Belfast tops MCI with Smith effort Calais boys (4-0) beat WA Raiders

PITTSFIELD – Julie Smith scored 16 points Monday night to lead Belfast to a 34-28 girls basketball victory over Maine Central Institute. Kristi Judkins led the Huskies with six points. Belfast (3-1) 34 Smith 6-3-16, Curtis, Carr 1-1-3, Dyer…
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PITTSFIELD – Julie Smith scored 16 points Monday night to lead Belfast to a 34-28 girls basketball victory over Maine Central Institute.

Kristi Judkins led the Huskies with six points.

Belfast (3-1) 34

Smith 6-3-16, Curtis, Carr 1-1-3, Dyer 1-0-2, Ryder, Webster, Mansfield 0-1-1, Littlefield 2-1-5, Hills 1-0-2, Blair 1-3-5

MCI (2-2) 28

Asaro 1-1-4, Mosher 0-2-2, Huff, Houston 0-4-4, Fields-Love 1-0-2, Kennedy, Lorentsen 2-1-5, Clement 2-1-5

3-pt. goals: Smith; Asaro, Judkins 2

Belfast 8 19 24 34

MCI 8 12 21 28

Belfast 47, Camden Hills 46

At Belfast Saturday, Julie Smith tied it on a layup with three seconds left and made the foul shot to give Belfast the win over Camden Hills of Rockport.

Smith led Belfast with 19 points.

Allie Parent scored 17 points for Camden Hills.

Camden Hills 46

Parent 4-9-17, Tedford 3-1-7, Smeaton 3-0-6, Fetterman 2-1-5, Duke 2-0-5, Holmes 1-0-2, Labree 1-0-2, Nason 1-0-2, Farley, Waldron, Jeshcke

Belfast 47

Smith 6-5-19, Littlefield 4-0-8, Dyer 3-0-6, Blair 1-3-5, Hills 2-0-4, Mansfield 1-0-3, Webster 1-0-2, Curtis, Ryder, Carr

3-pt. goals: Smith 2, Mansfield; Duke

Camden Hills 8 25 35 46

Belfast 13 23 33 47

Lubec 63, Shead 43

At Lubec, Shelby Searles scored 23 points to lead Lubec past Shead of Eastport.

Amanda Huntley had 16 points and 13 rebounds for the Hornets and Krista Wright added 14 points.

Dorothy Pottle paced the Tigerettes with 11 points.

Shead (1-4) 43

Pottle 4-3-11, Stuart 4-0-8, Vinson 3-1-7, Currier 2-0-6, Hoche 2-0-4, Doten 1-0-2, Barnes, Lewey, Patterson

Lubec (2-3) 63

A. Huntley 5-6-16, Kr. Wright 5-1-14, Searles 8-4-23, Gallant 2-0-4, Kr. Wright 2-0-4, M. Huntley

3-pt. goals: Currier 2; Kr. Wright 3, Searles 3

Shead 8 25 29 43

Lubec 14 35 53 63

Narraguagus 81, Machias 42

At Harrington, Andrea Perry scored 24 points to lead Narraguagus past Machias.

Courtney Foss had 14 points for the Knights and Kimberly Greene scored 10 points.

Danielle Wormell led Machias with 11 points and Julie Corbett added 10 points.

Machias (1-3) 42

Scoville 0-2-2, Ranke 1-0-2, F. Lipton 1-0-2, T. Lipton 2-5-9, Elliot 2-0-4, Corbett 4-2-10, Wormell 4-2-11, Attaei, Thompson, Shults, Moody

Narraguagus (4-1) 81

Nevells 3-3-9, Caler 1-4-6, Risbridger 1-2-4, Burke 2-1-5, Baker 2-1-5, Tenan 2-0-4, Greene 4-0-10, Foss 7-0-14, Perry 12-0-24, Endre

3-pt. goals: Wormell; Nevells 3, Greene 2

Machias 8 24 28 42

Narraguagus 18 39 65 81

JV: Narraguagus 47-20

Bangor Christian 52, DI-Ston. 27

At Husson College in Bangor, Hope Robinson tallied 15 points and 12 rebounds as the Patriots won.

Kelly Robinson netted 13 points and Katie Libby 10 for Bangor Christian.

Britnie Jones led Deer Isle-Stonington with 10 points.

Deer Isle-Stonington (4-1) 27

Ho. Brewer 1-0-2, Robinson 0-1-1, Garcia, Grindle, Siebert, Eaton 0-2-2, He. Brewer 1-0-2, Hutchins 1-0-2, Cousins 1-0-2, Jones 5-0-10, Powers 2-2-6

Bangor Christian (3-0) 52

Bragg 1-4-6, Harrison, Ramirez, Holmes, Pray 4-0-8, Dillon, Robinson 6-1-13, Johnson 6-3-15, Libby 5-0-10, Bean

3-pt. goals: none

DI-Stonington 6 11 14 27

Bangor Christian 15 32 42 52

JV: Bangor Christian 39-36

Islesboro 35, Averill/Alfond 28

At Islesboro, Michelle Reidy scored 17 points to lead Islesboro past Averill/Alfond of Hinckley.

Emily Thomas added 10 points for the winners.

Dorothy Lights led Averill with 21.

Averill (0-2) 28

Lights 9-2-21, Hurlbert 2-0-4, Barter 1-1-3, Castranda, Henderson, Cunningham, Whitmore, Babcock, Larson

Islesboro (2-0) 35

Reidy 8-1-17, Thomas 5-0-10, Cowles 3-0-6, Hatch 1-0-2, Durkee

3-pt. goals: Lights

Averill 2 9 11 28

Islesboro 6 14 19 35

Boys basketball

Calais 88, Washington Acad. 74

At Calais, senior Rod Tirrell scored a career-high 32 points to lead Calais past Washington Academy of East Machias.

Sam Bell scored 16 points for the Blue Devils. Cam Shorey and Nathan O’Neill each scored 12 and Cal Shorey added 10.

Noah von Rotz paced the Raiders with 26 points. Joe Hunter scored 16 and Ben Teer chipped in with 15.

Washington Acad. (1-2) 74

von Rotz 11-1-26, Teer 6-0-15, R. Smith 1-0-2, Gautier 3-0-6, Hunter 6-2-16, M. Smith 2-1-5, Nicely 2-0-4, Lehman

Calais (4-0) 88

Cal Shorey 4-1-10, Cam Shorey 6-0-12, Bell 7-2-16, O’Neill 5-2-12, Leeman 1-3-6, Tirrell 13-5-32, Cavanaugh, Carr

3-pt. goals: von Rotz 3, Teer 3, Hunter 2; Cal Shorey, Leeman, Tirrell

Wash. Acad. 12 26 50 74

Calais 21 39 59 88

JV: Calais 56-50

Woodland 74, Jonesport-Beals 50

At Woodland, Ben Sears tallied 18 points as Woodland won.

Chad James netted 17 points, Spencer Brown 13 and Aaron St. Pierre 12 for the Dragons.

Lucas Holmes paced Jonesport-Beals with 11.

Jonesport-Beals (2-3) 50

Holmes 2-5-11, Smith 2-0-4, Lyons 1-0-2, Faulkingham 3-0-6, Leach 1-0-2, Peaden 3-2-8, K. Beal 1-0-2, A. Beal 3-3-9, H. Beal 2-0-6

Woodland (3-1) 74

Sears 6-6-18, James 6-4-17, St. Pierre 3-6-12, Brown 5-3-13, Boomer 1-3-5, Perry 1-0-2, Flaherty 3-1-7, Wormell, Pike, Townsend

3-pt. goals: Holmes 2, H. Beal 2; James

Jonesport-Beals 14 27 39 50

Woodland 16 35 57 74

JV: Jonesport-Beals 61-48

Belfast 57, MCI 34

At Belfast, Jack Davis scored 12 points to lead Belfast past Maine Central Institute of Pittsfield.

Yates Murphy had points and 10 rebounds for the Lions.

Ben Badeen paced the Huskies with nine points.

MCI (0-4) 34

Badeen 4-0-9, Delaney 2-0-5, Hunt 1-4-7, Gerry 2-0-4, Cook 0-2-2, Sidelinger 2-0-4, Marcoux 1-1-3, Hammond, White, Morton

Belfast (1-3) 57

Arthers 1-0-2, Benjamin 2-2-7, Philbrook 1-4-6, Bernosky 2-0-4, Riordan 2-2-6, Ja. Davis 5-2-12, Felton 4-0-8, Lehman 2-0-4, Murphy 3-1-7, Ji. Davis 1-1-3, LaCivita, Drinkwater

3-pt. goals: Badeen, Delaney, Hunt; Benjamin

MCI 6 10 14 34

Belfast 10 20 41 57

JV: MCI 41-37

Calvary Chapel 69, E. Grand 55

At Orrington, Jesse Newman scored 23 points to lead the Calvary Chapel Christian Sabers past East Grand of Danforth.

Zack Austin had 18 points and 11 rebounds while Jared Madden added 10 points.

Kaleb Dicker scored 31 for the Vikings.

East Grand (0-3) 55

Dicker 8-10-31, Morse 4-0-8, Langill 1-2-4, Gilman 1-0-3, D. Cropley 1-1-3, Nichols 1-0-2, Kenyon 1-0-2, Bartlett, S. Cropley 1-0-2

Calvary Chapel (2-2) 69

Newman 11-0-23, Austin 8-1-18, Madden 4-0-10, Marden 2-0-6, Hennsler 2-0-4, Toth 2-0-4, Monroe 1-0-2, Lawrence 1-0-2, Lacadie, Berenyi, Grover, Downs, Goodness

3-pt. goals: Dicker 5, Gilman; Newman, Austin, Madden 2, Marden 2

East Grand 7 17 31 55

Calvary Chapel 14 32 53 69

JV: Calvary Chapel 47-31

Islesboro 55, Averill/Alfond 38

At Islesboro, eighth-grader D.J. Johnson scored 14 points, posted 10 assists and made five steals to lead the Eagles.

Freshman Jason Hatch tossed in a game-high 19 points and grabbed eight rebounds for Islesboro. Charlie Gebhardt added nine points.

Travis Staples paced Averill/Alfond School of Hinckley with 10 points, while Zach Morris added nine.

Averill/Alfond (1-3) 38

Wood, Adams, Gagnon 2-2-6, Staples 4-2-10, Riggs, Doak 1-1-3, Cole 1-0-2, Morris 3-2-9, Day 4-0-8, Hanson, Gothream, Manzo

Islesboro (2-0) 55

Scherr 0-2-2, Leach, Hatch 8-0-19, Sherman 1-0-2, Johnson 5-4-14, Hauprich, Lubebbert, Pendleton 0-1-1, Mahan 1-0-2, Gebhardt 2-3-9, Govoni, Tutor

3-pt. goals: Hatch 3, Gebhardt 2

Averill/Alfond 8 16 27 38

Islesboro 12 30 42 55

Shead 61, Lubec 54

At Lubec, Justin Lewey scored 17 points to lead Shead of Eastport past Lubec.

Wayne Clossey scored 17 points for the Tigers and Dana Mitchell added 12 points.

Timmy Gross paced Lubec with a game-high 30 points and Shayn McPherson scored 14.

Shead (1-2) 61

Lewey 7-3-17, Pottle 2-0-6, T. Mitchell 2-3-7, Clossey 7-3-17, Bowen 1-0-2, D. Mitchell 5-2-12, Barnes, Bricker, Vinson, Andrews, Sullivan

Lubec (1-3) 54

Grant 2-0-4, Gross 11-4-30, McPherson 6-1-14, Rice 1-0-2, Farmer 2-0-4, Fitzsimmons, Francis, Jones

3-pt. goals: Pottle 2; Gross 3, McPherson

Shead 15 32 41 61

Lubec 16 27 42 54

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