March 31, 2025

Community news


Archives of CHCS

The Bangor Public Library is the new repository for the archival materials of Community Health and Counseling Services. The CHCS materials coming to the library will provide an intriguing window on the community from the late 1800s to 1966.

The organization now known as Community Health and Counseling Services began in 1883, an amalgamation of churches and charities that aided Bangor’s needy. At its Victorian inception, it was a time of “Friendly Visitors,” who not only established whether a person was eligible for charity, but also investigated whether or not they maintained the “good character” that would make additional assistance possible.

Many transitions in the organization’s identity and purpose have taken place, with Bangor Family Services in 1948, the Counseling Center in 1968 with its expanded role in eastern Maine, and CHCS of today with many services in Maine.

As the holiday season approaches, keep a look out for the “Angel Tree” in the Bangor Public Library’s lobby. CHCS families need your help to make holiday dreams come true. Find out how you can be an “angel.”

Books for local children

The Briar Patch bookstore once again will sponsor donations of children’s books to the families of the Maine Kids-Kin program. Through Nov. 25, customers will receive 20 percent off the book they donate and an additional 20 percent off another book, of equal or lesser value, for themselves.

The Briar Patch is located at 27 Central St. downtown and can be reached at 941-0255.

Maine Kids-Kin, a program of Families and Children Together, serves grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and siblings who are raising relatives’ children. It offers legal, educational and financial information to assist those families. More than 11,000 Maine children live with relatives.

For information about Maine Kids-Kin, visit or call 866-298-0896.

Kiwanis Club anniversary

The Bangor Breakfast Kiwanis Club will host a dinner celebration to commemorate the club’s 30th anniversary at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 15, at the Sea Dog restaurant. A social hour begins at 6 p.m.

The club will present its annual Charles Sullivan Community Service Award and the Gary Leighton Kiwanian of the Year Award. For information or reservations, visit

The Bangor Breakfast Kiwanis Club is a service organization and member of Kiwanis International. It supports several children’s charities in the Bangor area.

The club meets 7-8 p.m. Thursdays at Geaghan’s Restaurant at the Best Inn on Main Street. Guests and prospective members are encouraged to attend. For information about the Bangor Breakfast Kiwanis Club, call Doug Damon at 942-6310.

Pre-school playtime

Bangor Parks and Recreation is offering pre-school playtime 9:30-11:00 a.m. Monday through Friday.

Pre-school playtime is an open gym session for children who are pre-school age, up to age 5. A variety of sports and recreation equipment is provided to give children an opportunity to make use of a large open space.

This is not a drop-off program, as an adult caregiver is expected to stay with and supervise the child or children. The program is offered free of charge. For information, call Bangor Parks and Recreation at 992-4490 or stop by the office at 647 Main St.

Galumpha performance

Galumpha, an extraordinary and spellbinding three-person dance-performance art group that has earned rave reviews from the New York Times, Washington Post and Village Voice, performed around the world and on “David Letterman” and MTV, will perform on the University of Maine Augusta’s Augusta and Bangor campuses:

. 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 17, Jewett Auditorium, Augusta.

. 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 18, Tracy Grans Ballroom, Bangor.

Galumpha has won international awards for its “stunning acrobatics, striking visual effects, physical comedy and inventive choreography.”

Information on the group, as well as performance clips, can be found at

UMA’s cultural events committee is bringing Galumpha to Maine. Admission is free for both performances and the public is invited to attend.

Foster and adoption services

The Bangor office of the Department of Health and Human Services will be the host for a public informational meeting about adoption and foster care 1-3 p.m. Friday, Nov. 30, in Bangor.

To learn the location of the meeting, call A Family for ME at 877-505-0545. Those considering adoption or foster care through the Maine Department of Health and Human Services are encouraged to attend.

Audition notice

The Chamber Choir at St. John’s Parish has openings for tenor 1 and bass 2. Experienced singers are urged to audition for membership in the choir of 16-20 voices.

The choir sings sacred music, from chant to 20th century pieces, mostly a cappella. The choir rehearses at 6:30 p.m. Sundays at St. John’s Catholic Church. For an audition appointment, call Kevin Birch, director, at 989-3716 or e-mail

Christmas assistance

The Salvation Army will begin accepting applications for Christmas assistance on Monday, Nov. 12, at The Salvation Army Store, 585 Broadway.

Applicants should bring current, income and expense information and the names of children, their ages and dates of birth, and suggested gift items and clothing sizes.

Applications will be accepted 9 a.m.-noon Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for three consecutive weeks. For information, call 941-2990.

Course for home-buyers

MaineStream Finance, a subsidiary of Penquis, is offering a free 12-hour certified training course that helps potential home-buyers make prudent home purchasing decisions. Classes will be held 5:30-8:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, Nov. 19-22, at Penquis, 262 Harlow St. Participants must attend all classes.

The course uses a qualified trainer and discusses the roles of various professionals involved in the home buying process, such as attorneys, realtors, lenders, insurance agents and home inspectors. Components of the course are budget and debt management counseling and credit counseling.

There is no cost to participate, but registration is required. Call MaineStream Finance at 974-2424 or 800-215-4942 to register.

New director for BSO

David N. Whitehill of Orange, Calif., has been named executive director of the Bangor Symphony Orchestra. Whitehill finished his tenure with the Philharmonic Society of Orange County as manager of artistic operations and membership before beginning his new position with the BSO recently.

Whitehill joins the BSO with more than 10 years of experience with orchestras, including Orange County’s Pacific Symphony, the Orange County Youth Symphony Orchestra, the Laguna Beach Music Festival and the Chapman University School of Music. In those positions, he has served as general manager, artistic administrator, program director and manager of orchestras.

“Throughout my career in the arts, I strived to foster three main keys – excellence in performance, a deep commitment to education and the importance of a strong connection to the community,” said Whitehill. “I am optimistic that with a fresh eye and devoted leadership, I can bring added achievement to the Bangor Symphony Orchestra program.”

“After conducting a nationwide search for the BSO’s new executive director, we were thrilled with Mr. Whitehill’s decision to relocate from Los Angeles to accept the position,” said search committee chairman and BSO board member Samuel W. Lanham Jr. “He brings with him a passion for the arts and depth of philharmonic experience that promises to take the BSO to yet a higher level in fulfilling its tradition of providing Maine people with powerful, enriching and diverse musical experiences through live concert performances and education programs of the highest quality.”

Whitehill holds a degree in performance and orchestral conducting, and instrumental education from Chapman University School of Music; and a music major from Alexander W. Dreyfoos High School for the Arts.


Zonta Holiday MarketPlace

The 29th annual Zonta Holiday MarketPlace will be open 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 10, and 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 11, at the Brewer Auditorium.

The Zonta Holiday MarketPlace is known for its unique, high-quality craft and antique vendors. Eighty tables will offer jewelry, woodworking, jellies, relishes, holiday gifts, decor and much more. Door prizes and raffles add to the fun.

At the Zonta Kitchen attendees will find breakfast or brunch. They may relax over a delicious lunch or take home an easy supper after a long day of shopping.

The Food To Go booth features a variety of homemade frozen meals to serve on busy evenings and a choice of nut and fruit breads, cookies, fudge, bread and rolls in time for Thanksgiving or gifting.

Proceeds from MarketPlace help fund the many local charities served by Zonta in the Bangor area, including a scholarship program. Last year Zonta Club of Bangor awarded $7,000 in scholarships to area women attending college in Maine.

Zonta International is a global service organization of executives in business and the professions working together to improve the status of women worldwide through service and advocacy. There are some 34,000 members in 71 countries. Zonta Club of Bangor was chartered in 1930 and has served the area ever since. For information about Zonta Club of Bangor, visit or write Zonta Club of Bangor, P.O. Box 1904, Bangor, ME 04402-1904.

Model Train Show and Sale

The Eastern Maine Model Railroad Club will hold its 31st annual model train show and sale 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 17, at Jeff’s Catering, Coffin Ave.

The show features operating train layouts, and many vendors of trains and “railroadiana.” Patrons may buy and-or sell trains in silent auctions. Refreshments will be available.

Admission is $3, free to children under 12. Interested persons are invited to inquire about club membership. For information, call Bill Soule, 866-4060, or e-mail

Toys for Tots event

A Toys for Tots event will be held 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 10, at Shed Happens, 505 Wilson St.

Bring a gift for a child and help fill up the spas.

Shed Happens also will donate 5 percent of spa sales that day to Toys for Tots.

Turkey drive

Curves of Maine stores are helping those in need by sponsoring an annual turkey drive Monday through Wednesday, Nov. 12-14. Donate a frozen turkey to benefit local food banks.

Feed the needy

Radio station WBZN Z-107.3 will encourage listeners on Saturday, Nov. 13, to feed the needy. A live broadcast with “The Kid” and other Z-personalities will be set up in the parking lot of the Brewer Shopping Center where broadcasters collect turkeys for the Manna food kitchen and other area food cupboards.

The Z-107.3 personalities stay in the parking lot 24 hours a day until the goal of 2,007 turkeys is reached. Listeners are asked to “Free the Z.” Zee-jays will live in the parking lot morning, noon and night, until the goal is met.

Listeners may drop off a turkey for donation or donate $15. Listeners also may call the Z-107.3 hot line at 991-9600 to arrange to have the Thompson Printing Turkey Taxi pick up their donation.


WOW program on South Korea

Women of the World will meet for a luncheon meeting at noon Monday, Nov. 12, at the Church of Universal Fellowship, Main Street.

WOW members from South Korea will share their cuisine and give a short program on Korean culture.

Volunteers are needed to help set up at 11:15 a.m. and clean up after the meal.

For information, contact the Office of International Programs at the University of Maine at 581-3423.


Bluegrass music series

The sound of banjos, guitars, mandolins, fiddles and doghouse bass will echo off the Orrington hills. Jim Leighton and Billy T. have lined up bluegrass musicians to perform from November to May at the Orrington Grange Hall, 446 Dow Road. Shows begin at 7:30 p.m. Saturdays. The schedule is:

. Mac McHale and the Old Time Bluegrass Radio Gang, Nov. 10.

. The Mueller Family, Dec. 8.

. Katahdin Valley Boys, Jan. 12.

. Wicked Blue and Beecher Boys and Girls, Feb. 9.

. The Meullers, March 8.

. The Adrians and the Hemingways, April 1.

. Beecher Boys and Girls, May 10.

The cost of admission is $12, $10 seniors, under 12 free.

For information, call Jim Leighton at 944-3128 or 825-8839. Billy T. can be reached at 843-5994 or 949-1867.

‘Worship Our Way’ service

East Orrington Congregational Church offers a “Worship Our Way” service, featuring Modern Day Jeremiah, at 6 p.m. each Sunday at the church on Johnson Hill Road. For information, call 356-8578.

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