Pat LaMarche’s column (BDN, Dec. 26) on Tony Blair’s conversion was anti-Catholic and I feel the BDN should not have printed it. To write about Tony Blair was a cover for a tabloidlike article about the Catholic Church. She had some facts wrong on the church, and that is what is important. To say that women cannot be leaders in the church because they have a uterus jumps out as left-wing feminism and an anti-Catholic statement.
If a well-known married man with children decided to become gay would an article about his new lifestyle written in a sleazy way with untruths be published? I don’t think so. It would be considered anti-gay. But sleaze against the Catholic Church seems to be OK.
I do not know how any Catholic can read that article and not be upset over the slam on the church. It is low-class journalism; to think she ran for governor. Maine has many problems.
Constance Henkel
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