Fourth-quarter charge propels ‘Cats to victory

PRESQUE ISLE – Nic Gallant scored 13 points and grabbed nine rebounds as Presque Isle outscored Mount Desert Island 20-7 in the fourth quarter to rally for a 54-49 boys basketball victory Monday. Adam Kingsbury chipped in 11 points for the Wildcats.
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PRESQUE ISLE – Nic Gallant scored 13 points and grabbed nine rebounds as Presque Isle outscored Mount Desert Island 20-7 in the fourth quarter to rally for a 54-49 boys basketball victory Monday.

Adam Kingsbury chipped in 11 points for the Wildcats.

Ben Young scored 17 points for the Trojans.

Mount Desert Island (10-3) 49

Young 7-0-17, Strout 2-0-4, N. Hall 3-1-7, Dunn 1-0-2, J. Hall 1-2-5, Cousins 1-0-3, Mitchell 1-0-3, Ferm 2-2-8, Jones

Presque Isle (12-2) 54

Gallant 6-1-13, A. Kingsbury 3-5-11, Ackerson 1-4-6, B. Kingsbury 1-0-2, Cassidy 4-0-9, Mortland 2-5-9, Braley 2-0-4, Richards

3-pt. goals: Young 3, Ferm 2; Cassidy

MDI 4 22 42 49

Presque Isle 15 23 34 54

JV: Presque Isle 66-51

Ashland 63, Easton 57 (OT)

At Easton, Carl Nemer’s buzzer-beater sent the game to overtime where Ashland pulled away to win.

Nemer was one of four Hornets in double figures with 12 points; Jeremy Tarr tossed in 16, Lucas Belanger 14 and Jason Levesque 10.

Jeremy Brock connected for 21 points and Brad Trask 11 for the Bears.

Ashland 63

Tarr 8-0-16, L. Belanger 7-0-14, Nemer 4-3-12, Levesque 4-2-10, Cote 1-0-3, Ju. Belanger 4-0-8, Baker

Easton 57

Brock 10-1-21, Trask 4-2-11, Bacon 4-1-9, Sanders 3-2-8, Fuller, Daniels, Flewelling 4-0-8, White

3-pt. goals: Nemer; Trask

Ashland 19 29 39 55 63

Easton 10 19 38 55 57

JV: Easton 40-37

Caribou 73, Central 53

At Caribou, Jarryd Rossignol scored 12 of his 25 points in the third quarter as the Vikings took a 23-point lead en route to the win.

Ben Rosser chipped in with 13 points for Caribou and Kyle Corrigan added 12.

Tyler Pineo paced the Red Devils of Corinth with 20 points and Steven Laflamme added 13.

Central (1-11) 53

Bean 1-0-2, J. Speed 2-1-6, B. Speed, T. Speed 2-0-4, St. Peter 1-0-2, Laflamme 6-0-13, Pineo 7-4-20, Dorr 1-0-2, Brown 1-0-2, Lepage 1-0-2, Hurdle

Caribou (11-1) 73

Corrigan 5-2-12, Robertson 1-0-2, Sager, Schuster, Rosser 6-1-13, Rossignol 10-4-25, Belanger, Nadeau, Anderson 2-4-8, Brown 2-1-5, St. Peter 2-2-6, Walker 0-2-2

3-pt. goals: Pineo 2, Laflamme, J. Speed; Rossignol

Central 13 24 34 53

Caribou 18 34 57 73

Lee Acad. 79, Katahdin 54

At Stacyville, Devan Parker led four Pandas in double figures with 16 points as they cruised to the win.

Tyler Doughty and Luis Medina netted 13 points and Hakeem Rodriguez 10 for Lee Academy.

Ethan Qualey scored 16 points and Thomas Anderson 13 for Katahdin.

Lee Acad. (10-2) 79

Rodriguez 5-0-10, Bingham 3-0-8, Harris 3-1-8, Parker 6-4-16, MacDonald 2-0-4, Norris 2-0-4, Doughty 4-4-13, Medina 5-2-13, Beers 1-0-3

Katahdin (4-9) 54

Anderson 5-3-13, Craig 4-0-9, Guiggey 1-0-2, Rodgerson 2-1-5, Qualey 7-2-16, McCarthy 2-0-5

3-pt. goals: Bingham 2, Harris; Craig, McCarthy

Lee Acad. 22 40 56 79

Katahdin 4 22 34 54

Hampden 66, Skowhegan 57

At Skowhegan, Antonio Juco scored all 18 of his points in the second half and 10 of those in the third quarter to help the Hampden Academy Broncos race past Skowhegan.

Brad Haase led all scorers with 25 points and also had a game-high 10 rebounds to go with five assists for the Broncos. Justin Brown had 10 points and seven rebounds.

Jordan Taylor led the Indians with 24 points. Ben Clark added 16 points and Eric Thistle had 13.

Hampden (7-6) 66

Haase 8-6-25, Juco 6-6-18, Brown 2-6-10, Evans 2-0-5, Hersey, Moore 3-0-6, Burditt 1-0-2

Skowhegan (7-5) 57

Taylor 12-0-24, Clark 6-2-16, Thistle 5-0-13, Withee, Davis, Boardman, Saydjari 1-0-2, Verville 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Haase 3, Evans; Clark 2, Thistle 3

Hampden 11 25 45 66

Skowhegan 12 26 38 57

JV: Hampden 49-38

Girls basketball

Houlton 69, Madawaska 12

At Houlton, all five Shiretowner starters wound up in double figures for scoring as Houlton rolled to the win.

Rachel Foster’s 13 points and 11 rebounds led the Shiretowners. Lainey Herring scored 13 points, Emily Bartlett put in 12, Vanessa Sanderson tossed in 11 and Desiree Dow added 10. Sanderson had five assists and Dow grabbed seven rebounds.

Kallie Pelletier had a team-high 10 points for the Owls.

Madawaska (3-9) 12

K. Pelletier 5-0-10, Gendreau 1-0-2, Parker, Gagnon, Dugal, B. Pelletier, Cyr, Nadeau, Dionne

Houlton (12-1) 69

Foster 6-1-13, Herring 5-3-13, Bartlett 5-1-12, Dow 5-0-10, Sanderson 5-1-11, Putnam 1-0-3, Bailey 1-0-2, McPartland 2-0-5, Caron, Lackey

3-pt. goals: Bartlett, Putnam, McPartland

Central 4 6 12 12

Houlton 23 41 55 69

JV: Houlton 46-15

Caribou 45, Central 39

At Caribou, the Vikings outscored the Red Devils of Corinth 14-4 in the fourth quarter to rally for the win.

Caribou’s Kristen Espling, who had five points in the fourth, had a team-high 15. Amanda Cyr chipped in with 11 points, including three in the fourth.

Central’s Bekah Campbell led all scorers with 19 points.

Central (4-7) 39

R. McHugh, K. McHugh 1-0-2, Cote, Day, Ra. Trafton 1-2-4, Pineo 1-0-3, Morin, Blanchard 0-2-2, Ro. Trafton, Portmann 3-3-9, Campbell 9-1-19

Caribou (7-5) 45

Bosse, Collins, Schofield, Small, Ouellette 1-2-4, Espling 6-0-15, Richards 3-2-9, Cyr 4-0-11, King 2-0-4, Selander 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Pineo; Espling 3, Cyr 3, Richards

Central 15 26 35 39

Caribou 7 17 31 45

Lee Acad. 74, Katahdin 48

At Stacyville, Karin Bird tossed in 19 points and Amanda Gifford 15 as Lee Academy rolled past Katahdin.

Aarika Ritchie chipped in 11 points for the Pandas.

Kayla Stevens scored 16 points for the Cougars while Olivia McNally added 14.

Lee Acad. (11-1) 74

Gifford 7-1-15, Harris 3-07, Grass 2-2-6, Bird 9-1-19, Drew 2-0-4, McLaughlin 0-2-2, Ritchie 5-1-11, Sappier 1-0-2, Cullen 0-2-2, Houghton 2-2-6

Katahdin (5-7) 48

Rush 0-1-1, Majkowski 2-0-4, Duffy 3-2-8, McNally 5-1-14, Moore 3-0-7, Stevens 8-0-16

3-pt. goals: Harris; McNally 3, Moore

Lee Acad. 19 39 57 74

Katahdin 4 18 29 48

Presque Isle 70, MDI 66

At Presque Isle, the host Wildcats sank 14 of 15 of their free throws in the fourth quarter to hold of Mount Desert Island.

Sarah Porter connected for a game-high 25 points for Presque Isle and Amy Michaud scored 16. Kayla Legassie was 12-for-12 from the free throw line en route to 16 points.

Sara Carroll scored 24 points, Megan Phelps 14 and Anna Joy 10 for the Trojans.

Mount Desert Island (4-9) 66

Paradis 0-2-2, Carroll 9-3-21, Joy 4-2-10, Thormann 2-0-4, Hutchins 0-2-2, Vaux 3-1-7, Curtis 1-2-4, Swanson, Pratt, Phelps 6-1-14, Minctons

Presque Isle (4-9) 70

Bearden, Michaud 4-8-16, Porter 10-3-25, Buckley 0-1-1, Legassie 2-12-16, Chaney, Dean 3-0-8, Girardin 1-0-2, Johnston, Coffin, Ward 0-2-2

3-pt. goals: Carroll 3, Phelps; Porter 2, Dean 2

MDI 15 29 47 66

Presque Isle 14 34 49 70

JV: MDI 43-28

Ashland 61, Easton 20

At Easton, Mindy Chasse tallied 14 points to propel Ashland to victory over Easton.

Whitney Flint added 13 points for the Hornets.

Kristen Boxwell posted 10 points to pace Easton.

Ashland (12-1) 61

Flint 5-1-13, Chasse 5-4-14, Poulin 1-3-5, C. Cook 3-1-7, D’Ozier 1-0-2, M. Donovan, Good 1-0-2, Baker, Pelkey 2-0-4, Jimmo 1-0-2, Tilley 0-2-2, W. Donovan 2-0-4, Graham 0-2-2, M. Cook 2-0-4

Easton (1-13) 20

Fuller, Bennett, Burtt, Hammond 1-0-2, Lunney, Cyr, Parlin 1-1-3, Trask 0-3-3, Nickerson 1-0-2, Boxwell 4-2-10, Monson, Romano

3-pt. goals: Flint 2

Ashland 15 40 46 61

Easton 3 5 14 20

Cen. Aroostook 59, SAHS 40

At Dyer Brook, Sarah Long registered 22 points to power Central Aroostook of Mars Hill by Southern Aroostook.

Amber Bradley added 18 points for the Panthers.

Liz Goodall led Southern Aroostook with a game-high 28 points.

Cen. Aroostook (11-1) 59

McClay, Estabrook 4-0-8, C. Hartin, Bradley 6-2-18, B. Hartin, Day 2-0-5, Graham, Mean, dame 3-0-6, Ling 9-4-22

So. Aroostook (7-6) 40

McGary, E. Goodall 0-3-3, Bergan 1-0-2, Jan. Rockwell, L. Goodall 10-4-28, Grant, Jas. Rockwell 1-0-3, Charette 1-0-2, Crandall, Ryan, Hartin 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Bradley 4; L. Goodall 4, Jas. Rockwell

Cen. Aroostook 12 27 38 59

So. Aroostook 8 12 25 40

JV: Cen. Aroostook 50-27

Waterville 61, MCI 15

At Pittsfield, the Panthers sprang to an early lead and never looked back while staying unbeaten.

Sarah Given tossed in 18 points to pace Waterville, while Paige Gardner and Jen Nale provided 11 points each.

Kristi Judkins led Maine Central Institute with five points.

Waterville (13-0) 61

Tuttle, Sta. Whitten, Gardner 5-1-11, Pellerin 2-0-4, Ste. Whitten 3-2-8, T. Frame, Nale 3-5-11, Hart, Smith, Reynolds, Given 8-0-18, Bishop 3-2-8, M. Frame 0-1-1

MCI (2-11) 15

Asaro 0-2-2, Arias, Mosher, Judkins 1-2-5, Huff, Houston, Fields-Love 1-0-3, Lorentsen 1-1-3, Hughes, Clement 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Given 2; Fields-Love

Waterville 15 30 45 61

MCI 2 7 13 15

JV: Waterville 48-10

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