January 10, 2025


Fort Kent District Court

Cases Oct. 1, 2004-Feb. 17, 2005

Kyle R. Biggs, 19, Eagle Lake, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $500, license suspended 90 days; minor transporting liquor, $100, license suspended 30 days.

Arthur G. Carroll, 56, Limerick, operating unregistered snowmobile, $100.

Rachel Charette, 45, Fort Kent, allowing dog to be at large, $50.

April Chasse, no age listed, St. John Plantation, allowing dog to be at large, $100.

Naomi Chasse, 19, Frenchville, speeding 30-plus mph more than posted speed, $300.

James H. Clarke, 66, Fort Kent, disorderly conduct, $200.

Adam C. Corriveau, no age listed, Bristol, operating unregistered ATV, $100.

Xavier Cruz, 20, Fort Kent, two counts operating vehicle after habitual offender revocation, transferred to Superior Court.

Andre R. Cyr, 48, Fort Kent, loaded firearm in motor vehicle, $100.

Louis J. Cyr, 45, Meriden, Conn., operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, filed, defendant paying court costs, $500.

Eric A. Daigle, 45, Fort Kent, operating ATV while under the influence of intoxicants, $500.

Jason J. Davenport, 31, St. Agatha, operating unregistered ATV, $100.

Amy Denis, 19, Fort Kent, minor transporting liquor, $100, license suspended 30 days.

Curtis Deschaine, 16, Fort Kent, failing to stop ATV, jury trial.

Eli W. Doucette, 16, Fort Kent, possession to tobacco products by minor, $100.

Andrew Dumond, 27, Sanford, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $500; negotiating worthless instrument, $50.

Justin Dumond, 15, Fort Kent, altered exhaust, $50.

Samuel Esancy, 19, Fort Fairfield, failure to pay parking ticket, dismissed.

Rachel Ezzy, 36, Fort Kent, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail seven days, license suspended 18 months, registration suspended.

Jason P. Felice, 19, Fort Kent, assault, jail 60 days, suspended, probation one year; furnish liquor to minor, $50.

Jamie T. Gagnon, 19, New Canada, minor transporting liquor, $100, license suspended 30 days.

Mark Gagnon, 41, Fort Kent, allowing dog to be at large, $100.

Michel T. Gagnon, 22, Fort Kent, protective order from harassment violation, jury trial.

Toby D. Gallant, 33, Limington, failure to provide and display registration, $100.

Herbert W. Geroux Jr., 67, Newcastle, failure to provide and display registration, $100.

Gregory D. Harvey, 58, St. John, assault, dismissed; violating condition of release, dismissed.

Jamie Hebert, 20, Fort Kent, criminal mischief, restitution $150.

John F. Hebert, 41, Fort Kent, operating ATV while under influence of intoxicants, $400, jail 48 hours.

Robert E. Helgesen, 31, Fort Kent, operating unregistered snowmobile, $100.

Patti K. Helstrom, 43, Fort Fairfield, failure to pay parking ticket, $50.

John Eric Hendrickson, 41, no residence listed, loaded firearm in motor vehicle, $100.

Kara C. Jackson, 19, Fort Kent, operating vehicle without license, dismissed.

Anthony Johnson, 20, Fort Kent, possession of marijuana, $200.

Darcy Labbe, 32, Eagle Lake, operating ATV on public way, $100

Joel J. Labbie, 56, St. John Plantation, driving while under influence of intoxicants; operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, jury trial.

Steve Lagasse, 39, Madawaska, driving while under influence of intoxicants, jury trial.

Phillip J. Lamore, 21, Fort Kent, sale or furnish tobacco to minor, $100.

Joel J. Landry, 48, St. Agatha, criminal mischief, jail 90 days, restitution $240.

Josh F. Lapierre, 19, Lebanon, possession of marijuana, $200.

Luis M. Leon, 21, Fort Kent, criminal mischief, dismissed.

Jeremy Long, 17, Fort Kent, burning without permit, $50.

Aaron P. Madore, 19, Fort Kent, leaving scene of motor vehicle accident, dismissed.

Andrew Marquis, 27, Mars Hill, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.

Brad J. Marquis, 22, Eagle Lake, furnishing liquor to minor, $500; ice fishing with more than five lines, $100.

Devin G. McBreairty, 15, Fort Kent, operating ATV while underage on Heritage Trail, $100.

Donald G. McBreairty, 22, Plymouth, Conn., driving while under influence of intoxicants, $500, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days; operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $250; theft by unauthorized use of property, jail two days.

Michael McDonald, 51, Caribou, failure to pay parking ticket, dismissed.

Christopher D. McNally, 20, Stacyville, possession of marijuana, $200.

Benjamin Michaud, 20, Fort Kent, criminal mischief, restitution $150.

Kevin L. Michaud, 22, St. Agatha, driving while under influence of intoxicants, jury trial.

Scott G. Michaud, 40, Caribou, littering, $100.

Terry W. Michaud, 53, St. Francis, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $500, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Albert H. Morgan Jr., 56, St. Francis, illegal placing of bear bait, $100.

Jennot Morin, 48, Pohenegamook, Quebec, hunting deer after having killed one, $1,000, jail three days.

Kyle P. Morin, 17, Sinclair, driving to endanger, $300, license suspended 30 days.

Scott Morin, 29, Fort Kent, fail to stop all-terrain vehicle, $200; operating ATV to endanger, $100; failure to stop ATV upon entering public way, $50.

Lisa Morine, no age listed, St. John Plantation, allowing dog to be at large, $100.

Collen M. Nadeau, 52, Allagash, violating protective order, jury trial.

Andy J. Ouellet, 22, Fort Kent, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $700, jail seven days, license suspended 18 days; operating vehicle without license, $300.

Benjamin Ouellette, 21, Madawaska, unlawful furnishing scheduled drug, jury trial.

Jacques A. Ouellette, 19, Fort Kent, burglary, transferred to Superior Court.

Jason C. Ouellette 26, Connor Township, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250, restitution $73.48.

Kenneth Ouellette, 62, Eagle Lake, assault, $250.

Marissa F. Ouellette, 19, Holden, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $200; forgery, $500, restitution $365.

Mark A. Paradis, 25, Fort Kent, driving while under influence of intoxicants; operating vehicle without license; jury trial.

Ray Parks, no age listed, Quimby, keeping unlicensed dog, $25; allowing dog to be at large, $25 suspended.

Clifford J. Pelletier Jr., 26, Fort Kent, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $700, jail seven days, license suspended 18 months, registration suspended.

David Pelletier, 35, Fort Kent, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $300.

Joey Pelletier, 27, Frenchville, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $700, jail seven days, license suspended 18 months, registration suspended.

Todd T. Perreault, 40, Bangor, operating vehicle without license, jury trial.

Brad Plourde, 20, Eagle Lake, minor transporting liquor, $100, license suspended 30 days.

Dustin C. Poirier, 18, Fort Kent, sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $100.

Valerie D. Reinhart, 20, Fort Kent, unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, transferred to Superior Court.

Michael G. Roy, 18, Eagle Lake, failure to operate snowmobile at prudent speed, $100.

Steven R. Rusnack, 24, Fort Kent, operating unregistered snowmobile, $100.

Randall Smeltzer, 35, Felton, Pa., driving while under influence of intoxicants, $500, license suspended 90 days.

Mark Smith, 34, Mars Hill, unlawful possession of scheduled drug; possession of fireworks; transferred to Superior Court.

Tyrese L. Smith, 25, Fort Kent, failure to register vehicle, dismissed.

Chad J. St. Pierre, 27, Fort Kent, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.

Raymond Tarbell, 47, Townsend, Vt., night hunting, jury trial.

Joshua T. Theriault, 19, Fort Kent, criminal mischief, $100, restitution $100.

Randy G. Theriault, 39, St. Agatha, assault, jury trial.

Shawn A. Thibodeau, 29, Portage, operating vehicle while license suspended, $1,000, jail 30 days, license suspended 30 days.

Carroll Thompson, 75, Limestone, unlawful cutting of trees, filed without cost.

Matthew P. Tremblay, 20, Fort Kent, sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $100.

Trombley Industries Inc., Limestone, failure to register vehicle, $150.

Chad Vaillancourt, 17, Fort Kent, snowmobile rule violation $100.

Kirk J. Voisine, 48, Wallagrass, criminal trespass, filed, defendant paying court costs, $25.

Susan M. Voisine, 44, Fort Kent, fish violation of number, amount, weight or size, $120.

Darrell R. Walker, 46, St. Francis, possession of marijuana, $200.

Stewart White, 54, New Vineyard, rule violation, $100.

John Wilson, 37, Allagash, negotiating worthless instrument, $210, suspended $1; operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200.Scott I. Wright, 29, Fort Kent, possession of marijuana, $200.

Kevin Wylie, 49, Clearlake, Calif., shooting from motor vehicle or motorboat, $300.

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