March 07, 2025

Court news

3rd District Court, Bangor

Cases July 18-22, 2005

Kimberly Andrews, 38, Bangor possession of marijuana, dismissed.

David M. Anthony III, 31, Milford, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $300, restitution, $440.

Jason D. Ashlock, 26, Bangor, operating vehicle without license, $200.

Jason R. Averill, 26, Milford, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Ryan Balfe, 25, Bangor, forgery, $200, restitution, $609; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $100.

Adam Barnes, 23, Brewer, violating condition of release, jail 10 days; unlawful furnishing scheduled drug, jail 30 days.

Larry W. Beane, 36, Gardiner, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants; operating vehicle without license; attaching false plates; jury trial.

Mitchell Bellefleur, 41, Orono, trafficking tobacco in adult correctional facility, jury trial.

Angela Blyther, 30, Milford, operating vehicle without license, $200.

Joseph Bolt, 22, Brewer, disorderly conduct, $50.

Carol J. Bouchard, 41, Millinocket, operating vehicle after registration suspended, $150.

Michele Bowman, 32, Orono, failing to appear as subpoenaed, $250.

Dianne M. Bragg, 42, Holden, assault, jail 30 days, suspended, probation one year.

Christopher Bremer, 31, Henniker, N.H., operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, jury trial.

Arnold R. Bubar, 36, Woodland, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, jury trial.

Adin J. Buhalis, 39, Cliffside Park, N.J., operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, license suspended 90 days.

Cassandra G. Carter, 19, Lebanon, N.H., minor possessing liquor, $200.

Brittney A. Cates, 19, Bradley, sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300; possession of marijuana, $350.

Aaron A. Civiello, 23, no residence listed, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days; disorderly conduct, $250.

Stephen Comstock, 19, Bangor, possession of marijuana, $350; sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300.

Thomas Costain, 22, Brewer, refusing to submit to arrest or detention, $250.

Kelly Cox, 37, Old Town, assault, $450.

Michelle Lyn Crocker, 23, Old Town, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200, restitution, $145.

Christal J. Curtis, 21, Veazie, two counts negotiating worthless instrument, $250 total, restitution, $508.65.

David A. Daigle, 22, Indian Island, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250; leaving scene of motor vehicle accident, $350.

Herbert A. Davis, 38, Old Town, operating or permitting operation, no identification or validation displayed, $100.

Marc A. Delit, 34, Bangor, attaching false plates, jury trial.

Joseph Whitman Demmons, 20, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $500; violating condition of release, jail 48 hours; operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, license suspended 90 days; refusing to submit to arrest or detention, jail 48 hours.

Dwaine A. Deroche, 21, Milford, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $500, jail 48 hours; failure to give correct name, address or date of birth, $200.

Jody Jean Dionne, 30, Clifton, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days; criminal mischief, $200.

Shawna Donnay, 23, Bangor, operating vehicle without license, $200.

Angela M. Dorr, 24, Old Town, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200, restitution, $200.

Michael J. Downes, 24, Old Town, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, jail three days, license suspended 90 days.

Dwayne H. Duty, 41, Brewer, operating motor vehicle without license, $60.

Daniel R. Eaton Churchill, 21, Bar Harbor, possession of marijuana, $200.

Michael Ferris Jr., 49, Brewer, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants; operating vehicle without license; jury trial.

Brandy Foss, 25, Holden, possession of marijuana, $400.

Garrett D. Gaetani, 19, Auburn, sale, use of drug paraphernalia, dismissed.

Philip Gagnon, 21, Brewer, furnishing liquor to minor, dismissed.

Joshua Gallagher, 27, Old Town, negotiating worthless instrument, $100, restitution, $29.76; operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, license suspended 90 days.

Daniel Gallant, 48, Veazie, violating requirements for numbers, stickers, $100.

Mohamed Garcia, 15, Orono, operating vehicle without license, $200.

Jacqueline M. Gebhart, 33, Old Town, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, jail three days, license suspended 90 days.

Michael Goupee, 27, Orrington, criminal mischief, jail 48 hours, restitution, $100.

Amanda S. Grant, 26, Kenduskeag, criminal trespass; two counts assault; jury trial.

Lisa Gray, 33, Bradford, leaving scene of motor vehicle accident.

Melissa Han, 20, Falmouth, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, jury trial.

Wilfred Hanington, 50, Bancroft, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, jury trial.

Leonard Harlow, 44, Hermon, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 72 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Lillie Harriman, 23, Old Town, four counts negotiating worthless instrument, $100 each count, restitution total, $392.78.

Gary E. Haskell, 50, Bangor, disorderly conduct, $300.

Gabrielle Hatch, 33, Vinalhaven, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, jury trial.

Jeffrey W. Heath, 19, Biddeford, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Robin S. Honnell, 36, Old Town, operating vehicle without license, dismissed.

Kerry Hurd, 36, Glenburn, assault, jury trial.

Nicholas Hutchinson, 16, Old Town, possessing tobacco products by minor $100.

Jay L. Irwin, 41, Midfield, Ala., operating vehicle without license, $150; obstructing government administration, $200.

Erica L. Johnson, 19, Orrington, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.

Jesse Joseph, 24, Brewer, two counts unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400 each count, restitution, $200.

Adam Keefe, 39, Aurora, speeding 30-plus mph more than posted speed, $300.

Julie King, 30, Hermon, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.

James R. Labreck, 45, no residence listed, disorderly conduct, $150.

Eric M. Laplante, 20, Farmingdale, possession of marijuana, $200.

Kathy B. Libby, 41, Orono, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $500.

Darlene Lydick, 25, Bangor, negotiating worthless instrument, $100.

Jason MacDonald, 22, Topsham, disorderly conduct, $150.

Gabriel P. MacKinnon, 26, sale, use of drug paraphernalia, Orono, $100.

Antonios Margaronis, 25, Bangor, possession of marijuana, $200.

Steven Markwith, 29, Brewer, disorderly conduct, $250.

Justin Masters, 15, Brewer, possessing tobacco products by minor, $100.

Belkis Matos, 43, Orono, permitting unlawful use, $250.

Danielle L. McCluskie, 24, Plymouth, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, license suspended 90 days; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200.

Joshua P. McLaughlin, 27, Old Town, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.

William Emerald Mosson Jr., 50, Syracuse, N.Y., operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, jury trial.

Joyce Murphy, 49, Brewer, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, jury trial.

Richard Newell, 29, Bradley, three counts assault, jury trial; violating condition of release, jury trial.

Blake Newmeister, 21, Oakland, criminal threatening with dangerous weapon, transferred to Superior Court.

Nicholas Norris, 23, Bangor, assault, jail 48 hours, suspended; obstructing report of crime, not guilty.

Scott Plummer, 38, Hermon, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, jury trial.

Joanne E. Poland, 50, Levant, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200.

Barry W. Prew, 40, Pittsfield, negotiating worthless instrument, dismissed.

Linda M. Quirion, 57, Old Town, violating requirements for numbers, stickers, $100.

George Rector, 34, Orland, violating condition of release, $250; operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250; sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $100.

William Reed, 41, Old Town, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

James Rice, 22, Bangor, criminal mischief, dismissed.

Joseph S. Robak, 44, Ludlow, Mass., rule violation, duty status not current, $250.

Charles Robshaw, 56, Bangor, criminal mischief, jury trial.

John R. Rote, 36, Concord, N.H., operating vehicle without safety equipment, $100.

Ronald J. Rowe, 45, Milford, operating vehicle without license; operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants; jury trial.

Dale Robert Roy, 42, Milford, assault, jury trial.

Billy J. Ruest, 27, Bangor, unlawful use of license, $100.

Mark Savage Jr., 23, Howland, trafficking in prison contraband, dismissed.

Glenn M. Severance, 25, no residence listed, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Bradley A. Simms, 19, Hampden, criminal trespass; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer; jury trial.

Julie M. Sjogren, 23, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $500.

Christopher A. Smith, 21, Glenburn, theft by unauthorized use of property, jail 48 hours; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200.

Garrett H. Smith, 34, Brewer, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Christopher D. Spencer, 21, Milford, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, license suspended 90 days; operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 10 days, license suspended 90 days; operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Lisha Stanley, 22, Dixmont, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500; negotiating worthless instrument, $100.

Thomas Stevens, 34, Bangor, two counts assault, jail 10 days each count.

Gloria Stuart, 47, Hampden, theft of services, $200.

Marvet R. Swaby, no age listed, Orono, possessing imitation drugs, dismissed.

Christopher T. Tanis, 26, Bangor, possession of marijuana, $200.

Robert A. Thompson, 33, Corinth, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Terra Whalen, 19, Belfast, attaching false plates, $100, suspended.

Andrew Wilcox, 14, Brewer, possessing tobacco products by minor, $100.

Charles Wilcox, 37, Hampden, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $600, jail seven days, license suspended 90 days.

Howard V. Williams, 40, Brewer, violating protective order, jury trial.

Justin D. Wingate, 23, Bucksport, disorderly conduct, $200.

James C. Wolkens, 57, Frankenmuth, Mich., operating motor vehicle without status current, $100; violation, operator without medical certificate, $50.

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