March 23, 2025

Christmas Angels to brighten holidays for needy

For 17 years, the First Congregational Church of Blue Hill has been able to give anonymous gifts to those in need at Christmas.

So Laurie Stowe reports Christmas Angels 2006 is under way again, and its sponsors are asking “individuals, clubs, organizations, churches and businesses” to join them “in creating a brighter Christmas and a warmer winter for children in need in the Blue Hill Peninsula and Deer Isle.”

Participating “angels” are given a shopping list to purchase gifts of clothing for families or children, or asked to provide money for Christmas Angels to buy such gifts.

“Most of the Christmas Angels shopping is done in November,” Stowe explained, so the gifts can be distributed in early December.

She asks anyone who would like to become part of the Christmas Angels program to call her at 374-5039 or e-mail

And, Stowe added, if you know anyone who needs a Christmas Angel or you would like to get help from the program, you are welcome to call, before Friday, Dec. 1, either Wendy Ritger, 374-2891, or Rob McCall, 374-2892, or e-mail

Dexter Regional High School student Danielle DuBois reports that members of the school’s Key Club will be going door to door on Halloween night. Instead of asking for candy, they will be asking for UNICEF donations. There are also several boxes placed around local stores in Dexter to accept donations, she wrote.

DuBois added that the theme of this year’s United Nations Children’s Fund Trick-or-Treat Campaign is “Kick AIDS Out of Kenya,” and that her club’s goal is to collect $500.

“So don’t be shy and, if you see any orange boxes going around, lend some change and help ‘Kick AIDS Out of Kenya.'”

On behalf of the Old Town High School Key Club, Shannon Gallant wants local residents to know that club members also will be trick-or-treating for UNICEF on Halloween.

They will be knocking on doors and ringing doorbells in Old Town, Milford, Bradley and surrounding communities Tuesday, asking for money.

Key Club is a Kiwanis service leadership program.

Proceeds from this project will help fight the HIV/AIDS problem in Kenya.

Our local Key Clubs are certainly busy this time of year.

Joseph Dowling, the Key Club adviser for Hampden Academy, e-mailed that the academy and its Key Club are co-hosting a community blood drive from 2:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 2, in Skehan Gymnasium at Hampden Academy.

“Walk-ins are welcome and encouraged” to participate, he wrote.

If you would like to pre-register, call Hampden Academy at 862-3791.

Bingo fans who also collect Longaberger baskets won’t want to miss the fifth annual OHI basket bingo when doors open at 11 a.m. and games begin at 1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 4, at the Brewer Eagles Club, 22 Atlantic Ave.

Proceeds benefit OHI, a nonprofit social service agency assisting people with disabilities to live and work in their own communities.

Tickets are $10 and are available at the door. Your admission buys 15 Bingo games and 20 chances to win door prizes and includes two coverall games and two raffles.

Victoria Blanchette of OHI reports the event offers some $2,500 worth of baskets and prizes.

Leigh Butler e-mailed that members of the Second Congregational Church of Brewer are once again hosting their popular supper and big band concert.

The baked bean and casserole meal will be served from 5 to 6 p.m., and the concert follows at 6:30 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 4, at the church, 607 S. Main St.

Admission for the supper is $6 for adults and $3 for children 12 and under, and a freewill offering will be taken for the concert.

Waldo County TRIAD will host a benefit auction beginning with a preview at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 4, at the Boathouse on the Belfast waterfront.

Auctioneer Peter Sanderson will bang the gavel to start the bidding at 6:30 p.m.

TRIAD is a cooperative, countywide program of law enforcement personnel, seniors and service providers who work to improve the safety of older people through education and crime prevention, and all proceeds will benefit Waldo County TRIAD.

For information about this benefit, or the programs and services of TRIAD, call (866) 928-7423.

Joni Averill, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor 04402; 990-8288.

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