March 24, 2025

School News


Top students on MEAs

Eleven area youth were recognized Feb. 16 as among the 50 top-performing high school students on the Maine Educational Assessment for 2004. The celebration was held at the Augusta Civic Center.

The students earned the honor by having the highest combined scores in the reading, writing, mathematics and science-technology MEA subtests.

Commissioner of Education Susan A. Gendron and State Board of Education Chairman James W. Carignan recognized the students. They included:

. Bangor High School: Matthew Borok, Erin Porter, Jue Wang and Benjamin Weissman.

. Brewer High School: Michael Keane.

. Hampden Academy: Ian Baker, Bennett Chabot, Lauren Hartz, Christopher Peverada and Caroline Samp.

. John Bapst Memorial High School: Kyle Lad.

Youth leadership forum on nursing

BANGOR – Amanda Webb, a senior at Bangor High School, participated in the National Youth Leadership Forum on Nursing Feb. 15-20 in Boston. She joined more than 200 outstanding high school juniors and seniors from across the United States.

As part of the curriculum, Webb was placed in the role of head nurse in a patient simulation and asked to assess the clinical needs of patients and determine a plan of care for each of them.

Hands-on workshops offered the students the opportunity to learn how to take a patient’s medical history, splint a wound, draw blood from a synthetic arm, set up a triage unit and take a patient’s blood pressure.

Webb is a certified nursing assistant at Westgate Manor, where she enjoys the work she does and the people surrounding her.

At Bangor High School, she is a member of the National Honor Society and the varsity baseball team. During her junior year, she received an award for outstanding achievement in health occupations.

Webb is the daughter of Mark and Rochelle Webb of Bangor.

Youth volunteer award

WINTERPORT – Samantha Dunton, a seventh-grade pupil at Samuel L. Wagner Middle School, has been named one of Maine’s two state youth volunteers for 2005 by the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, a nationwide program honoring young people for outstanding acts of volunteerism.

Dunton, 12, the daughter of James and Wanda Dunton, collected and refurbished gently used teddy bears for distribution by the Bangor Police Department to children involved in domestic crisis.

After receiving approval from the police department, Dunton wrote letters asking friends and family members to donate their old teddy bears. Her mother and grandmother helped her pick up 150 donated stuffed animals, which she washed, repaired and decorated with bright ribbons.

Dunton earned funds to purchase plastic storage containers by doing extra chores, and then delivered the bears to Bangor Police Headquarters.

She plans to continue collecting bears.

“It is my hope that when a sad child receives a bear, he or she will become calm and happy,” she said.

As a state honoree, Dunton will receive $1,000, an engraved silver medallion, and an all-expense-paid trip in early May to Washington, where she will join other honorees from each state and Puerto Rico for several days of national recognition events.

The awards program, now in its 10th year, is conducted by Prudential Financial in partnership with the National Association of Secondary School Principals.

Hermon High JROTC

HERMON – The Hermon Hawk Battalion of Junior ROTC conducted a formation Feb. 9 at Hermon High School.

These cadets were promoted:

. Tabitha Golding to cadet major.

. Joshua Blaine, Cody Haggett, Thomas Greatorex, Justin Hazlett, Maureen Klink and Winslow Smith to cadet first lieutenant.

. Elizabeth Noyes to cadet first sergeant.

. Jeff Blaine, Kevin Call, Duncan Dorr, Graham Garber, David McCarty, Paul Richards, Garrick Robertson, Tyler Scanlon and Michael Werner to cadet corporal.

. Clarice Costain, Joshua Foltz, John Greenlee, Kevin Hartley, Brad Jamison, Kayla Lizotte, Shawn Parsons, Anthony Rogers and Sumner Sewall to cadet private first class.

Bangor High School

BANGOR – As part of a project designed to integrate performance with academic studies, students in Emilie Manhart’s British Literature class and Meredith O’Reilly’s American Literature class each spent two weeks working with dancer-choreographer Louis Gervais.

Manhart’s juniors created a dance based on William Golding’s “Lord of the Flies,” and O’Reilly’s sophomores created a dance based on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby.”

The public is invited to attend a performance of the dances at 7 p.m. Monday, March 7, at Peakes Auditorium, Bangor High School. There is no admission fee for the event.

The audience will learn about the creative process that enabled high school English students to interpret and express through dance the literature they were reading. A short performance by Louis Gervais will be a part of the evening.

Sponsors of the event, besides Bangor High School, are The Acadia Hospital Community Conversations Program and the Maine Alliance for Arts Education Building Community Through the Arts Project.

Americanism Essay Contest

BANGOR – The Bangor Lodge of Elks No. 244 has announced a corrected list of winners of the Americanism Essay Contest for area high school students.

The topic was “What Does the Office of Presidency Mean to You?” Winners are:

. First place, Lauren Sturdivant, Hampden Academy, $500.

. Second place, Beth Kevit, John Bapst, $150.

. Third place, Nina Perez, Hampden Academy, $100.

. Honorable mention, Matt Nelson, John Bapst; Kevin Monroe, Brewer High School.

Capri Street School

BREWER – Kindergarten registration and orientation for Brewer children who will be 5 years old on or before Oct. 15 will be held on Monday, March 28, at the Capri Street School. Call 989-370 to schedule an appointment.

Hilltop kindergarten

BANGOR – Hilltop School will hold an informational meeting for parents of kindergarten-age children at 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 2, at the school, 218 Ohio St. Child care will be provided.

Hilltop School is a private, nonprofit preschool and kindergarten. The full-day kindergarten program includes before- and after-care, and is open to children from Bangor and surrounding communities. It is approved by the state of Maine.

For information, call 945-3705.

Old Town High School

OLD TOWN – A new and exciting club has been formed at Old Town High this year: the Cribbage Club. Brain child of Principal Joe Gallant and senior Josh Marcho, the club involves students, teachers and administrators.

No experience is necessary, and veteran cribbage players are very willing to teach any newcomers. A variety of games are played, including singles, doubles, and three-way games. Meeting once a week in the library, the up to 15-member group plays just for fun now, but members are looking for tournament action. For more information, see Josh Marcho.

. Congratulations to this month’s Spotlight on Mathematics winner, Storm Sagner. Complimentary tickets to Spotlight Cinemas are awarded to the winner.

. The senior class is sponsoring a Longaberger Basket Bingo on Sunday, March 13, at the Old Town Elks Hall. Black-outs, food and door prizes will all be part of the fun. Doors open at noon with bingo starting at 1 p.m.

Tickets, only $10, can be purchased from any senior class member.

. The following seniors have received college acceptances: Adam Aucoin, Rachel Chalia, Simon Ferland, Melissa King, Amy McFalls, John “J.P.” Stowe, Travis Vicary, University of Maine; Jennis Beadnell, Lin Li, Nicole Watson, Eastern Maine Community College; Jamie Curtis, Keisha Kelliher, Southern Maine Community College; Alivia Moore, Barbara St. Peter, Whitney Thurston, University of Maine, Farmington.

Orono kindergarten

ORONO – Registration for Orono kindergarten for children who will be 5 by Oct. 15 will be held 1:30-6 p.m. Wednesday, March 2, at Asa Adams Elementary School.

A legal birth certificate and immunization records are required. Parents do not need to bring their child to registration. Screening and parent orientation will be held at a later date.

For an appointment for registration, call 866-2151 or 866-4141 between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. weekdays.

Enterprise scholarships

Maine high school seniors have until March 15 to apply for an Enterprise Scholarship from the National Federation of Independent Business.

The NFIB’s Young Entrepreneur Foundation awards 300 scholarships of $1,000 to $10,000. Applicants must be entering their freshman year at an accredited college or institute. A Maine NFIB member must nominate them.

For information and an application, visit


Bentley College

WALTHAM, Mass. – Jonathan Dearborn of Holden, a senior majoring in economics and finance, has been named to the President’s List at Bentley College. This honor requires a grade point average of 3.7 or higher.

Zachary Means of Orono has been named to the dean’s list at Bentley.

Colby College

WATERVILLE – Joel A. Alex, a freshman at Colby College, has been named to the dean’s list. He is the son of Joseph and Joanne Alex of Old Town, and attended John Bapst Memorial High School in Bangor.

Georgia Tech

ATLANTA – Shane Patrick White of Bangor was named to the dean’s list at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is a graduate of Bangor High School.

Grove City College

GROVE CITY, Pa. – Julie Hodsdon, who is majoring in English, was named to the dean’s list at Grove City College. She is the daughter of Charles II and Judith Hodsdon of Bangor, and a 2001 graduate of home-schooling.

Liberty University

LYNCHBURG, Va. – Julie Boyd of Glenburn was named to the dean’s list at Liberty University.

Quinnipiac University

HAMDEN, Conn. – Two local students were named to the dean’s list at Quinnipiac University for the fall semester:

. Katherine Vashon of Hermon, a 2002 graduate of Hermon High School.

. Jeremy Stormann of Milford, a 2002 graduate of Old Town High School.

Susquehanna University

SELINSGROVE, Pa. – Local students named to the dean’s list at Susquehanna University are:

. Katherine Meyer, psychology major, daughter of Harry and JoAnne Meyer of Bangor, a graduate of Bangor High School.

. Rachel Stone, geological and environmental science major, daughter of Tom and Liz Stone of Newport, a graduate of John Bapst Memorial High School.

Trinity College

HARTFORD, Conn. – Timothy N. Szal of Bangor has received faculty honors for the fall semester at Trinity College. He is a graduate of Bangor High School.

Tufts University

MEDFORD, Mass. – Named to the dean’s list at Tufts University are:

. Tsega Menelik of Bangor.

. Shannon Karam of Glenburn.

. Mackenzie Rawcliffe of Winterport.

U.S. Military Academy

WEST POINT, N.Y. – Cadet John Douglas Rohn was named to the dean’s list at the U.S. Military Academy.

Rohn is the son of Charles and Carol Rohn of Brewer, and a 2003 graduate of Brewer High School. He plans to graduate in 2006 from West Point and be commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army.

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