 points and James Ramsdell had 10 for Washington Academy.

Brandon Tomah contributed 16 points to the Dragons’ effort. Adam Knowles scored 15.

Washington Academy (7-0) 66

Sternbergh 4-3-11, Gray 1-3-5, Hostetter 6-2-14, Colbeth 2-4-8, Ja. Ramsdell 4-2-10, Wood 3-1-8, Je. Ramsdell 2-1-6, Leighton 1-0-2, Von Rotz 1-0-2, Albee, Porter

Woodland (5-2) 52

Tomah 6-4-16, Newell 1-1-3, Moody 1-1-4, Knowles 6-3-15, Metcalf 0-1-1, Diadone 0-2-2, Smith 1-4-6, Ellis 2-0-4, Carlow 0-1-1, Kesel, Townsend, Record

3-pt. goals: Wood, Je. Ramsdell; Moody

Washington Acad. 13 27 44 66

Woodland 11 21 32 52


Houlton-Hodgdon 10, Stearns 0

At Millar Arena in Houlton, Chris Howland scored two goals and Ian Pasquarelli added a goal and two assists to lead the Black Hawks by the Minutemen of Millinocket.

Micah Carton, Jordan Gard, Mitch Hall, Eben Thompson, Sharif Abouleish, Sam Carter, and Ryan Brewer each added a goal for the 3-1-2 winners. Nic Joslyn made 17 saves.

Jay Kim made 55 saves for 0-4-1 Stearns.

Girls basketball

Hermon 76, Foxcroft 26

At Hermon, Cassie White scored 17 points as the Hawks pounded the Ponies.

Malerie Hall added 14 points, Ashley Kelley had 13, and Shannon Wiggins had 11 for Hermon.

Coral Goggins netted nine points for Foxcroft Academy.

Foxcroft (3-6) 26

Weymouth, Anderson, D. Brown, S. Hall, N. Brown 2-1-5, MacPheters 2-0-4, Rice, A. Hall 1-0-2, Thomas, Perry, Martin 0-3-3, Snow, Marden 1-0-2, Lougee 0-1-1, Goggin 3-3-9

Hermon (6-0) 76

Nason, Ford 0-2-2, Campbell, Armstrong 1-2-4, Nelson, White 7-2-17, Kelley 6-1-13, Wiggins 4-3-11, Helms, Hall 6-2-14, MacDonald 1-5-7, Gibson 3-2-8, Davenport

3-pt. goals: White

Foxcroft 6 10 17 26

Hermon 18 35 53 76

JV: Foxcroft 51-37

Nokomis 46, Brewer 33

At Brewer, Kelly Paradis netted 18 points as the Warriors took the win.

Tatum Webb scored 11 points for Nokomis.

Katie Quimby had 19 points for the Witches.

Nokomis (3-1) 46

Paradis 8-2-18, Al. Bragdon 3-0-7, Webb 3-5-11, Barden 2-1-5, Cooper 2-0-4, As. Bragdon 0-1-1, Petersen

Brewer (1-3) 33

Quimby 9-0-19, Cote 3-2-8, Kenney 2-0-4, McLain 1-0-2, DeFilipp, Hutchins, Corey, York

3-pt. goals: Al. Bragdon; Quimby

Nokomis 14 26 33 46

Brewer 3 8 20 33

JV: Brewer 33-31

MCI 58, Lincoln Academy 57

At Newcastle, Ashley Currier converted a conventional 3-point play and Jenna Lorentsen hit a free throw in the last 30 seconds to give Maine Central Institute of Pittsfield the winning edge.

Macky Sullivan paced the winners with 19 points and 12 steals. Lorentsen, a freshman, chipped in with 14 points and 14 rebounds while Victoria Huff contributed 10 assists and four steals.

Nicole Russell led the Eagles with 12 points. Sara Wyman, Natasha Neal and Amy Brooks each chipped in with 10 points.

MCI (2-5) 58

M. Dodge 2-2-6, Holt 1-0-2, Currier 1-1-3, K. Dodge 2-2-7, Sullivan 7-5-19, Kennedy, V. Huff 3-1-7, Lorentsen 4-6-14, K. Huff

Lincoln Academy (2-5) 57

Hartford 1-0-2, Ally 1-2-4, Wajer 1-1-3, McGee 2-0-4, Wyman 4-2-10, Neal 3-3-10, Poland, Russell 5-2-12, Berry 1-0-2, Brooks 5-0-10

3-pt. goals: K. Dodge; Neal

MCI 11 29 41 58

Lincoln Acad. 21 30 43 57

JV: MCI 35-32

Maranacook 69, Mount View 52

At Thorndike, Toby Martin poppeed in 20 points to lead Maranacook to the victory.

Shannon Bean scored 16 points for Maranacook of Readfield, and Jenika Kelley added 10 points.

Kristy Clements paced Mount View with 15 points. Tonya Jones had 12 points and 13 rebounds, and Lindsay Miles added 10 points and nine assists.

Maranacook (6-0) 69

Martin 9-1-20, Violette 3-2-8, Mrazik 3-2-8, Bean 5-3-16, Kelley 4-2-10, Mason 1-5-7, Pullen

Mount View (2-5) 52

A. Miles 3-1-7, L. Miles 3-3-10, Mehuren 1-0-2, Jones 5-2-12, Richard 3-0-6, Clements 7-1-15, Caler

3-pt. goals: Bean 3, Martin; L. Miles

Maranacook 17 35 56 69

Mount View 11 27 40 52

JV: Mount View 48-40

Winslow 39, Rockland 35

At Rockland, Ashley Carter scored 13 points as the Black Raiders edged the Tigers in a meeting between two of the top teams in the KVAC Class B ranks.

Lindsay Barnes tallied nine points to lead the Tigers.

Winslow (6-1) 39

Byrne 0-1-1, Morin 2-1-5, Peters 1-0-2, Lapointe 3-0-8, Carter 4-4-13, Bosse 3-1-7, Boutin 1-0-3, Pelletier, Libby, McClaire

Rockland (5-2) 35

Todd 1-0-2, N. Clark 3-1-7, Felt 1-3-5, Barnes 2-5-9, Hynes 3-1-7, D. Clark 1-3-5, Hansen, Kenniston

3-pt. goals: Lapointe 2, Boutin, Carter

Winslow 10 13 29 39

Rockland 6 10 23 35

JV: Rockland 38-28

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