Population: 5,256
2005-06 town valuation: $317,097,000
2005 mill rate: $14.25 per $1,000 valuation
Total acres: 21,995
Residences: 1,859
Businesses: more than 200
Number of subdivisions: 33
Total school pupil-student population: approximately 1,200
Hermon Elementary School: built in phases, complete renovation in 2002
Hermon Middle School: built in phases beginning in 1950s, currently undergoing renovation
Hermon High School: built in 1995
Business-industrial parks: Freedom Park, Liberty Drive Business Park, Pinewood Business Park, Coldbrook Business Park
Recreation: Hermon Mountain, golf course, three campgrounds, Jackson Beach, skeet club, snowmobile club, stock car racetrack
National Register of Historic Places: District No. 5 School House, restored one-room schoolhouse on Billings Road.
Rescue Services: Hermon Fire Department, Hermon Volunteer Rescue Squad (not a town entity) and Penobscot County Sheriff’s Department contract deputies
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