March 31, 2025

Court news

3rd District Court, Bangor

Cases Aug. 27-31, 2007

Eric W. Allen, 33, Bangor, attaching false plates, $150.

Johnna M. Ambrose, 20, Brewer, possessing marijuana, $350.

David Archer, 32, Brewer, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $500, suspended, restitution $60.

Bobbi J. Arey, 36, Bangor, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, license suspended 90 days.

Shane Bailey, 21, Otis, failing to notify of motor vehicle accident, $200; failing to stop, remain, provide info, $200.

Lisa Baker, 29, Old Town, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $500.

Tyson L. Baron, 22, Ledyard, Conn., sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300.

Kevin P. Bigelow, 49, Bangor, assault, $300, jail 180 days, restitution $280.48.

Rachel A. Binder, 32, East Millinocket, operating vehicle while license suspended, $250.

Jason T. Black, 25, Brewer, operating without license, $150; speeding 30-plus mph more than posted speed, $500.

Jason M. Boutaugh, 25, Old Town, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250; sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300.

James M. Burgess, 33, Bangor, violating protective order, $200.

Robert M. Burnham, 18, Brewer, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Jason Butler, 21, Hampden, possessing marijuana, $350.

Kelly Callen, 38, Hermon, permitting unlawful use, $50.

Corey Steven Candiano, 22, Lawrence, Mass., two counts theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $500.

Dhionis Cavo, 24, Old Town, disorderly conduct, dismissed.

Jorgo Cavo, 30, Old Town, disorderly conduct, dismissed.

Andrew C. Chic, 21, Hampden, minor purchasing liquor, $200.

Frederick Chick, 19, Bangor, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Tariq M. Chohan, 34, Orono, assault, dismissed.

John Ciccolellia, 29, Veazie, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500.

Scott W. Cole, 38, Trenton, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Darren L. Costa, 42, Warren, violating condition of release, jail 48 hours.

Antonio J. Cruz, 27, Bangor, disorderly conduct, jail 48 hours.

Sarah Cunningham, 22, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended, $250.

Roland D. Curtis Sr., 39, Eddington, operating vehicle while license suspended, $250.

Randy Day, 41, Brewer, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, license suspended 90 days.

Jonathan Deveau, 31, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $500, jail 72 hours.

Wilfred Dickens, 25, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Chris L. Diethorne, 38, Levitown, Pa., rule violation, operating after disqualified, $500.

Patricia A. Dixon, 32, Burlington, operating vehicle while license suspended, $500, jail 48 hours; operating vehicle after registration suspended, $150.

Trinity James Dooley, 31, Bangor, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 72 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Arthur M. Dorr, 56, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Richard Dorr, 58, Bangor, negotiating worthless instrument, dismissed.

Victor J. Doyle, 21, Seal Harbor, operating vehicle while license suspended, $250; minor possessing liquor, $200.

Christopher Dufresne, 32, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $500, violating condition of release, jail 72 hours.

William J. Dujardin Jr., 28, Bangor, assault, $300.

David R. Eaton, 31, Old Town, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400, restitution $110; disorderly conduct, $100.

Amy R. Emerson, 25, Bradley, passing stopped school bus, $250; operating vehicle while license suspended, $250.

Clyde Furrough, 47, Hampden, two counts negotiating worthless instrument, dismissed.

Michael S. Gawbill, 22, Worcester, Pa., criminal trespass, $300.

Grace A. Gilley, 19, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended, $700, jail 48 hours.

Thomas Glencross, 53, Bangor, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 72 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Christopher J. Hamm, 22, Bangor, criminal trespass, $200.

Maureen Hammond, 44, Milford, operating vehicle while license suspended, $250.

Robert S. Harper, 54, Eddington, operating vehicle while license suspended, $500.

Kimberly Hayden, 35, Bangor, disorderly conduct, $150.

Jared M. Healey, 17, Milford, attaching false plates, $150.

Shayna K. Hewett, 15, Bangor, possessing tobacco products by minor, $200.

Scott M. Hiller Jr., 19, Hampden, minor transporting liquor, $100, license suspended 30 days.

Neil Hiltz, 46, New Ross, Nova Scotia, rule violation, operation of vehicle with false duty, $750.

Karen J. Hinkley, 45, Kingfield, operating vehicle while license suspended, $250.

Jason E. Hobbs, 31, Bangor, criminal mischief, $200.

Allen Howard, 28, Bangor, criminal mischief, jail seven days.

Courtney Hutchinson, 16, Brewer, possession tobacco products by minor, $100.

Shelby Johanneman, 21, Greenville, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $700, jail 72 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Angela Johnson, 25, Trenton, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250; violating condition of release, $150, suspended.

Norman H. Johnson, 53, Milton, N.H., assault, $300, jail 48 hours.

Brandon R. Kahl, 23, Alton, violating protective order, $250; operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

James Kearns, 40, Brewer, operating vehicle after registration suspended, $150.

Leonard Kenny, 74, Bangor, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Arron G. Kief, 32, Cherryfield, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Sean M. Kinch, 22, Levant, forgery, $400.

Michael T. Kotredes, no age listed, Brewer, possession tobacco products by minor, $100.

Jay Layton, 21, Old Town, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250.

Scott Lee, 36, Sullivan, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $500.

Jason D. Lenfest, 32, Charleston, operating vehicle while license suspended, $250.

Joshua M. Leonard, 16, Glenburn, minor transporting liquor, dismissed.

Steven Lopez, 17, Hampden, speeding 30-plus mph more than posted speed, $350; operating without license, $150.

Brandon C. Lowe, 23, Brewer, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 72 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Rustin Lyford, 28, Hampden, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $700, jail 14 days, license suspended 18 months.

Nathaniel S. Madore, 19, Bangor, operating vehicle after registration suspended, $150.

Jennifer Martin, 24, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Seth Martin, 18, Hampden, violating condition of release, $200, jail 24 hours.

James McAdams, 24, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended, dismissed.

Reginald J. McIntire, 42, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended, $300.

Travis McLeod, 25, Levant, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $750, license suspended 90 days.

Wayne A. Michaud, 34, Old Town, operating vehicle after registration suspended, $150.

Adam Miller, 21, Veazie, attaching false plates, $150.

Allison C. Miller, 26, Manchester, Conn., operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Colleen Miller, 39, Hampden, operating vehicle while license suspended, dismissed.

Bret T. Mitchell, 22, Orono, failing to register vehicle, $100.

Cassandra Moore, 18, Holden, false public alarm or report, $500.

Henry J. Nadolny, 45, Hermon, dog at large, $50.

Tina M. Nash, 40, Carmel, attaching false plates, $150.

Jeffrey W. Noble, 29, Falmouth, refusing to submit to arrest or detention, $200.

Robert A. Otis, 27, Milford, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400; operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $500.

Todd Pelletier, 40, Brewer, disorderly conduct, $200.

David A. Perry, 18, Brewer, speeding 30-plus mph more than posted speed, $400.

Jana Pettigrow, 29, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $500.

Kelley R. Pierce, 27, LaGrange, false plates, $150.

Matisha Pitts, 22, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, jail 10 days.

David F. Plourde, 61, South Portland, operating vehicle after habitual offender revocation, $500, jail 30 days.

Charles H. Poole, 33, West Franklin, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, license suspended 90 days.

Tiffany Raymond, 23, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended, $500, jail 48 hours; violating condition of release, jail 48 hours.

Monica P. Reed, 25, Glenburn, operating vehicle without license, $150.

Edward P. Rice, 46, Bangor, failing to register vehicle, $100.

Samuel J. Rioux, 19, Holden, operating vehicle without license, $60.

Carol A. Ross, 49, Bangor, false public alarm or report, dismissed.

Nabil A. Salimcaso, 21, Old Town, minor transporting liquor, $200, license suspended 30 days.

Evan K. Samli, 37, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Sonya Sereyko, 27, Howland, attaching false plates, $150.

Michael J. Severance Jr., 17, Orrington, failing to stop, remain, render aid, personal injury, $150.

Sulian J. Shay, 22, Old Town, speeding 30-plus mph more than posted speed, $350.

Shane P. Sickles, 21, Bangor, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $700, jail 72 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Mark G. Simon, 36, Richibucto, New Brunswick, rule violation, duty status not current, $250.

Matthew Simshausere, 22, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended, $250; violating condition of release, $150.

Shane Smith, 23, Milford, disorderly conduct, $250, jail 24 hours.

William J. Smith, 22, Bangor, criminal mischief, $250.

Steven L. Snell, 38, Greenbush, operating vehicle while license suspended, dismissed.

Kellie J. Soltow, 29, Bradley, possessing marijuana, $350.

Stephen S. Spencer, 44, Whiting, assault, $300, jail 60 days, all but 10 days suspended, probation one year; operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $900, jail 10 days, license suspended 18 months.

Maranda L. Spinney, 24, Corinth, unlawful use of license, $100.

Nicholas R. St. Louis, 23, Old Town, obstructing public ways, $150.

Karlton G. Stanhope, 45, Hampden, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250.

Christopher Stearns, 23, Bangor, furnishing liquor to minor, $500, jail 48 hours.

Jacob Stockman, 22, Brewer, trafficking in dangerous knives, $150; sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300.

Brad Study, 19, Clifton, minor transporting liquor, $100, license suspended 30 days.

Matthew J. Sullivan, 28, Hampden, operating vehicle while license suspended, $500.

Marie Tapley, 56, Holden, two counts assault, $600; operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $1,000, jail 364 days, all but 14 days suspended, probation one year, license suspended 18 months; violating condition of release, jail 14 days.

Douglas E. Teel Jr., 34, Rockport, negotiating worthless instrument, dismissed.

Jonathan S. Tefft, 21, Lisbon Falls, disorderly conduct, $400.

Brian A. Thurston, 20, Bradley, failing to make oral or written accident report, $200.

Sandra J. Townsend, 33, Camden, failing to stop, remain, provide information, $200.

Robin R. Tribou, 28, Veazie, violating condition of release, jail three days.

Javier S. Valladares, 31, Milbridge, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, jail 48 hours.

James D. Vaughn, 23, Old Town, operating vehicle while license suspended, $500.

Randy Wark, 32, Bangor, burglary, dismissed.

Jacob J. Warman, 21, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, jail 48 hours; violating condition of release, jail 48 hours.

Michael L. Whiteley, 34, Old Town, two counts negotiating worthless instrument, dismissed.

Christopher E. Wilson, 21, Glenburn, possessing marijuana, $350.

Kevin Wood, 28, Eddington, unlawful use of license, $150.

Wanda Wyman, 45, Bangor, sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300.

Irene R. Zapata, 25, Ellsworth, operating vehicle while license suspended, $500.

James Zimmerman, 22, Orono, criminal trespass, $200.

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