March 28, 2025

Community news


Bangor Band schedule

The Bangor Band is aging. In 2009 it will celebrate 150 years of community service, having been organized Jan. 29, 1859, and making it one of the oldest continuous community bands in America.

This season, band conductor Dr. Frederic Goldrich has compiled a variety of musical selections to please almost any musical palate. The band will perform a mix of marches, show tunes, big band swing, light overtures, cornet and other instrument solos, and a variety of foot-tapping music.

In the early 20th century, community bands thrived and there were thousands nationwide. As time went on, leisure time grew and transportation became more affordable and available, community bands waned and many – if not most – disappeared.

In the last several decades, community bands have started springing up again and a rich musical tradition is being revived. In Bangor, the tradition never stopped.

Young and old are invited to bring a lawn chair or a blanket to sit on and enjoy a warm summer evening on the lawn listening to the band. All concerts are “weather permitting.”

Musicians interested in joining the band should speak to one of the band members at a concert.

The concert schedule is:

. 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 19, Bangor Public Library.

. 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 26, bandstand, Bass Park.

. 9:45 a.m. Saturday, June 30, R.B. Hall Day, gazebo, Fairfield.

. 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 3, Fairmount Park, Bangor.

. Wednesday, July 4, parade, Bangor.

. 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 4, bandstand, Bass Park.

. 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 10, bandstand, Bass Park.

. 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 17, bandstand, Bass Park.

. 6:45 p.m. Tuesday, July 24, Chapin Park, Bangor.

. 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 31, Bangor waterfront.

. 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 7, bandstand, Bass Park.

. 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 14, bandstand, Bass Park.

. 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 15, Old Town Public Library.

History tours

The Bangor Museum and History Center has begun its new tour season. All tours run through the end of October. The schedule is:

. Ghost Lamp Tours, 7 p.m. Tuesdays. Meet at the parking lot next to Sea Dog. Take a fun-filled tour of downtown Bangor and learn some of its spooky past. $5, $2 seniors and children, free to those under 12 and to museum members.

. Mount Hope Cemetery Tours, 5 p.m. Fridays. Meet at the superintendent’s lodge at the cemetery. Take a character-filled tour of the second-oldest garden cemetery in the nation. $5, $2 seniors and children, free to those under 12 and to museum members.

. Gravestone Rubbing Class, 10 a.m. Saturdays. Meet in front of the superintendent’s lodge off State Street. Learn about gravestone restoration, symbolism and more. $10 museum members, $15 others. Includes all materials.

For more information, call Willow at the museum, 942-1910.

Antique cars

The Freedom Road Rally, an annual antique car touring road rally, will run June 3-9, beginning and ending in Bennington, Vt.

The pre-1974 vehicles will be in Bangor June 5 and 6 in order to visit the Cole Land Transportation Museum the morning of Wednesday, June 6.

Participants also will visit other museums in Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts.

The rally will highlight transportation museums, picturesque communities, the oldest lighthouse in the United States, the turning point in the American Revolution, and the ultimate ice cream stop.

For more information please contact Freedom Road Rally at (937) 498-0748, or P.O. Box 460, Sidney, Ohio 45365.

Author talk

Bangor native Deborah Hills will visit the Bangor Public Library at 2 p.m. Saturday, June 9, in the Story Room.

Hills recently published a book, “Rekindle the Flame: A Living Testament of a Transformed Heart,” which is her own testimony to the power of faith in dealing with the challenges of everyday life. Her prior writings have consisted of poetry and short stories but this, her first book, will be available for purchase and signing on the day of her visit.

Planting party

The gardens at the first floor entrance to the Bangor Public Library are, once again, springing to life. Children are invited to lend a hand with planting the terrace containers at 4 p.m. Tuesday, June 5. Susan Poole of the Bangor Garden Club will bring roses and plants provided by the club.

She will explain the basics of creating an eye-catching arrangement during the planting. She says to bring gardening gloves. Plan to enjoy a snack when the work is finished.

Rain date is 4 p.m. Wednesday, June 6.

Flag Day celebration

The public is invited to attend the 19th annual Flag Day celebration at 6 p.m. Thursday, June 14, at the Bangor Waterfront stage. The program includes patriotic music, poems, speeches and readings.

Penquis CAP grant

Penquis Community Action Program was awarded a $13,050 grant from the JTG Foundation. The grant will be used to incorporate computers and developmentally appropriate software in Head Start classrooms in Bangor, Brewer, Dexter, Exeter, Newport, Old Town and Newburgh.

The use of computers in early childhood education is supported by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Research has demonstrated that preschool children who have access to computers are better prepared for kindergarten than those who do not. Computer play and the use of developmentally appropriate software have been shown to enhance children’s cognitive and social abilities.

“We are very pleased to receive this grant from the JTG Foundation,” said Jean Bridges, director of child development for Penquis CAP. “The foundation’s investment in early childhood education supports our effort to help children build strong, successful futures.”

Penquis CAP Head Start is a preschool program for children ages 3 to 5. The no-cost program for income-eligible families is a designated Program of Quality by the state of Maine. For more information, visit, or call 973-3537 or 973-3567 or toll-free (800) 215-4942.

Child care training

The Penquis Child care Resource Development Center will offer the training session, “Foundations in Health, Wellness and Safety,” 6-9 p.m. Tuesdays, June 26, July 10, 17, 24 and 31, and Aug. 7, at Penquis CAP, 262 Harlow St. The cost is $15.

Participants will be introduced to the importance of health, wellness and safety through personal care routines, nutrition education and environmental hazards that could impact on the health of children and families, creating a framework to meet the health care needs of children with chronic conditions.

The training adheres to best quality practices as established by the standards set forth by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, National Association for Family Child Care and National Afterschool Association.

To obtain more information or to register for the training, call 973-3533 or (888) 917-1100.

Child care training

The Penquis Child care Resource Development Center will offer the training session, “Building Peaceable Nonviolent Early Childhood Settings,” 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Saturday, June 2, in the board room, Bangor Public Library, 145 Harlow St. The cost of the training is $15.

The training will cover a broad range of topics, including the impact of nonviolent media and toys on children and their play, the influence of a peaceable environment in counteracting harmful lessons about violence, and how to teach developmentally appropriate resolution skills to children.

For more information or to register for the training session, call 973-3533 or (888) 917-1100.

Assignment in Mexico

Rebecca Rexrode leaves today for North Dakota, where she will be on staff for two months at the Summer Institute of Linguistics at the University of North Dakota. At the end of that time she will go to Mexico to start a school.

The Columbia Street Baptist Church held a commissioning service and reception for Rexrode on May 27 so that parishioners might wish her well in her endeavor.

Book signing

Gaylen Greer, author of “Treasures of Knight,” a mystery thriller, will sign copies of her book at 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 11, at Bangor Public Library.

Adoption information

The Bangor office of the Department of Health and Human Services will hold an informational meeting about adoption and foster care at 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 11. To learn the location of the meeting, call A Family for ME at (877) 505-0545.

Child care training

The Penquis Child Care Resource Development Center is offering the training session, “Weaving Diversity into Our Work with Children and Families,” 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, June 16, at Penquis CAP, 262 Harlow St. The cost is $15.

Participants will explore personal memories, be introduced to concepts of the cultural lens and anti-bias approach, and practice responses using work-based scenarios.

To obtain more information or to register, call 973-3533 or (888) 917-1100.


Artist in Art Salon

Jennifer Anderson has won acceptance into the prestigious American Juried Art Salon 2007 Spring-Summer Show.

Two of Anderson’s works, “Gulls of Acadia” and “Through the Trees,” were accepted, both in the water media division.

The twice-a-year competition attracts entries from Europe and North America. Jurists are college and university professors in the United States and Canada. Visit to view Anderson’s work.

Brewer Days donation

The Brewer Super Wal-Mart donated $750 to the Brewer Parks and Recreation Department for the Brewer Days Celebration set for Sept. 7 and 8.

Since Brewer Days was initiated in 2002, the Brewer Wal-Mart has contributed to the event by underwriting various programs and donating prizes. In accepting the check from community relations director Don Emmons, Brewer Parks and Recreation Director Ken Hanscom expressed appreciation for Wal-Mart’s continued support.

“Year after year, the people at Brewer Super Wal-Mart have played an active role in supporting community programs and events such as Brewer Days. Thanks to the generosity of our friends at Wal-Mart, we will be able to offer another outstanding family-oriented event,” Hanscom said.

The celebration will include a community barbecue, a family street dance, fireworks, pancake breakfast, children’s carnival, family fun run, musical entertainment, bike rodeo and contests for adults and children.


Summer fun

Children ages 4 to 12 are invited to participate in the Dive into Jesus Water Park 9 a.m.-noon Monday through Friday, June 18-22, at Highway International Ministries, 87 Damascus Road. Activities will include water games, crafts and snacks. For more information, call 838-7111.


Compost bins

In an effort to encourage composting of grass, leaves and table scraps, the town of Eddington is participating in a program that offers compost bins for $36.50 each and kitchen scraps pails for $10.50 each. To purchase a bin or pail, or to obtain more information, call the Town Office at 843-5233.

Old Town

Museum program

“Travel the USA,” a musical program featuring a chorus of 30, will be presented at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 3, at the Old Town Museum. The singing group, The Gem Tones, directed by Theresa Laliberte, also will be featured.

The museum opens at 1 p.m. There is no admission charge. For more information, call 827-7256.


Contest winners

The Maine Governor’s Council on Physical Activity presented its ninth annual Contest for Communities awards on May 30 in the State House Hall of Flags. People and programs were recognized for the role they play in supporting a healthy Maine through physical fitness and sports programs.

The Lifetime Achievement Award was given to the University of Maine and the Campus Recreation Department for improvement of forest trails in Orono.

Donna Gormely of WLBZ 2 in Bangor presented the awards.

Drawing in the bog

Travis Baker, University of Maine adjunct professor will lead a nature drawing class 9-11 a.m. Saturday, June 2, at the Orono Bog. The class is open to adults and children age 10 and up.

Participants will use pencil and sketchpad to draw plants, trees and critters of the bog. Holly Twining, program naturalist at Fields Pond Audubon Center will be on hand to comment on the beauty of the bog. The fee for the class is $8 members, $10 others. To register for the class, call 989-2591 or e-mail

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