I am the mother of three schoolage children and a member of the Veazie School Committee. I had the privilege of attending Gov. Baldacci’s public meeting on the school district consolidation plan. Although it was open to the public, only a few were able to attend.
Many of the parents and community members I represent, who had as much right and desire to be there as I did, were unable to because of work schedules, transportation or child care problems. I am sure this is the case in every other community in Maine.
The issue of school consolidation effects us all deeply. And every stakeholder deserves an equal chance to have his or her voice heard. As I told Gov.. Baldacci at the meeting, there is only one way to make sure this happens. Let us vote on it. It may not be perfect, but it comes a lot closer than what we’re doing now to what Abraham Lincoln described as government for, of, and by the people.
Julia Emily Hathaway
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