It was with great concern and consternation that I read the proposal set forth by the Portland school committee (BDN, Oct. 17) to make birth control pills available to the King Middle School students.
As a state in a nation that already condones abortion, we now propose to offer our adolescent children contraceptives, thereby teaching them that sexual activity at this age is permissible – even encouraged. Give me a break! Is there no consideration as to how this will affect them emotionally, physically and psychologically? I suppose the alternative to this plan is to abort an unwanted pregnancy. I’m wondering if this recent proposal might be the by-product of what our school system began in the ’70s under the guise of sex education.
The time has come for us, as adult Christians, to be a voice in a state that seems to have lost its way. We have a responsibility to teach by example and not by presenting weak solutions. As parents, we have a commitment to protect, guide and instill moral values in our children. It is not up to the school systems and its committees to make a blanket decision that will have a damaging effect on our children’s well-being.
It is high time we transform the adage “As Maine goes…” into a standard that will compel us to arise and defend our rights for what is ethically and morally wholesome. To sacrifice the needs and well-being of our children on the altar of complacency is a call to judgment. Wake up, Maine parents!
Sheila Churchill
Fort Kent Mills
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