Dwyer lifts Orono boys by Schenck Perry 3-pointer carries Eagle girls past Bangor

ORONO – Seth Dwyer scored nine of his game-high 27 points in the fourth quarter and Lee Hecker sank two clinching free throws with 15 seconds left as Orono rallied for a 52-48 boys basketball upset of previously unbeaten Schenck of East Millinocket. Dwyer also…
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ORONO – Seth Dwyer scored nine of his game-high 27 points in the fourth quarter and Lee Hecker sank two clinching free throws with 15 seconds left as Orono rallied for a 52-48 boys basketball upset of previously unbeaten Schenck of East Millinocket.

Dwyer also had seven rebounds for the 5-3 Red Riots. Joel Riemersma added eight points for the winners.

Aaron Hutchins’ 22 points and Nate Lewis’ 14 led 6-1 Schenck, which went just 12-for-24 from the foul line.

Schenck (6-1) 48

Hutchins 7-5-22, McLaughlin 0-3-3, Waite 0-1-1, McCafferty 1-0-2, Thompson 2-1-6, Lewis 6-2-14, Brown, C. LeVasseur

Orono (5-3) 52

Coleman 2-0-4, Riemersma 3-0-8, Spencer 1-0-2, Nason 0-2-2, Dwyer 11-1-27, Talty 2-0-5, B. Levasseur 1-0-2, Hecker 0-2-2, Bates, Patterson

3-pt. goals: Hutchins 3, Thompson; Dwyer 4, Talty, Riemersma

Schenck 19 37 43 48

Orono 13 27 37 52

Lawrence 32, Hampden 31

At Hampden, Matt Perkins scored on a drive with 12 seconds left to lift Lawrence of Fairfield to victory.

Wes Sexton led the Bulldogs with 15 points, but defense was the key to victory. Lawrence limited Hampden to nine points in the second half and no field goals in the fourth quarter.

Justin Brown paced Hampden with 11 points.

Lawrence (5-2) 32

Costigan 2-0-4, Haney, Violette 1-1-4, Perkins 2-2-6, Poulin 1-0-3, Sexton 5-5-15, Champagne, Klein

Hampden Acad. (4-2) 31

Hersey 2-0-4, Burke, Turner, Evans, Moore 1-0-2, Haase 2-3-7, Juco 1-1-3, Burditt 2-0-4, Brown 4-3-11

3-pt. goals: Violette, Poulin

Lawrence 11 16 25 32

Hampden Acad. 15 22 28 31

JV: Hampden 45-37

MDI 55, John Bapst 49

At Bar Harbor, Ben Young canned a 3-pointer with 3:20 left in the fourth quarter to give Mount Desert Island its first lead of the game as the Trojans rallied for a pivotal Class B win over John Bapst of Bangor.

Young finished with a game-high 17 points for MDI, which outscored the Crusaders 22-11 in the final period to overcome a five-point deficit. Jake Merchant and Conrad Strout added 12 points each.

Ethan Cushman paced John Bapst with 13 points while Charlie Merritt added 12.

John Bapst (6-3) 49

Cushman 5-3-13, Merritt 6-0-12, Gallant 1-0-2, Carr 1-0-3, D. Smith 3-0-6, N. Smith 2-1-5, Bragdon, J. Gagnon, Healey 4-0-8

Mount Desert Island (6-1) 55

Young 6-2-17, Merchant 5-2-12, Strout 6-0-12, J. Hall 3-2-9, Jones 0-1-1, Dunn, N. Hall, Cousins 1-2-4

3-pt. goals: Carr; Young 3, J. Hall

John Bapst 11 24 38 49

MDI 7 18 33 55

JV: MDI 52-41

Hermon 69, Central 47

At Corinth, Derek Helms scored nine of his 16 points in the first quarter to propel Hermon to the victory.

Rogan Rowe tossed in 15 points and Kevin Tarr 10 for the Hawks.

Stephen LaFlamme poured in a game-high 25 points for Central. Tyler Pineo added 12.

Hermon (2-5) 69

Tarr 3-4-10, Helms 6-0-16, Rowe 6-3-15, Dority 0-4-4, Moore 1-3-6, Pedersen 1-0-2, Gross 3-0-7, Ball 3-3-9, Jellison, Veilleux

Central (0-7) 47

LaFlamme 10-2-25, Pineo 5-1-12, Speed 1-0-2, St. Peter 1-0-2, Brown 0-1-1, LePage 2-0-4, Hurdle 0-1-1, Bean, J. Speed, B. Speed, Dorr

3-pt. goals: Helms 4, Moore, Gross; LaFlamme 3, Pineo

Hermon 21 31 47 69

Central 10 27 38 47

JV: Hermon 47-34

Dexter 39, Penquis 37

At Milo, the Dexter Tigers scored the game’s last nine points to rally past Penquis.

Gavin Cote, who led all scorers with 17 points, converted a three-point play with 51 seconds left to put Dexter on top.

Brian Zwicker scored 10 points to pace Penquis.

Dexter (6-1) 39

Cote 7-3-17, Woodman 4-1-9, Lary 1-0-2, Clark, Pierce 2-0-5, Jewett, Eastman

Penquis (0-7) 37

McLaughlin, Bailey 3-1-7, Foss 2-3-7, Larabee, Larson, Zwicker 3-4-10, Arefein 2-0-4, Badger, Leland 2-0-4, Andrews 1-3-5

3-pt. goals: Pierce

Dexter 8 20 28 39

Penquis 7 22 31 37

JV: Penquis 48-47

Stearns 51, Penobscot Valley 44

At Howland, Charlie Osborne scored 14 of his game-high 19 points in the second half as Stearns of Millinocket pulled away for the win.

Zach Sadlon added 14 points for the Minutemen.

Chad Trapier led Penobscot Valley with 11 points, while Aaron Awalt scored 10.

Stearns (5-3) 51

Osborne 6-5-19, Sadlon 7-0-14, Richards 2-1-5, Manzo 2-1-5, Barnett 2-0-4, Baker 2-0-4, Wallace, MacDonald

Penobscot Valley (4-4) 44

Trapier 5-1-11, Awalt 4-1-10, Babineau 3-1-8, Jipson 3-0-7, Hallett 3-0-6, Gilley 1-0-2, Thompson, Dolley

3-pt. goals: Osborne 2; Awalt, Babineau, Jipson

Stearns 11 21 37 51

Penobscot Valley 13 22 27 44

JV: Penobscot Valley 59-52

Rockland 78, Mount View 54

At Rockland, Nick Baudanza led five players in double figures with 17 points as Rockland beat Mount View of Thorndike.

Lincoln Dresser netted 13 points and Tyler Patterson 12 for the Tigers. Chris Nolan and Teel Ilvonen added 10 each.

Ethan Jean scored 17 points and Tyler Miles 14 for Mount View.

Mount View (1-6) 54

Jean 7-2-17, Miles 6-2-14, Keller 2-3-7, Mehuren 3-0-8, St. Clair 1-0-2, Raven 1-0-2, Cochran 1-2-4, Birkbeck, Merrifield, Coleman

Rockland (5-2) 78

Nolan 3-2-10, Dresser 4-5-13, Baudanza 7-3-17, Ilvonen 3-1-10, Patterson 4-4-12, Weiss 1-0-2, Meklin 2-2-6, Murphy 0-4-4, Morrill 1-2-4, Rossiter, Searle, Leiter

3-pt. goals: Mehuren 2, Jean; Ilvonen 3, Nolan

Mount View 15 22 34 54

Rockland 13 38 59 78

Greenville 51, Calvary Chapel 47

At Greenville, Richie Chilson scored 12 points and Joe Gilbert added 10 as the Lakers held on.

Alex Jardine added five key free throws down the stretch to help preserve the win.

Jesse Newman made five 3-pointers en route to a game-high 24 points for Calvary Chapel of Orrington.

Calvary Chapel (2-4) 47

Newman 9-1-24, Martin 1-0-2, Heanssler 3-3-9, Austin 3-2-8, Toth 0-1-1, Monroe 0-2-2, Madden, Lawrence

Greenville (2-2) 51

Chilson 5-1-12, Gilbert 3-4-10, St. Louis 3-1-7, Post 2-0-4, King 1-0-2, Aucoin 3-1-7, Jardine 0-5-5, Wheelock 2-0-4

3-pt. goals: Newman 5, Martin; Chilson

Calvary Chapel 8 17 31 47

Greenville 12 19 31 51

Forest Hills 63, Valley 57

At Jackman, Jeff Mulhall racked up 18 points, 17 rebounds and six assists as the Tigers held off the Cavaliers.

Cody Gilboe chipped in with 17 points and 23 rebounds for Forest Hills, while Dan Forge had 10 points.

Curtis Miller tossed in 22 points for Valley of Bingham and Scott Hunnewell had 11.

Valley (6-2) 57

Miller 4-0-9, Hunnewell 4-2-11, Schultz 1-1-4, C. Miller 8-0-22, T. Miller 2-0-4, Pinkham 2-1-7, Osgood, Beane

Forest Hills (6-1) 63

Co. Plante 3-1-7, Forge 4-0-10, Mulhall 5-7-18, Gilboe 6-5-17, Lumbert 1-3-6, McNally 1-1-3

3-pt. goals: C. Miller 6, Pinkham 3, Hunnewell; Forge 2, Mulhall, Lumbert

Valley 19 31 45 57

Forest Hills 20 33 52 63

Girls basketball

Messalonskee 45, Bangor 44

At Oakland, Arianna Perry sank a 3-pointer with nine seconds left to lift the Eagles past the Rams.

Perry’s 3-pointer capped Messalonskee’s 12-7 fourth-quarter scoring advantage and erased a four-point deficit. Hannah Dexter paced the Eagles with 10 points and Holly Oliver grabbed 12 rebounds.

Stephanie Comstock led Bangor with 14 points and Allie Clukey put in 10.

Bangor (5-2) 44

B. Hackett 4-1-9, Tocci 1-0-2, A. Hackett 2-0-4, Doucette 1-0-2, Sivik 1-0-3, Clukey 3-4-10, Comstock 6-2-14

Messalonskee (3-4) 45

Perry 3-0-9, Dexter 5-0-10, Bridges 4-0-9, Oliver 0-1-1, Deering 4-1-9, Haiss 3-1-7, Charles, Busque, Tinsman

3-pt. goals: Sivik; Perry 3, Bridges

Bangor 8 25 37 44

Messalonskee 14 20 33 45

Old Town 50, Bucksport 22

At Old Town, Jenna King scored 11 points and Sarah Wilcox dished out six assists as the Coyotes got their fifth victory.

Keely Sullivan paced Bucksport with eight points.

Bucksport (0-8) 22

Robinson, Lalonde 1-0-2, Greenlaw 1-0-2, Lanpher 1-0-2, Wilson 0-1-1, Harvey 2-1-5, Lenor, Beeson, Sullivan 3-0-8, Sanborn 1-0-2

Old Town (5-2) 50

St. Louis 1-0-2, Guay 4-1-9, Randall 2-0-4, Wilcox 1-0-2, Goodwin 2-1-7, Brown 3-0-6, Gammon 1-2-4, King 4-2-11, Barry, Smart 1-0-2, Taylor 1-0-2, Cossar 0-1-1

3-pt. goals: Sullivan 2; Goodwin 2, King

Bucksport 3 8 10 22

Old Town 11 23 38 50

JV: Old Town 42-36

Bangor Chr. 57, Searsport 25

At Bangor, Hannah Pray scored 16 points to spark Bangor Christian by Searsport.

Katherine Bragg added 14 points for the Patriots.

Abby Landmesser paced Searsport with six points.

Searsport (0-7) 25

Landmesser 3-0-6, Clark 2-0-4, Gray, Garcelon 1-0-2, Chaney 1-0-2, Kalis, Jettinghoff 2-0-5, Quigley 2-0-4, Chaar, Cotter 1-0-2

Bangor Chr. (6-1) 57

Bragg 7-0-14, Harrison, Ramirez 1-0-2, E. Johnson, Holmes 2-0-4, Pray 8-0-16, Dillon, Robinson 2-0-4, H. Johnson 3-2-8, Simons, Libby 3-1-7, Bean, Roman 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Jettinghoff

Searsport 9 13 19 25

Bangor Chr. 21 33 53 57

JV: Bangor Chr. 40-15

Lawrence 48, Hampden 26

At Fairfield, Alexa Bernatchez tossed in 18 points to lead the Bulldogs to victory.

Brogan Liberty netted 10 points and grabbed 10 rebounds for Lawrence.

Katie Foster paced Hampden Academy with six points.

Hampden (0-7) 26

Foster 3-0-6, Webb 2-0-5, Pond 1-0-2, Wilson, Stephenson, Moore, Rawcliffe 2-1-5, Chambers 2-1-5, Neill 1-0-2, Snyder 0-1-1, Anderson

Lawrence (6-1) 48

B. Liberty 2-6-10, Bernatchez 8-2-18, Gilbert 2-0-4, Raven 1-0-2, Perry 1-0-2, Savage 1-1-3, Murray 2-0-4, Robinson, T. Liberty, Curless-Clark 2-1-5, Chavis

3-pt. goals: Webb

Hampden 7 12 17 26

Lawrence 20 28 40 48

JV: Lawrence 41-33

Stearns 60, Schenck 27

At Millinocket, Kirsten Marter scored 12 points and Samantha Lyons added nine as Stearns of Millinocket earned its ninth win.

Ashley Deloge led Schenck of East Millinocket with 10 points, all from the free-throw line.

Schenck (0-7) 27

Kimball 3-0-7, Bouchard 0-2-2, Lowell 2-2-6, McLeod 1-0-2, Deloge 0-10-10, Michaud, Powers, Lanzara, King, Dicentes, Brown

Stearns (5-2) 60

Osborne 0-1-1, Davis 3-0-6, Levesque 3-0-6, Marter 6-0-12, Eurich 2-2-6, Mills, Leavitt 2-3-7, Legassey 2-1-5, Beaulieu 3-0-6, Lynch, Lyons 4-1-9, Sheridan 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Kimball

Schenck 2 7 22 27

Stearns 25 37 49 60

JV: Schenck 32-24

Greenville 53, Calvary Chapel 20

At Greenville, Gretel Breton tallied 14 points and eight rebounds to lead Greenville to victory over Calvary Chapel Christian of Orrington

Saige Weeks chipped in with 10 points for the Lakers.

Faith Thomas scored 13 points to pace Calvary Chapel.

Calvary Chapel (0-4) 20

Thomas 6-0-13, Kettell 2-0-4, Lacadie 1-0-2, Norsworthy 0-1-1, Warman, Mills, Pomeroy

Greenville (1-3) 53

Breton 7-0-14, Weeks 4-2-10, Alexander 3-1-7, Rockwell 2-0-4, Harmon 2-0-4, Boucher 2-0-4, Peat 2-0-4, Martel 1-0-2, Lavigne, Howard, Theriault

3-pt. goals: Thomas

Calvary Chapel 11 11 13 20

Greenville 10 20 40 53

Lee Acad. 55, Woodland 39

At Lee, Karin Bird scored 11 points, grabbed nine rebounds and made five steals as the Pandas defeated Woodland for the second time this winter.

Aarika Ritchie led all scorers with 16 points for Lee Academy while contributing seven steals. Amanda Gifford notched 12 points and six steals.

Courtney Cochran’s 14 points paced the Dragons while Julia Nichols added 10.

Woodland (4-2) 39

Nicholas 4-1-10, Cochran 5-4-14, Laking 2-1-5, Boomer, Knights 2-0-4, Gabriel 0-1-1, Torrey 1-0-2, Bergin, Parks, White 1-1-3

Lee Acad. (4-0) 55

Gifford 6-0-12, Bird 5-1-11, Ritchie 7-0-16, Harris 2-0-5, Mallett, Gross, Dow 0-1-1, McLaughlin 1-0-2, Cowan, McGaw, Houghton 4-0-8

3-pt. goals: Nicholas; Ritchie 2, Harris

Woodland 6 19 34 39

Lee Acad. 20 35 43 55

JV: Lee Acad. 30-21

Mount View 62, Rockland 31

At Thorndike, the Mustangs held the Tigers to seven first-half points en route to the victory.

Erica Felt paced Mount View with eight points.

Jessica Smith and Dakota McAdam scored 12 points each to lead Rockland, while Alexis Bennett added 10.

Rockland (3-4) 31

Felt 3-1-8, Kinney 0-3-3, Burns 2-0-6, Ranquist 2-0-4, Clark 0-1-1, Plourde, Nolan, Sirois 1-0-2, Heal 1-0-2, Dennison, Joyce 1-0-2, Picard 1-1-3

Mount View (3-5) 62

Montminy 2-2-7, Bennett 3-4-10, Murphy 1-1-3, Kind 2-1-5, St. Clair, Raven 2-1-5, Larrabee, Masessa 3-2-8, Smith 6-0-12, McAdam 6-0-12, Horton

3-pt. goals: Montminy; Felt, Burns 2

Rockland 2 7 17 31

Mount View 11 23 42 62

JV: Rockland 36-20

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