Ft. Kent sweeps Orono Trask, Brock lead Easton to 3rd win

FORT KENT – Marissa Albert scored 24 points and Emily Pelletier added 16 as the Warriors took a big early lead and cruised to 70-44 schoolgirl basketball victory over Orono on Saturday. Meagan Charette contributed 11 points for Fort Kent. Michelle Georgia…
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FORT KENT – Marissa Albert scored 24 points and Emily Pelletier added 16 as the Warriors took a big early lead and cruised to 70-44 schoolgirl basketball victory over Orono on Saturday.

Meagan Charette contributed 11 points for Fort Kent.

Michelle Georgia paced Orono with 10 points.

Orono (1-1) 44

Paul, Georgia 3-4-10, Quintal, Wagner, Hanson 1-0-2, Thibeault 3-1-7, Balaban-Garber 2-2-7, Pinkham, Pavento 0-7-7, Woodbury 1-1-3, Knezevic 4-0-8

Fort Kent (2-0) 70

Boucher 1-3-5, E. Pelletier 3-8-16, Rossignol 0-2-2, J. Pelletier, Albert 9-4-24, Hafford 1-2-4, Tuell, K. Bouchard, Charette 5-1-11, Morneault 1-0-2, Dubay, H. Bouchard 3-0-6

3-pt. goals: Balaban-Garber; E. Pelletier 2, Albert 2

Orono 9 27 30 44

Fort Kent 24 41 51 70

Presque Isle 49, Ellsworth 27

At Presque Isle, Angela Norsworthy scored 18 points as the Wildcats earned their 33rd consecutive homecourt victory.

Hillary Savage paced Ellsworth with 14 points.

Ellsworth (1-2) 27

Carter 0-1-1, Beal, Cross, Jellison 1-0-2, Tupper, Saunders 4-1-9, Richter 0-1-1, Sawyer, Lyons, Savage 5-1-14

Presque Isle (3-0) 49

Bearden 0-1-1, Michaud 0-4-4, Porter 2-2-7, Clukey 0-2-2, Buckley, Glovins 0-1-1, Legassie 1-2-4, Watananuchit, Dean 2-0-6, Girardin 1-0-2, Norsworthy 6-6-18, Nelson, Cheney, Ward 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Savage 3; Dean 2, Porter

Ellsworth 2 7 16 27

Presque Isle 13 26 38 49

JV: Ellsworth 46-37

MDI 46, Caribou 26

At Caribou, Lindsey Lewis and Amethyst Cousins each scored 12 points to lead Mount Desert Island to victory.

Ali Richards and Amanda Cyr each scored seven points for Caribou.

Mount Desert Island (3-1) 46

Parady 1-0-2, Young 2-0-4, Banks 1-0-2, Lewis 5-2-12, Orman 2-2-6, Gray 1-0-2, Cousins 6-0-12, Vaux 2-2-6, Jay, Minctons

Caribou (0-3) 26

Kinney 1-1-3, Collins, Bouchard, Price, Estling, Richards 3-1-7, Cyr 2-2-7, King 1-3-5, Bossie, Ouellette 2-2-4

3-pt. goals: Cyr

MDI 12 28 34 46

Caribou 4 10 19 26

JV: MDI 70-31

Ashland 59, So. Aroostook 56

At Ashland, Mindy Chasse netted 19 points to carry Ashland past Southern Aroostook of Dyer Brook.

Suzie Poulin scored 13 points while Whitney Flint added 11. Melissa Cray chipped in with 10 points for the Hornets.

Shana Martin paced Southern Aroostook with 19 points. Kaylea Collier added 15 points for the Warriors.

So. Aroostook (1-2) 56

Martin 9-1-19, Collier 6-1-15, Desmond 4-0-8, Caswell 1-2-4, B. Charette 1-1-3, McGary 0-1-1, A. Charette 2-2-6, Bergan, Ryan

Ashland (3-1) 59

Chasse 4-11-19, Flint 2-5-11, Cray 3-4-10, Poulin 5-1-13, Cook 3-0-6, Landry

3-pt. goals: Collier 2; Flint 2, Poulin 2

So. Aroostook 13 21 42 56

Ashland 5 28 43 59

Easton 37, East Grand 17

At Danforth, Kassie Lovely scored a game-high 20 points as the visiting Bears earned the victory.

Kendra Conroy added eight points for Easton, while Kelsey Doust paced East Grand with six points.

Easton (1-3) 37

Lovely 9-2-20, White 1-0-2, Conroy 4-0-8, T. Dayringer, Boxwell 2-1-5, Martin, Burtt 1-0-2, L. Dayringer

East Grand (0-3) 17

Zandelin 0-1-1, Crone 1-0-3, Kendall, Doust 3-0-6, Lloyd 1-3-5, Roy 1-0-2, Tuck, Gilman

3-pt. goals: Crone

Easton 11 24 29 37

East Grand 2 3 8 17

Bangor Christian 47, Katahdin 43

At Stacyville, Adrienne Ricci scored 19 points to lead Bangor Christian to victory over Katahdin.

Morgan Staples contributed 12 points for the winners.

For Katahdin, Ronni Robinson scored 17 points.

Bangor Christian (1-2) 47

Ramirez, Chasse 2-2-6, Staples 4-4-12, Pelletier, Ricci 5-0-19, Robinson 1-6-8, Johnson, Libby 0-2-2, Bragg,Bean;

Katahdin (2-1) 43

Cyr 2-0-4, Robinson 1-0-2, Moore 1-0-2, Smallwood 2-1-6, Bates 5-1-11, Robinson 7-3-17, Stevens 0-1-1

3-pt. goals: Ricci 3, Smallwood

Bangor Christian 11 24 32 47

Katahdin 7 16 29 43

Stearns 42, George Stevens 23

At Blue Hill, the Stearns of Millinocket defense limited host George Stevens to 11 points over the final three quarters en route to the win.

Angela MacDonald scored 10 points for the Minutemen, while Deanna Michaud added nine.

Maddie Park paced GSA with 13 points.

Stearns (2-1) 42

Curtis 2-0-4, Cyr, Michaud 2-5-9, Davis 1-2-4, Rosebush 3-0-6, Collinsworth 2-0-4, Eurich, Mills, Achorn 0-1-1, Leavitt, Somers, Lyons 2-0-4, MacDonald 5-0-10

George Stevens (1-3) 23

Clapp, Davis, Park 6-0-13, E. Peake 1-0-2, A. Peake, VanDerEb 1-0-2, Brown, Astbury, Eaton 2-0-4, Freedman, Theoheridis 0-2-2, Ahern

3-pt. goals: Park

Stearns 8 22 30 42

George Stevens 12 14 14 23

JV: Stearns 32-26

Central 52, Penquis 36

At Corinth, Maggie Davis and Rachel Trafton each scored 16 points to lead Central to victory over Penquis of Milo.

Erica Lyford scored 22 points for Penquis.

Penquis (0-3) 36

Lyford 10-2-22, Carey 3-0-7, Royal 1-0-3, Fowles 1-0-2, Benoit, Corson, Sherburn, Karnes

Central (3-1) 52

Davis 5-2-16, Trafton 3-10-16, Brownell 2-2-6, Portmann 2-2-6, MeHon 0-2-2, K. McHugh 1-0-2, Morin 0-4-4, R. McHugh, Blanchard, Cote

3-pt. goals: Davis 4; Carey, Royal

Penquis: 8 18 27 36

Central: 22 33 35 52

Washington Acad. 53, Calais 29

At East Machias, Megan Look scored 23 points and grabbed 10 rebounds to lead Washington Academy by Calais.

Kayla Wood added 12 points while Carilla Fritz had 10 boards for the Raiders.

Ashley Allen netted eight points to pace Calais.

Calais (2-3) 29

Allen 1-6-8, Mingo 2-2-6, Hill 0-1-1, Morrison 1-1-3, Marshall, Karvia, Blake 1-0-2, Clark 2-0-4, McVicar, Beaton, Osborn 0-1-1, Brown 1-2-4

Washington Acad. (2-0) 53

Look 7-9-23, Wood 5-1-12, Fritz 2-0-5, Espling 0-1-1, Nicely, Corey 1-0-2, Finn 1-0-3, Flannery, Spangers, Lewey 1-0-2, Tilton 2-1-5, Manchester

3-pt. goals: Wood, Fritz, Finn

Calais 10 15 18 29

Washington A. 6 22 35 53

JV: Calais 40-27


Presque Isle 3, Old Town 1

At Orono, Ben McPherson and Brandon Daigle each had a goal and an assist as Presque Isle topped Old Town.

Sean Flanagan added a goal while Parker Hovey grabbed an assist. Ethan Hill made 23 saves on 24 shots for the Wildcats.

Craig Johnson scored for Old Town while Jason Trask made 21 saves on 24 shots for the Coyotes.

Boys basketball

Fort Kent 53, Orono 41

At Fort Kent, Sam Bard scored 14 points and Jason Lesaldo 10 as the Warriors pulled away in the fourth quarter.

Lloyd Bryant and Seth Dwyer each scored 10 points for the Red Riots.

Orono (1-2) 41

Patterson, Garcia, Riemersma, Spencer 0-1-1, Bates 1-2-4, Nason, Bryant 3-4-10, Dwyer 3-4-10, Tomer 3-1-7, Hecker 1-1-3, Henigan 2-2-6, Keezer

Fort Kent (1-1) 53

Bonenfant, Voisine 2-3-7, Blier 0-8-8, Pelletier 0-4-4, Potvin, Lesaldo 5-0-10, Harvey 1-0-2, Caron 1-2-4, Bard 5-4-14, Soucy 2-0-4

3-pt. goals: none

Orono 4 22 29 41

Fort Kent 17 25 33 53

Easton 84, East Grand 73

At Danforth, Brad Trask scored 23 points and Jeremy Brock had 22 to carry Easton past East Grand.

Nick Flewelling netted 16 points while Nate Sanders and Sean Daniels each added 10 for the Bears.

Tyler Morse led East Grand with 36 points and 22 rebounds. Kaleb Dicker added 20 points for the Vikings, and Kyle Dicker had 15.

Easton (3-1) 84

Trask 10-0-23, Bacon 0-1-1, Sanders 5-0-10, Fuller 1-0-2, Daniels 5-0-10, Brock 10-2-22, Flewelling 6-3-16

East Grand (0-4) 73

Morse 17-2-36, Ky. Dicker 5-5-15, Brittian 1-0-2, Ka. Dicker 7-0-20, Shay, Scott

3-pt. goals: Trask 3, Flewelling; Ka. Dicker 6

Easton 14 43 62 84

East Grand 14 30 56 73

Calvary Chapel 66, GHCA 22

At Orrington, Jessie Newman scored 20 points to power Calvary Chapel past Greater Houlton Christian Academy.

Rosaire Veilleux scored 10 points while Ian Seekins added eight points with six rebounds and six assists for the Sabers.

Chad Duff paced Greater Houlton Christian with eight points.

Greater Houlton Christian (0-2) 22

Duff 3-0-9, Kelly 2-0-5, Holmes 2-0-4, Sjoberg 1-1-3, Guiggey 0-1-1, Straubel, Gray, Bowers

Calvary Chapel (3-0) 66

Newman 9-2-20, Veilleux 5-0-10, Seekins 4-0-8, Thomas 4-1-9, Merrill 3-0-6, Miller 2-0-4, Martin 2-0-4, Dodge 1-3-5, Austin, Monroe

3-pt. goals: Duff, Kelly

GHCA 9 11 14 22

Calvary Chapel 13 39 53 66

Katahdin 73, Bangor Christian 59

At Stacyville, Jared Anderson scored 30 points and grabbed 11 rebounds to lead Katahdin to victory.

Tom Anderson added 19 points for the Cougars and Brett Gould had 13.

For Bangor Christian, Colby Robinson scored 22 points and Austin Gregory had 12.

Bangor Christian (1-1) 59

Caldwell 1-0-2, Z. Johnson 2-1-7, Pellitier 3-0-6, J. Johnson 1-2-4, Bradford 2-0-5, Gregory 5-2-12, Theriault, Boone, Robinson 8-1-22

Katahdin (3-1) 73

Morse, Curtis, Anderson 6-7-19, McNally, Anderson 11-8-30, Johnson, Moore, Osnoe 1-0-2, Guiggey, Craig, Lake, Gould 4-3-13, McCarthy 0-3-3

3-pt. goals: Gould 3, Curtis 3; Bradford, Robinson 5

Bangor Christian 14 32 43 59

Katahdin 16 36 50 73

Machias 70, Woodland 69

At Machias, Michael Little made two free throws with 13 seconds left in the game to lift Machias over Woodland.

Little finished with a game-high 25 points, and Dwight Whitney added 13 for the Bulldogs.

Todd Diadone paced Woodland with 21 points. Ben Smith had 15 points, and Chad Jones added 10 for the Dragons.

Woodland (1-2) 69

Diadone 7-7-21, Smith 7-1-15, Chad James 3-3-10, Curtis 2-0-4, St. Pierre 3-0-7, Sears 3-2-8, Rolph 2-0-4, Chris James

Machias (3-0) 70

Whitney 6-0-13, Mi. Little 10-2-25, Treat 3-0-9, Emery 3-0-8, Ma. Little 1-0-2, Lipton 4-1-9, Jenkins 1-0-2, Falvey 1-0-2, Shults

3-pt. goals: Chad James, St. Pierre; Mi. Little 3, Treat 3, Emery 2

Woodland 15 38 54 69

Machias 18 41 61 70

JV: Woodland 64-50

Mattanawcook 50, John Bapst 42

At Lincoln, sophomore Brady Vose scored 20 points as Mattanawcook Academy remained unbeaten.

Isaac Young added eight points for the Lynx, who outscored John Bapst of Bangor 21-7 from the free-throw line.

Aaron Healy led the Crusaders with 11 points, while John Burke had nine points and 10 rebounds.

John Bapst (1-2) 42

Healy 3-4-11, Gallant 3-2-8, J. Gagnon, Smith, Bragdon, Ortiz 1-0-2, Frye 1-0-2, Merritt 4-0-8, Burke 4-1-9, Cushman 1-0-2

Mattanawcook Acad. (3-0) 50

Vose 8-3-20, Gardner 0-6-6, Libbey 0-6-6, Smith, White 2-1-5, Young 3-2-8, Langevin 0-3-3, Hanscom 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Healy, Vose

John Bapst 10 16 30 42

Mattanawcook 13 23 37 50

JV: John Bapst 58-54

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