March 26, 2025

Wykes named Maine warden of year Busy recreational area a challenge

WINSLOW – For the past 26 years, Neal Wykes has joined his fellow Maine Game Wardens at a yearly event that holds special significance.

At that annual awards banquet, wardens get the chance to catch up with old friends, listen to old stories, and recognize their colleagues for jobs well done.

But at each of those banquets, Wykes admitted on Friday afternoon, he never really expected to hear his name mentioned in conjunction with the magic words that come at the end of the festivities.

Warden of the year.

“I don’t think anybody ever really thinks that they’re deserving of it,” Wykes said on Friday, after being named the state’s top warden for 2006. “You just go about doing your daily routine and put your best effort forward.”

Wykes, works out of Naples, and was once a warden in Cherryfield, where he met a young Tom Santaguida.

Santaguida, now the state’s chief warden, was also living in Cherryfield at the time, and had yet to become a game warden.

“I first met Neal in 1985, and he was the exact same, with his interest in the job, as he is now,” said Santaguida, who later patrolled with Wykes in the Sebago Lake region. “When he got [the award] today, it was really pleasant, personally, for me. I have that long history with him. He’s very deserving. He’s a very humble guy, never seeks recognition for himself.”

Wykes deflected praise for the award, saying that in the Maine Warden Service, there are plenty of top-notch employees.

“Most anyone who’s out there [in the audience] could be standing up here, as far as I’m concerned,” he said after receiving the award. “It’s a very humbling award, but very much appreciated.”

Wykes was recognized for his work in one of the state’s busiest recreational areas. He has been a member of the Warden Service’s air boat team since its inception and serves as an instructor on noise emission violations and recreational vehicle investigation.

Santaguida said Wykes’ low-key manner is one of his strengths.

“He’s in a tough area, and what’s amazing is he doesn’t ever get rattled,” Santaguida said. “He’s in an area that would really stress a lot of other people out.”

In addition, Santaguida said that the public’s reaction to Wykes is illuminating.

“I can’t ever recall, since I’ve been in [warden] headquarters, from ’98 until today, ever getting a complaint [from the public] about Neal,” Santaguida said.

Santaguida said that considering the sheer number of people Wykes interacts with on a yearly basis – including citing folks for fish and game violations – the fact that nobody complains about his conduct means the warden has a special gift for dealing with the public.

“He generates a high number of contacts with the public, but we don’t hear from the public, except when we hear good things about him,” Santaguida said.

Other awards handed out by the Maine Warden Service during Friday’s banquet:

Meritorious Service Awards to Sgt. Dan Menard of Houlton and Wdn. Bill Chandler of Shirley for their role in a rescue attempt at Moosehead Lake; to Wdn. Chris Cloutier of Bridgton for his role in apprehending an armed bank robbery suspect; to Wdn. Rick Clowry of Harmony, for his rescue of three canoeists; to Wdn. Pilot Dan Dufault of Turner, for his role in the rescue of two lost children.

Exemplary Service Awards to Wdn. Alan Dudley of Easton for his record of achievement over the past 10 years; to Wdn. Bill Livezey of Sherman Mills for outstanding undercover work; to Wdn. Bruce Loring of Enfield for freeing an entangled Warden Service diver while retrieving a sunken snowmobile.

Canine Case of the Year Award to Wdn. Dan Scott of Hampden and his canine, Roxy for their part in finding and rescuing a diabetic man; K9 Conservation Law Enforcement Case of the Year Award to Wdn. Mark Merrifield of Searsmont and his canine, Aspen, for their part in a poaching case.

Capt. Joel Wilkinson of Windsor received the Supervisor of the Year Award, and retired warden Gary Dumond of Aroostook County received the Legendary Game Warden Award.

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