Court news

3rd District Court, Bangor Cases Nov. 13-17, 2006 Aberdeen Farms Ltd., no location listed, rule violation, inadequate brake hose or tubing, $100. David Leon Ackley Sr., 50, Veazie, assault, dismissed. Justan D. Adams, 20, Bangor, criminal trespass,…
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3rd District Court, Bangor

Cases Nov. 13-17, 2006

Aberdeen Farms Ltd., no location listed, rule violation, inadequate brake hose or tubing, $100.

David Leon Ackley Sr., 50, Veazie, assault, dismissed.

Justan D. Adams, 20, Bangor, criminal trespass, jail 48 hours; violating condition of release, jail 48 hours.

Canica Ann Allen, 29, South Portland, possessing marijuana, $350.

Sean J. Anderson, 24, Fayetteville, rule violation, operation of vehicle 11-hour rule, $250.

Toni E. Anderson, 26, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250.

Christopher Archer, 20, Hamp-

den, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Selena I. Askinazi, 17, Brewer, possessing tobacco products by minor, $100.

Michael Baker, 17, Orrington, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Ana Gilma Barrientos De Alas, 43, Marshall, Va., theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250.

Benjamin Barton, 22, Hampden, possessing marijuana, $350.

Lynn Bates, 29, Glenburn, criminal mischief, dismissed.

Marie P. Beatham, 28, Eddington, operating vehicle after registration suspended, $150.

Haley Beem, 24, Stetson, assault, $400, jail 48 hours, suspended.

Bradley Beeton, 20, Searsport, possessing fireworks, $100.

Amanda Berry, 22, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $500; two counts operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $750.

Kiranmai Bhaganagar, 33, Stillwater, failing to register vehicle, $100.

Vincent A. Bosso, 19, Georgetown, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Harold G. Botting, 42, Orono, operating vehicle after registration suspended, $150.

Christopher D. Bouley, 21, Old Town, possessing marijuana, $350; sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300.

Michael P. Boyington, 28, Hudson, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.

Charles Anthony Braaten, 34, Mapleton, Minn., rule violation, duty status not current, $250.

John G. Brelsford, 39, Gardiner, rule violation, operation of vehicle with false duty, $750.

Sarah Brown, 51, Veazie, operating vehicle after registration suspended, dismissed.

Samantha Buck, 26, Brewer, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.

Adam Caesar, 23, Orono, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.

Nicholas Carangelo, 43, Bangor, possessing marijuana, $350; sale, use drug paraphernalia, $300.

Tyler S. Carlisle, 24, Old Town, falsifying physical evidence, $400.

Corey E. Carr, 29, Milford, attaching false plates, $150; assault, $300; violating condition of release, jail 48 hours.

David Ellis Chapman, 24, Bangor, violating condition of release, jail five days.

Ryland Z. Charronsmith, 19, Bangor, failing to register vehicle, $100.

Andrew C. Cloutier, 19, Bath, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Mikel Cochran, 24, Bangor, assault, jail 15 days, probation revoked.

Michael Coleman, 18, Newburgh, transportation of drugs by minor, $100, license suspended 30 days.

Michael Lefese Collins, 19, Orono, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Anthony F. Cotrone, 21, Old Town, failing to register vehicle, $100.

Ryan Coyle, 21, Orono, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.

David Cristofori, 38, Bangor, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail four days, license suspended 90 days.

Thomas J. Crocker, 44, Milford, assault, dismissed.

Michael A. Crockett, 36, Levant, operating vehicle after registration suspended, $150.

Ryan Crowley, 24, Brewer, disorderly conduct, $100.

Samantha Currier, 20, Lincoln, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Erica Cyr, 25, Auburn, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400.

Christopher Darner, 30, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.

Brett M. Dawson, 20, Orono, minor consuming liquor, $200.

Sabra Dean, 20, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250.

Patrick Denbow, 18, Brewer, operating vehicle without license, $150.

Robert E. Doolen, 37, Rockport, Mass., rule violation, operation 14-hour rule, $250.

Victor J. Doyle, 20, Orono, minor possessing liquor, $200.

George Eisworth, 15, Brewer, possession tobacco products by minor, $100.

Patricia A. England, 48, Orrington, assault, dismissed.

Charlie T. Erving, 47, Augusta, rule violation, operating vehicle after disqualified, $250.

Scott N. Eshbach, 19, Portland, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Timothy J. Fairbrother, 30, Orono, assault, $300.

Jason Farrar, 25, Hermon, harassment by telephone, $150.

Ferguson Enterprises Inc., Newport News, Va., operating vehicle without registration-reciprocity, $250.

Rodney B. Folsom Jr., 21, Greenville, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, license suspended 90 days.

Jeffrey Frank, 19, Ellsworth, speeding 30-plus mph more than posted speed, $300.

Jonathan Gardiner, 20, Glenburn, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Zachary Gardner, 27, Hampden, attaching false plates, $150.

Jayne M. Gaudet, 18, Winterport, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, license suspended 90 days; minor possessing liquor, $200.

Keely A. Gayton, 20, Baileyville, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Robert Gibson, 62, Kenduskeag, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, license suspended 90 days.

Brandon L. Gilman, 26, Old Town, failing to register vehicle, $100.

Kirk J. Ginish, 18, Weston, minor transporting liquor, dismissed.

Jody Glidden, 21, Old Town, operating vehicle after registration suspended, $150.

Pamela Goss, 46, Brownville, criminal threatening, dismissed.

Stephen N. Graham, 24, Bangor, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, license suspended 90 days.

Kevin A. Gray, 25, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Richard Greska, 36, Old Town, operating vehicle without license, $150.

Chase C. Guarino, 22, Orono, possessing marijuana, $350.

Sean T. Haley, 19, Orono, minor consuming liquor, $200.

Ariel B. Hall, 15, Bangor, possessing tobacco products by minor, $100.

Staci H. Hamilton, 19, Dixfield, failing to register vehicle, $100.

Dane Hanson, 20, Livermore Falls, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Sandra Hanson, 43, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, jail 15 days; violating condition of release, jail 15 days.

Brittany Lynn Harvey, 15, Glenburn, possession tobacco products by minor, $100.

Kimberly A. Haskins, 31, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250, jail 24 hours.

Paul N. Heacock, 47, Glenburn, two counts terrorizing, jail five days each count; refusing to submit to arrest or detention, jail five days; violating condition of release, jail five days.

Jared M. Hockman, 23, Orono, disorderly conduct, $250; criminal trespass, $200.

Sarah Hopkins, 18, Old Town, operating vehicle without license, $100; minor transporting liquor, $100, license suspended 30 days.

Jean C. Hubbard, 26, Albany, N.H., operating vehicle after registration suspended, $150.

Thomas Janotta, 46, Bangor, assault, dismissed.

Kristopher E. Kaehler, 28, Old Town, operating vehicle without license, dismissed.

Robert R. Kenny, 21, Bangor, operating vehicle without license, dismissed.

Aaron R. Kesel, 18, Princeton, minor purchasing liquor, $200.

Kaitlin M. King, 18, Milford, possessing marijuana, $350; sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300.

Colin Koehler, 31, Brewer, possessing marijuana, $350.

Garnet Leavit Korsman, 25, Old Town, speeding 30-plus mph more than posted speed, $350.

Albe A. Lagasse, 39, Bangor, aggravated assault, dismissed.

David A. Lamarche, 20, Newtown, Conn., minor having false identification, $200.

Franklin E. Lawrence Jr., 32, Kenduskeag, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 10 days, license suspended 90 days.

Daniel E. Lindsay, 30, Brewer, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $500.

Chelsea D. Lunn, 17, Brewer, possession tobacco products by minor, $100.

Justin J. Maguire, 24, Orland, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250, jail 48 hours; failing to appear in court on criminal summons, jail 48 hours.

Gary A. Makahusz, 41, Glenburn, violating condition of release, jail four days.

Paul G. Maolo, 48, Bangor, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail four days, license suspended 90 days; violating condition of release, jail 48 hours.

Fernando Marin, 25, Orono, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, license suspended 90 days.

James N. Martin, 62, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250, restitution, $27.74.

Stephen B. Matey, 22, Eddington, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Ryan Mayo, 19, Orono, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, license suspended 90 days.

Justin McCourbrey, 21, Meddybemps, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, jail 72 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Christopher Jay McEvoy, 49, Liberty, failing to register vehicle, $100.

Hannah L. McEvoy, 18, Liberty, failing to register vehicle, dismissed.

Kevin W. McLean, 45, Amherst, possessing marijuana, $350; sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300.

Alexander McMorran, 20, Kittery, minor possessing liquor, $200; possessing marijuana, $350; sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300.

Erin K. McNamara, 20, Prospect, failing to register vehicle, $100.

Scott J. McNiff, 20, Groton, Mass., minor possessing liquor, $200.

William L. McNutt, 54, Bradenton, Fla., possessing marijuana, $350.

Diane M. Merritt, 39, Bangor, disorderly conduct, $150; criminal mischief, $150.

Roger Meserve, 27, Hudson, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, jail seven days, restitution, $400.

Marion K. Michaud, 63, Old Town, attaching false plates, dismissed.

Abdul Mohammed, 54, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Frank Mountain, 60, Bangor, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $800, jail seven days, license suspended 90 days.

Jason Murchison, 19, Lincoln, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Raman D. Nadeau, 19, Orono, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Matthew D. Noone, 22, Orono, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, not guilty.

Richard A. Olmstead, 39, Daytona Beach, Fla., rule violation, duty status not current, $250.

Joshua E. O’Neill, 16, Dedham, possession tobacco products by minor, $100.

Alexander Ouellette, 21, Orono, possessing marijuana, $350.

Pacific Prime Seafood, Las Vegas, Nev., operating vehicle without registration-reciprocity, $150.

Joseph D. Page, 17, Hampden, possession tobacco products by minor, $100.

Eric S. Parker, 20, Frankfort, operating vehicle after registration suspended, $150.

Miranda Patterson, 21, Brewer, attaching false plates, $150.

Derek Dean J. Pearson, 22, Glenburn, disorderly conduct, $300.

Dustin L. Pelletier, 20, Millinocket, possessing marijuana, $350; minor possessing liquor, $200.

Matthew Prewitt, 46, Bangor, assault, $200, jail 24 hours.

Nicole Primo, 23, Bangor, theft by deception, $250.

Art J. Proulx, 40, Levant, operating vehicle after registration suspended, $150.

Raymond J. Proulx, 21, Old Town, disorderly conduct, $300.

Ryan W. Quintal, 22, Manchester, refusing to submit to arrest or detention, jail 48 hours; operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, license suspended 90 days, restitution, $500.

Michael E. Ramsey, 45, Clifton, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Lisa L. Reider, 40, Veazie, operating vehicle without license, $100.

Heather R. Robinson, 35, Glenburn, assault, $300.

Timothy S. Robinson, 41, Bangor, violating protective order, jail 15 days.

Noah W. Rogers, 19, Veazie, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Shannon Roy, 19, Dexter, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Yvonne R. Roy, 42, Brewer, failing to register vehicle, $100.

Timothy D. Rudolf, 45, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.

Beau D. Scott, 21, Calais, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Tyler Spann, 19, Holden, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $500.

Adam D. Stairs, 32, Levant, operating vehicle after registration suspended, $150.

Aric Stevenson, 26, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250; violating condition of release, $200, jail 12 hours.

Richard Stoddard Jr., 26, Old Town, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.

Ruth D. Stoddard, 18, North Plainfield, N.J., unlawful use of license, $100.

James L. Story, 28, Orono, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $500; unlawful use of license, $200.

David A. Susen, 54, Lincoln, failing to register vehicle, $100.

Joseph C. Tarpy, 21, Yarmouth, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, license suspended 90 days; possessing marijuana, $350.

Courtney Taylor, 18, Calais, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Raymond N. Taylor, 45, Bucksport, violating condition of release, jail 48 hours.

Chad Theriault, 26, Veazie, violating condition of release, $100, jail 24 hours.

Cassandra Thomas, 18, Calais, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Christopher N. Thorne, 18, Brewer, minor consuming liquor, $200.

Aaron Tibbetts, 32, Hudson, violating protective order, jail 15 days.

Irvin G. Tilley, 33, Bangor, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, dismissed.

Mitchel E. Tilley, 23, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, jail 30 days; operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $500, jail 30 days.

Joshua Towne, 33, Corinth, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Nicole L. Townsend, 35, Bangor, failing to register vehicle, $100.

Sandra J. Townsend, 32, Camden, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Christopher Watson, 25, Hampden, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $750, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days; operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Daniel Edward Wenzlaff, 19, Ocean City Worcester, Md., minor possessing liquor, dismissed.

Timothy Whitman, 23, Hermon, negotiating worthless instrument, $200, restitution, $478.05; negotiating worthless instrument, $200, suspended, restitution, $476.97.

Todd J. Whittaker, 30, Bangor, criminal trespass, $150; disorderly conduct, $250.

Kristine K. Wiley, 30, Kenduskeag, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.

Brenda W. Williams McCue, 24, Bangor, possessing marijuana, $350.

Neil A. Wright, 19, Nobleboro, minor transporting liquor, $100, license suspended 30 days.

Scott D. Yerxa, 46, Bangor, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 180 days, license suspended 18 months; failing to notify of motor vehicle accident, jail 10 days.

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