March 26, 2025

Town meetings


The usual budget items, including an appropriation of $150,000 for road repair and paving, will be discussed and voted on at the annual town meeting.

The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 13, at the D.W. Merritt School.

Up for election are positions for treasurer, a selectman to serve a three-year term, three overseers of general assistance, a road commissioner and a director of SAD 37 for a three-year term.

The road appropriation proposal would be in addition to whatever money is set aside in the town’s annual budget. The $150,000 would be paid for over the next five years through a loan.

Another warrant article to be voted on calls for a replacement of Addison’s 1995 comprehensive plan with a new plan completed in 2006. (Eric Russell, BDN)


Several newly elected town officials will be officially sworn in at the annual town meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, March 12, at the Cherryfield Elementary School.

Arthur Tatangelo and Clifford Perry were elected during a vote on Tuesday to serve three-year terms on the board of selectmen. David Livingstone was elected for a one-year term.

Mark Richmond was voted in as town assessor for a three-year term. No one ran for the position of director of SAD 37, but Sheila Tatangelo was selected as a write-in candidate. Her term is three years as well.

The town budget and other warrant articles are considered routine, according to an employee at the town office, but each will be voted on separately at Monday’s meeting.

One article would appropriate more than $200,000 from the town’s general surplus fund to help reduce taxes. (Eric Russell, BDN)


Voters will elect one selectman, one assessor and one treasurer and will help decide the town’s budget at the annual town meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, March 12, at Narraguagus High School.

Most of the warrant articles are routine and there are no unusual items, according to town clerk Sally Robbins. Some of the items included in the budget are $30,000 for an expansion of the town office, $80,000 for road and bridge maintenance and $100,000 for sanitation.

Residents also will consider a proposal to combine the municipal positions of treasurer and administrative assistant into one position.

Correction: This article appeared on page B3 in the State edition.

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