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There is a place, “off neck,”
where the lady’s slipper
dominates –
a special place, untouched
by modern populations where
she will remain forever wild like a
queen, safe in her own palace,
protected by juniper
Dorothy Jean Smith has lived in Bucksport since 1942, and has spent her 90-plus years as a keen observer and lover of her natural surroundings in Maine and abroad.
Uni-Verse offers a poem grown from the experience of Maine twice a month in Monday’s Discovering section. Submissions of poems are welcome. Poems of fewer than 20 lines are considered, and must have a clear connection to Maine. Electronic submissions may be made as text file attachments to poetry@bangordailynews.net. Hard copy submissions may be made to Dana Wilde, Uni-Verse editor, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor 04401.
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