January 10, 2025

Genealogist posts useful Web sites

The gravestone for Walter L. Mower lists him as “historian and hobbiest.” An historian he certainly was, and a genealogist, too, one we know as Walter Lindley Mower, author of the “History of the Town of Greene.”

No doubt Mower would be pleased to know that his second cousin, three times removed, Dale Mower of Bangor, is the USGenWeb volunteer for Greene.

We know Dale through the Maine Genealogical Society and Penobscot County Genealogical Society, among other organizations, but do check out his work on the town of Greene at www.rootsweb.com/mecgrene.

One of the projects he has under way is posting photographs of gravestones in Valley Cemetery. One of my favorites is the inscription for Mrs. Eunice Weymouth, who died in 1850:

Friends nor physicians could not save My mortal body from the grave, Nor can the grave confine me here When Christ my saviour shall appear.

Dale is also working on compiling information on the early families of Greene. You can link to that site from Dale’s site, or go directly to it: http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=greenemaine.

Do you have information to add to what Dale has? E-mail greene@mower-family.com or write him at Dale Mower, 185 Norfolk St., Bangor, ME 04401.

And even if you’re not a Mower, you may be interested in the Mower Family Web site at http://mower-family.com/.

There are sections on Mower, Vickery, Terrill, Grant, Gilbert and Thebeau lines, with many more surnames tied in.

Dale is Webmaster for the Maine Genealogical Society at www.rootsweb.com/~megs/index.htm, for the Penobscot County Genealogical Society at www.rootsweb.com/~mepcgs/, for the Wassebec Genealogical Society at www.rootsweb.com/~mewgs/ and for the Dover-Foxcroft Historical Society at www.rootsweb.com/~medfhs/.

Well done, Dale.

Here’s a reminder of some of the activities connected to this month’s Penobscot Reads, which focuses on Gerard Robichaud’s “Papa Martel.” I just read this novel about a Franco-American family in Maine – and I loved it.

At 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 16: “Franco-American Genealogy” with Betsy Paradis, Special Collections librarian for Belfast Free Library, at Bangor Public Library.

At 6 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 17: “Navigating Old Town’s Franco-American Web Site,” with Harold Lacadie, at Old Town Public Library.

At 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 17: “The Story of the Acadians,” documentary film and discussion, at Edythe Dyer Community Library, Hampden.

The Penobscot County Genealogical Society will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 17, in the Lecture Hall on the third floor of Bangor Public Library, 145 Harlow St.

My topic will be “Sprague’s Journal of Maine History.”

The Hancock County Genealogical Society will meet at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 20, in the Riverview Room on the lower level of Ellsworth Public Library.

After a brief business meeting, there will be a short talk by Nancy Battick, president of the Maine Genealogical Society.

Jack Battick will give a program on “Maine Seafaring Ancestors.” I have heard this talk, and it is fascinating.

For information, contact Patti Leland at 276-5305 or pattileland@adelphia.net

Alice Long was the featured speaker talking about the Genographic Project when 47 descendants of Moses Worcester of Pleasant River and guests gathered for the 30th annual reunion in September.

A display of genealogy books, pictures and family trees was set up, along with notebooks of vintage pictures of old Columbia’s homes and families of early Columbia provided by Ronie (Worcester) Strout.

New officers are: Ronie Strout of Addison, president; Alton Worcester, Enfield, vice president; Lois Worcester, Sangerville, secretary; and Dawnette Robbins, treasurer.

The next Worcester reunion will be held Sept. 8 at the Columbia Town Hall.

3390. VAILLANCOURT-ROY-DESPRES. Seeking photos or information on my grandmother, Marie Vaillancourt. Marie married George Xavier Roy dit Voisine dit King on Jan. 14, 1911, in Eagle Lake. She was born on Feb. 14, 1892, in Eagle Lake; died March 16, 1932, in Eagle Lake. Marie was the daughter of Belone Vaillancourt and Essie Despres.

She had nine children: Gloria, Anita, Benjamin, George, Marie, son (died at birth), Greta, Lauretta and Joseph. Pauline Bouchard Tinkham, 20 Flag St., Veazie, ME 04401; telephone 942-0885.

Send genealogy queries to Family Ties, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor, ME 04402; or familyti@bangordailynews.net.

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