March 23, 2025

Time to plan floats for winter holiday parade

With the weather turning cooler, Sally Baughman of the Rotary Club of Bangor hopes you will think about “the upcoming winter holiday season” and, specifically, “the Rotary Festival of Lights Parade,” to be held Saturday, Dec. 1, in downtown Bangor.

Although we are enjoying many beautiful days, she wrote, “between now and December … is a good time for organizations interested in being in the parade, to plan and start building their floats.”

WABI-TV is sponsoring the event, which has as its theme, “Toys on Parade.”

For an application, call Baughman at 973-6168 days, or 843-5415 evenings, or visit

Maria Staples of Penquis called to clarify a statement she made in this column earlier this week about people visiting her at a Maine Breast and Cervical Health Program awareness event 9 a.m.-5 p.m. today and Saturday, Oct. 6, at Wal-Mart in Brewer.

Anyone visiting the booth and receiving information about MBCHP will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Wal-Mart gift certificate, Staples said, not just those who make a donation to that program.

More than 100 descendants of Harry and Alice Rancourt are gathering for a family reunion 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 6, at the Smith School on Route 1A in Winterport.

If you are related, you are invited to bring a dish for the potluck luncheon. If you have questions, call Renee O’Donald at 848-3391.

Vicky Blanchette of OHI reminds you the ninth annual Mental Illness Awareness Walk begins with registration at 11 a.m. and the walk at noon, rain or shine, Sunday, Oct. 7, at Twin City Plaza in Brewer.

Although preregistration is recommended by calling 989-4007, ext. 236, you can register the day of the walk. Children 12 and younger must register with an adult.

You need not collect pledges to participate, and all walkers are welcome.

Some companies are matching donations, however, so be sure to check if your donation or pledge can be doubled.

Information and pledge sheets can be found at

The first 200 registrants receive free T-shirts, and a free barbecue will be held after the walk.

John Bapst Memorial High School Student Senate adviser Dave Armistead e-mailed that all Bapst alumni and friends are invited to join the school’s 80th Homecoming activities by participating in the Homecoming “march to the field” before the John Bapst Crusaders football game vs. the Maine Central Institute Huskies of Pittsfield.

Marchers should gather at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 6, at the school on Broadway for the trek to Cameron Stadium on Garland Street in Bangor.

Armistead also reminds alums and friends that there will be a tailgate party at the stadium before the game. If you want to reserve a tailgating spot, call the Bapst development office at 947-0313.

Game time is 7 p.m.

Sunday, Oct. 7, is the final day you can vote for Norma Milton to receive the Animal Planet 2007 Cat Hero award of $5,000 to benefit Caribou Pet Rescue.

Mary Walton nominated Milton for this award and she learned recently that she is one of the top 10 nationwide finalists “out of thousands of nominations.”

“We want Caribou Pet Rescue to have this money to help continue our great animal programs,” Milton wrote.

She urges you to visit

You “vote by clicking on the circle by the name Norma Milton, and then click on submit at the bottom to have your vote counted,” she said.

Ida Gopan wrote to inform readers Beth Abraham Sisterhood is holding “a gigantic Rummage Sale” from 9 a.m. to noon Sunday, Oct. 7, on the corner of York and Essex streets in Bangor.

The sale features clothes, household items and “something for everyone,” she said.

Online registration is available for the Blaine House Conference on Volunteerism, 8 am.-4 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 9, at the University of Maine in Orono.

David Eisner, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, is the keynote speaker, addressing the topic, “Fixing the Leaky Bucket of Volunteerism.”

Online registration and additional information is available at or by calling 287-8931.

This conference is Maine’s only professional development training of volunteer managers, administrators, program directors, staff and funders, according to information provided by the Maine Commission for Community Services, which is presenting the conference with Volunteer Maine Partnership and Dead River Co.

Joni Averill, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor 04402; 990-8288.

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