March 28, 2025
Sports Column

Fishing Reports

The following reports are from Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife fisheries biologists. The complete reports are available at:

Aroostook County

These hot, humid and calm days of August are opportune times to fish for togue. The lack of wind allows for slow trolling in deep water with a “Christmas Tree” set of spinners or one large bladed spoon ahead of a piece of sewed bait or artificial lure. Togue are typically found at depths of 45-60 feet in the deep, well-oxygenated water of the lake. To reach these depths it is necessary to use lead core line, wire or, what is becoming increasingly popular, a downrigger attached to a lighter spinning gear.

Togue lakes in the eastern part of the region include Nickerson Lake in Houlton and Eagle Lake and St. Froid Lakes in the Fish River Chain. The largest togue would probably be found in Eagle Lake.

Popular togue lakes to the west of Ashland include Carr Pond, 2nd Musquacook Lake, Clear Lake, Munsungan Lake, Ross Lake, Haymock, Spider, Cliff and Togue Lakes. Togue are also found in Big Eagle Lake and Umsaskis Lake in the Allagash Wilderness Waterway. Special restrictions on canoe size, motor size, and access sites have been implemented by the AWW for these two lakes so please check with the AWW before making your trip. Please check the 2005 open water fishing regulation booklet for special fishing regulations that may apply to these waters.

A public hearing will be held on Monday at 6:30 p.m. at the Stockholm School on School Street in Stockholm. The following regulation proposals will be heard:

Black Pond, T15R9 WELS, South Little Black Pond, T15R9 WELS, Crater Pond, T15R9 WELS are all being considered for a daily bag limit on trout: 1 fish; minimum length limit on trout: 18 inches.

Eagle Lake in the Fish River Chain is being considered for a daily bag limit on togue: 5 fish; minimum length limit on togue: 14 inches.

Madawaska Lake (including Little Madawaska Lake), T16R4 WELS and Westmanland: Remain open to fishing from Oct. 1-31 using artificial lures only; all fish caught must be released at once. Open to ice fishing from Feb. 15 to March 31 with a daily bag limit on trout: 2 fish.

– David J. Basley

Penobscot Valley

The weather in the Penobscot region this past week has been very enjoyable; great for camping, hiking, swimming and most other vacation activities. But for the angler, this is not the time to expect fast fishing for trout, togue, or salmon. This past week we have had very few reports from our coldwater anglers. Although catch rates are slow, East Grand Lake is still producing some nice catches of fish. Catch rates have dropped off, but the togue continue to be in the 2- to 6-pound range.

Fisheries staff spent two days in Baxter State Park last week doing followup surveys on three trout ponds: Celia, Daicey, and Jackson. Nice brook trout were netted at all three ponds. Park rangers report slow angling success throughout the park. However, anglers who are successful are catching some nice fish.

The Penobscot River continues to produce great smallmouth bass fishing, We have also had some good reports from South Branch Lake, Seboeis Lake and Dolby Pond.

– Brian Campbell

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