Gov. Baldacci traveled to Cuba last week to help improve the economy of Maine. This initiative was consistent with many other moves the governor has made since coming to Blaine House. With health care, transportation, employment issues, industrial crises, agriculture and education reform, Gov. Baldacci and his staff have led the way.
For Sen. Paul Davis and others to imply that there is something wicked about Gov. Baldacci’s shaking hands with Castro makes no more sense than saying President Bush has erred in shaking hands with China’s President Hu Jintao.
To suggest that it is hypocritical for the governor to vote against China’s human rights record in 2000, but now consorts economically with Cuba is to say that the governor has joined most sensible Americans who have matured internationally in the past five years, including the Bangor Daily News, George W. Bush, Condoleezza Rice and millions of others.
The important work that John Baldacci is doing so well for Maine should not be harassed by such petty pre-election maneuvers.
Tom Schroth
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