What is the longest traffic light in Bangor?
“The corner of Broadway and Washington.”
Warren Apps, Bangor
“Coming off the Interstate on Stillwater, when you’re turning right. That takes forever.”
Francesca Anderson, Bangor
“State and Broadway. That’s the longest in the whole city.”
Tamala Glenn, Stillwater
“State Street and Broadway. It’s mind-boggling.”
Kelly Hoovler, Bangor
“There are too many to choose from!”
Heidi Sypitkowski, Bangor
“Broadway and Washington takes forever.”
Marj Lawrence, Hampden
“I would say Broadway and Center Street, when you’re getting on the Interstate.”
Richard Bell, Lake View Plantation
“State and Broadway. I felt like I was there for about a week before it turned.”
Joshua Gass, Los Angeles
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