January 07, 2025

Traditional experience

It is interesting to read the debate on the inclusion of the Katahdin Lake property into Baxter State Park. Some of the comments stress the importance of continued “traditional” uses in that area.

I am a firm believer in the value of traditional use but it doesn’t seem to me that the use of infernal combustion engines fits that description. Back when I was younger and tromped through the woods looking for game of various types, the way to go was to use traditional boot leather.

Untold generations of hunters have never used trucks and ATVs to get where they need to go. In the winter, snowshoes and skis have worked for many, many trips into the wild. By going on foot, one can smell the clean air, hear the quiet wind in the trees and be aware of your surroundings. You can never experience that zooming along using some engine belching noise and pollution.

As a compromise to those who value hunting, perhaps it would be prudent to include access into that area for hunting. The park closes in mid-October for camping and there are few people other than hunters who would be likely to be in there in November. A good section of the park allows it now and I have not read ofany problems from that use.

I may be a bit older now and go a little slower and perhaps not quite so far but the experience is still the same. It’s kind of a traditional thing for me.

Al Larson


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