December 22, 2024



At Plymouth, N.H.

Coast Guard 82.5, Bridgewater State 76, Plymouth State 71, Morrisville State 68, Southern Maine 54.5, Western New England 53.5, Springfield 44, Yale 6.5


At Newport

Nokomis 41, Fort Kent 12

103 and 112, double forfeits; 119: Travis Jean (FK) by forfeit; 125: Jackson Hutchins (N) pinned Curtis Lozier 2:39, 130: Ryan Beard (N) pinned Josh Tardy 2:29, 135: Anthony Bourgoin (N) pinned Dan Pelletier 3:29, 140: Casey Lawrence (N) tech fall Trever Gardner 18-2; 145: Ronnie Riccardi (FK) by forfeit; 152: Gerald Gould (N) pinned Marcus Gardner :50; 160 and 171: double forfeits, 189: Brandon Preble (N) pinned Raymond Whitman 1:40; 215: double forfeit, 275: Jeremy Matthews (N) by forfeit

MDI 38, Nokomis 24

103: Sally Swift (MDI) by forfeit, 112: Tim Howie (MDI) by forfeit, 119: double forfeit, 125: Jackson Hutchins (N) pinned Corey Hodgkins :46, 130: Paul Fineman (MDI) pinned Ryan Beard 2:54, 135: James Fineman (MDI) tech. fall Anthony Bourgoin 16-0, 140: Casey Lawrence (N) piinned Ethan Burne 2:13, 145: double forfeit, 152: Vincent Moore (MDI) dec. Gerald Gould 6-1, 160: double forfeit, 171: Camden Fernald (MDI) by forfeit, 189: Brandon Preble (N) by forfeit, 215: Andrew Leiser (MDI) by forfeit, 275: Jeremy Matthews (N) pinned Perry Powell 1:07

Madawaska 42, Nokomis 28

103 and 112, double forfeits; 119: Kyle Pelletier (M) by forfeit, 125: Jackson Hutchins (N), 130: Paul Roy (M) pinned Ryan Beard :54, 135: Anthony Bourgoin (N) pinned Justin Dionne, 140: Casey Lawrence (N) pinned Gerry Cyr :47, 145: Peter Phalen (M) by forfeit, 152: Nate Lizotte (M) pinned Gerald Gould 1:08, 160: Andre Roy (M) by forfeit, 171: Billy Roy (M) by forfeit, 189: Brandon Preble (N) dec. David McDermott 15-7, 215: Jon Madore (M) by forfeit, 275: Jeremy Matthews (N) pinned Nick Albert 1:07

At Skowhegan

Morse 42, Skowhegan 30

103: D.J. Brackett (M) by forfeit, 112: Thomas Hall (M) pinned Jacob Giggey 1:00, 119: Spencer Chipman (M) pinned Greg Cyrus 3:34, 125: Logan Russell (M) by forfeit, 130: Ben Schutt (M) pinned Dillon White 3:05, 135: double forfeit, 140: James Grant (S) def. Derek Babcock by disqualification, 145: Rob Giggey (S) pinned Darren Lamarre 2:17, 152: Lucas Cole (S) pinned Logan Callan :50, 160: Brian Bessey (S) pinned Paul Wolfe :40, 171: Don Cowles (S) by forfeit, 189: double forfeit, 215: Derek Jacobs (M) pinned Bryant Lorette 1:08, 275: Russell Shumaker (M) pinned Todd Steward :30

Mt. Blue 57, Skowhegan 18

103: Kateleen Roberts (M) by forfeit, 112: Gordon Collins-Faunce (M) pinned Jacob Giggey 5:07, 119: Sam Webber (M) pinned Greg Cyrus :33, 125: Sean Kelley (M) pinned Mike Dodge 6:15, 130: Nick White (M) dec. Dillon White 12-5, 135: Gary Begin (M) by forfeit, 140: Ben Audet (M) pinned James Grant 1:32, 145: Blaine Adams (M) pinned Rob Giggey 3:23, 152: Lucas Cole (S) pinned Robert Lauzier :55, 160: Sam McGowan (S) by forfeit, 171: Alex Johnson (M) pinned Don Cowles 1:40, 189: double forfeit, 215: Josh Broughan (M) pinned Bryant Lorette 1:22, 275: Todd Steward (S) by forfeit

Skowhegan 42, Madison 36

103: double forfeit, 112: Jacob Giggey (S) by forfeit, 119: Greg Cyrus (S) by forfeit, 125: Mike Dodge (S) pinned Richard Dennis :46, 130: Dillon White (S) by forfeit, 135: Kaleb Locke (M) by forfeit, 140: James Grant (S) pinned Nicole Francis :21, 145: Josh Bailey (M) pinned Rob Giggey 2:40, 152: Lucas Cole (S) pinned Dallas Doiron :28, 160: Je Hee Won (M) pinned Brian Bessey 3:55, 171: Woody Noyes (M) pinned Don Cowles 1:19, 189: Dan Kalagher (M) by forfeit, 215: George McLean (M) pinned Bryant Lorette 2:23, 275: Todd Steward (S) pinned Nick Ellis 3:48

At Pittsfield

Camden Hills 63, MCI 18

103: Brandon Wright (M) pinned Chianne Simmons 5:58, 112: Kyle Lovely (M) pinned Logan Rich 3:51, 119: Jeremy Burnside (C) by forfeit, 125: Joe McGowan (C) by forfeit, 130: True Bragg (C) pinned Cinjin Goewey 3:33, 135: Derek Young (C) pinned Stephen Spencer 5:04, 140: Jacob Berry (C) pinned Steven Knowles 1:56, 145: Cody Laite (C) by forfeit, 152: Justin Henderson (M) maj. dec. Randy Lamar 15-6, 160: Max McClennen (C) by forfeit, 171: Harry Pearson (C) by forfeit, 189: Ollie Bradeen (C) dec. C.J. Lasselle 13-8, 215: Chaz Guthrie (C) pinned Roy Williams 1:27, 275: Ethan Dinsmore (C) by forfeit

MCI 48, Winslow 0

103: Brandon Wright (M) pinned Dustin Vigue 5:43, 112: Kyle Lovely (M) pinned Nate Munster 1:06, 119 and 125: double forfeits, 130: Cinjin Goewey (M) pinned Eric Mannke :15, 135: Stephen Spencer (M) by forfeit, 140: Steven Knowles (M) by forfeit, 145: double forfeit, 152: Justin Henderson (M) pinned Seth Overlock 1:04, 160 and 171: double forfeit, 189: C.J. Lasselle (M) by forfeit, 215: Roy Williams (M) by forfeit, 275: double forfeit

At Brewer

Brewer 66, Woodland 6

103: Cinnamon Nevers (B) by forfeit, 112: Steven Desjardins (B) by forfeit, 119: Tyler Nadeau (B) by forfeit, 125: double forfeit, 130: Alex Justice (B) by forfeit, 135: double forfeit, 140: Travis Rideout (B) by forfeit, 145: Jason Wilder (B) by forfeit, 152: Jeremy Bowen (B) pinned Mark Edgerly 3:16, 160: Jake Hesseltine (B) pinned Dan Proulx 4:25, 171: Joe Hutchins (B) by forfeit, 189: Matt Smith (B) pinned Eddie Nicholas :22, 215: Todd Dean (W) pinned Nate Giggey :24, 275: Justin Bowen (B) by forfeit

Brewer 69, Old Town 0

103: Cinnamon Nevers (B) by forfeit, 112: Steven Desjardins (B) by forfeit, 119: Tyler Nadeau (B) dec. Jarod Adams 10-9, 125: double forfeit, 130: Alex Justice (B) by forfeit, 135: double forfeit, 140: Travis Rideout (B) by forfeit, 145: Jason Wilder (B) by forfeit, 152: Jeremy Bowen (B) by forfeit, 160: Jake Hesseltine (B) by forfeit, 171: Joe Hutchins (B) by forfeit, 189: Matt Smith (B) pinned J. Collins :51, 215: Nate Giggey (B) by forfeit, 275: Justin Bowen (B) by forfeit

At Hermon

Penobscot Valley 54, George Stevens 18

103: Anita McKinnon (P) by forfeit, 112: Aaron Gagnon (P) by forfeit, 119: Anthony McMullen (P) pinned Blake Frost 3:06, 125: Josh Millett (P) by forfeit, 130: double forfeit, 135: David Nevells (G) by forfeit, 140: Corey Kidder (G) pinned Chris Ogowonsky 3:15, 145: Tysen Ober (G) dec. Matt Theriault 10-2, 152: double forfeit, 160: Fletcher Carson (P) pinned Joseph Ryan 2:29, 171: Brandon Vainio (P) pinned Tyler Lawson 4:38, 189: Chad Dyer (P) by forfeit, 215: Nathan McKechnie (P) pinned John Dionne 1:43, 275: Justin Garland (P) pinned Chris Pert 1:46

PVHS 60, Calvary Chapel 12

103: Anita McKinnon (P) by forfeit, 112: Aaron Gagnon (P) by forfeit, 119: Anthony McMullen (P) pinned Zach Heansler 5:45, 125: Roasire Veilleux (C) pinned Josh Millett :46; 130 and 135: double forfeits, 140: Chris Ogowonsky (P) by forfeit, 145: Matt Theriault (P) by forfeit, 152: Fletcher Carson (P) by forfeit, 160: Mike Nelson (C) by forfeit, 171: Brandon Vainio (P) pinned Tim Arbo 1:39, 189: Chad Dyer (P) pinned Beau Miller 1:03, 215: Nathan McKechnie (P) by forfeit, 275: Justin Garland (P) by forfeit

PVHS 42, Calais 30

103: Ben Clark (C) by forfeit, 112: double forfeit, 119: Aaron Gagnon (P) pinned Todd Clark :59, 125: Josh Millett (P) by forfeit, 130: Nick Barnett (C) by forfeit, 135: Phil Dow (C) by forfeit, 140: Jacob Luddington (C) pinned Chris Ogowonsky 2:53: 145: Matt Theriault (P) by forfeit, 152: Fletcher Carson (P) by forfeit, 160: double forfeit, 171: Brandon Vainio (P) by forfeit, 189: Andrew O’Brien (C) pinned Andrew Jipson 1:31, 215: Nathan McKechnie (P) by forfeit, 275: Justin Garland (P) pinned Travis Johnson 2:14

PVHS 48, Hermon 36

103: Anita McKinnon (P) by forfeit, 112: Aaron Gagnon (P) by forfeit, 119: Anthony McMullen (P) by forfeit, 125: B.J. Andrews (H) pinned Josh Millett 1:35, 130: Tristan Taggart (H) by forfeit, 135: Brendon Ford (H) by forfeit, 140: Chris Ogowonsky pinned Garrick Robertson :55, 145: Matt Theriault (P) by forfeit, 152: Graham Garber (H) pinned Fletcher Carson 5:46, 160: Ben Cyr (H) by forfeit, 171: Brandon Vainio (P) by forfeit, 189: P.J. Richards (H) pinned Chad Dyer 5:45, 215: Nathan McKechnie (P) pinned James McGowan :58, 275: Justin Garland (P) by forfeit

PVHS 54, Ellsworth 18

103: Matt Walton (E) by forfeit, 112: Aaron Gagnon (P) by forfeit, 119: Anthony McMullen (P) dec. Cody Brown 15-7, 125: Jeremiah Eaton (E) pinned Josh Millett 3:44, 130: Joey Brickland (E) by forfeit, 135: double forfeit, 140: Chris Ogowonsky (P) by forfeit, 145: Matt Theriault (P) pinned Charles Libby 1:12, 152: Fletcher Carson (P) pinned Joel Isaacson 2:40, 160: double forfeit, 171: Brandon Vainio (P) by forfeit, 189: Chad Dyer (P) pinned Jordan McGinnis 1:51, 215: Nathan McKechnie (P) pinned Brandon Perry Hudson :45, 275: Justin Garland (P) by forfeit

Calais 6, Central 0

103 through 215: double forfeits, 275: Travis Johnson (Cal) def. Mark Heathcote by default

Calais 6, George Stevens 0

103 through 215: double forfeits, 275: Mark Heathcote (C) pinned Chris Pert 1:49

Hermon 48, Calais 24

103: Ben Clark (C) by forfeit, 112: double forfeit, 119: Todd Clark (C) by forfeit, 125: B.J. Andrews (H) by forfeit, 130: Tristan Taggart (H) pinned Nick Barnett 1:15, 135: Dylan Libby (H) pinned Phillip Dow :19, 140: Jacob Luddington (C) pinned Garrick Robertson :14, 145: double forfeit, 152: Graham Garber (H) by forfeit, 160: Ben Cyr (H) by forfeit, 171: Eric Cole (H) by forfeit, 189: P.J. Richards (H) pinned Andrew O’Brien 4:20, 215: James McGowan (H) by forfeit, 275: Travis Johnson (Cal) by forfeit

Hermon 36, Calvary Chapel 21

103 and 112: double forfeits, 119: Zach Heansler (C) by forfeit, 125: Rosaire Veilleux (C) pinned B.J. Andrews 1:59, 130: Tristan Taggart (H) by forfeit, 135: Brendon Ford (H) by forfeit, 140: Garrick Robertson (H) by forfeit, 145: double forfeit, 152: Graham Garber (H) by forfeit, 160: Mike Nelson (C) dec. Ben Cyr 7-3, 171: Tim Arbo (C) pinned Nick Mitchell :28, 189: P.J. Richards (H) pinned Beau Miller 1:38, 215: James McGowan (H) by forfeit, 275: double forfeit

Hermon 39, Geo. Stevens 30

103 and 112: double forfeits, 119: Blake Frost (G) by forfeit, 125: B.J. Andrews (H) by forfeit, 130: Dylan Libby (H) by forfeit, 135: Tristan Taggart (H) pinned David Nevells :33, 140: Corey Kidder (G) pinned Garrick Robertson 3:03, 145: Tysen Ober (G) by forfeit, 152: Graham Garber (H) by forfeit, 160: Ben Cyr (H) dec. Joseph Ryan 9-6, 171: Tyler Lawson (G) pinned Nick Mitchell 1:19, 189: Eric Cole (H) by forfeit, 215: P.J. Richards (H) pinned John Dionne :39, 275: Chris Pert (G) pinned James McGowan :30

Hermon 48, Ellsworth 24

103: Matt Walton (E) by forfeit, 112: double forfeit, 119: Cody Brown (E) by forfeit, 125: B.J. Andrews (H) pinned Jeremy Eaton :28, 130: Tristan Taggart (H) pinned Joey Brickhead 1:05, 135: Brendon Ford (H) by forfeit, 140: Garrick Robertson (H) by forfeit, 145: Charles Dyer (E) by forfeit, 152: Graham Garber (H) pinned Joel Isaacson :56, 160: Ben Cyr (H) by forfeit, 171: Eric Cole (H) by forfeit, 189: P.J. Richards pinned Jordan McGinnis 1:00, 215: Perry Hudson (E) pinned James McGowan 5:29, 275: double forfeit

Hermon 42, Mattanawcook 18

103: double forfeit, 112: Brandon Briggs (M) by forfeit, 119: double forfeit, 125: B.J. Andrews (H) by forfeit, 130: Tristan Taggart (H) by forfeit, 135: Garrick Robertson (H) pinned Rusti-Lynn Worster 1:21, 140: Brendon Ford (H) by forfeit, 145: double forfeit, 152: Graham Garber (H) by forfeit, 160: Steve Braley (M) pinned Ben Cyr 3:46, 171: Eric Cole (H) by forfeit, 189: P.J. Richards (H) pinned Wayne Lancaster :33, 215: Andrew Russell (M) pinned James McGowan 2:40, 275: double forfeit

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