March 28, 2025

Community news


Art at Husson College

Paintings by abstract artist Adele Drake of Winterport are on exhibit through Feb. 18 at the White Gallery in Peabody Hall at Husson College. A reception for “New Work by Adele Drake” is scheduled for 4 to 6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 15.

Drake, known for her highly developed surfaces and luminous color, was born in Philadelphia. She has a master’s degree in fine arts from the University of Pennsylvania. After many years of teaching art in the inner city of Philadelphia, Drake moved to Winterport with her husband, William, a professional photographer, to raise their two children.

Her work will be included in a show opening April 5 at the Lincoln Street Center for Arts and Education in Rockland.

Have a Heart for Hunger

Hannaford Supermarkets is holding its fifth Have A Heart For Hunger campaign through March 1. The register program gives associates and customers the option of choosing a $2 or $5 donation coupon at the register.

One hundred percent of donations are used to help area food banks. Last year, Hannaford customers raised at least $13,000 for Good Shepherd Food-Bank.

Good Shepherd Food-Bank spokeswoman JoAn Chartier said, “The timing of this program is important to us because it comes at a time when donations level off after the holidays, yet the need remains very high.”

Good Shepherd Food-Bank is Maine’s largest hunger relief organization, providing food to a network of some 600 agencies statewide. The food bank’s ability to acquire food and essential products in bulk enables it to turn a $2 donation into 10 meals. A $5 gift provides 24 meals for food pantries and soup kitchens.

Novel set at Moosehead

Diane Les Becquets will bring her latest novel, “Season of Ice,” to Bangor Public Library at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 14. Les Becquets, has been described in Publisher’s Weekly as a “writer to watch.” A journalist for 12 years, she now teaches writing at Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester, N.H., and gives writing workshops across the country.

Les Becquets’ latest work is set at Moosehead Lake, a tale of life taking an unexpected and dramatic turn for a family. “It is my hope to help people adjust to the changes in their lives, to find the hope again to discover new experiences, and with those experiences, opportunities and strengths,” she said in a news release.

Her books will be available for purchase and signing.

Talk by Maine writer

Maine writer Martha Tod Dudman, author of the memoir “Augusta Gone,” will discuss her latest book, the novel “Black Olives,” at 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 16, in the Lecture Hall, Bangor Public Library.

Kirkus Reviews described Dudman’s latest book as “a story delivered with clarity, elegance and the oomph of lived experience.” “Black Olives” is a tale of middle-aged love gone wrong, and the breakup’s surprising aftermath.

Dudman’s books will be available for purchase and signing.

Genealogy program

See Dale Mower and Phil Getchell battle it out at the next program of the Penobscot County Genealogical Society at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 20, in the Lecture Hall, Bangor Public Library. Their program will be “Where to Place Your Documents and How to File Them.”

Moyers film on impeachment

The Bill Moyers documentary “Tough Talk on Impeachment” will be shown as part of the Peace and Justice Center of Eastern Maine film series at 7 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 17, at 170 Park St. The event is free and will include discussion.

In the documentary, Bill Moyers gets perspective on the role of impeachment in political life from Constitutional scholar Bruce Fein and John Nichols, author of “The Genius of Impeachment.”

For information, call the Peace and Justice Center of Eastern Maine at 942-9343.

Child care training

BANGOR – Penquis Child Care Resource Development Center offers professional and personal development training in emotional wellness 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, March 15, at Penquis, 262 Harlow St. The cost for the class is $15.

The workshop teaches healthy coping skills and ways to deal with stress, both positive and negative, in childcare settings. Kara Hay will be the facilitator. Register in advance at 973-3533 or 888-917-1100.

English language training

Literacy Volunteers of Bangor will offer 18 hours of training to volunteers interested in helping immigrants learn language, customs and culture of the United States.

Sometimes, English language tutors become conversation partners. Sometimes they are “cultural brokers” assisting the immigrant in understanding his or her new surroundings. Other times tutors help newcomers improve their ability to read English. Always, the cultural exchanges are fascinating. This is a great way of experiencing a “global village” while never leaving the Bangor area.

English language learner tutor training will be offered 6-9 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays, Feb. 27, March 3, 5, 10, 12, 17 and 19, at United Technologies Center. Snow dates are March 24 and 26. The fee is $25.

Call 947-8451 by Feb. 25 for information and registration.

Marriage course

Neighborhood Church, 263 Texas Ave., Bangor, invites couples to participate in a session on its marriage course from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 29, at the church. Dessert, coffee and tea as well as child care will be provided.

The event is free, but those who want to attend should RSVP by Friday, Feb. 22, to 945-9937 to ensure adequate seating and food.

“The Marriage Course will begin Friday, March 7,” said Brian Haggerty, senior pastor of Neighborhood Church. “The informational session on February 29 is for husbands and wives to learn more about what the seven-week course will offer and provide them with a no-pressure atmosphere to decide if it’s something they wish to attend. Since January 2007, we have offered this course several times with community participation and have had nothing but positive responses. Married couples are welcome whether or not they attend Neighborhood Church.”

Located on the University College of Bangor campus, Neighborhood Church has plenty of parking. The church is part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, a worldwide faith and interdenominational missionary society.

For more information, call Roberta Grover, secretary, or Brian Haggerty, senior pastor, at 945-9937. Office hours are 8 a.m.-noon weekdays.

New firefighters

Corey Wyman of Dexter and Patrick Heathcote of Levant have joined the ranks of Bangor’s firefighters.

Wyman comes to the Bangor Fire Department after spending 51/2 years with the Waterville Fire Department. Before that he was a volunteer firefighter in Dexter for 10 years.

Heathcote began his career as a junior firefighter and as a volunteer firefighter in Hudson before joining the Levant Fire Department, where he has been a volunteer firefighter for 10 years.


Fisheries field hearing

The U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard will conduct a field hearing at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 19, at Jeff’s Catering, 15 Littlefield Way.

The hearing will be led by Sen. Olympia Snowe, senior Republican on the subcommittee. It will focus on the impact that new regulations issued by the National Marine Fisheries Service last October will have on Maine’s fishing industry and community.

Snowe said in a news release that the field hearing will identify a way to help mitigate the impact on Maine’s fishermen while maintaining adequate protection for whale populations.


Benefit fish fry

Knights of Columbus Council 5756 of Bucksport will sponsor a fish fry at 5 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 16, at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Central and Franklin streets. The cost is $8, $4 children. The event will benefit the York family, who lost their home to fire.

Donations may be sent to: Knights of Columbus, ATTN: Woodman York Family, 211 U.S. Route 1, Bucksport 04416.


At Simpson Library

The Simpson Memorial Library in Carmel Village wants to thank the Palmyra Wal-Mart and the Carmel Historical Society for support this past year.

The library received a Wal-Mart grant in 2007 with which to buy a scanner as a first step toward automation.

The historical society partnered with the library to provide a community Christmas tree lighting event. Activities included the tree lighting, singing of carols and a luminary walkway to the Paul Haskell House. There, on display, was a miniature of Carmel Village. Hot cocoa and sweets were served, and a tour of the Haskell House was available. The event was so well-received that plans are being made to repeat the event next year.

To learn more about the library and its programs, call 848-7145.


Coffeehouse Variety Show

The Hampden Academy Music Association will present a Coffeehouse Variety Show at 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 15, on the Hampden Academy stage. The cost of admission is $5, $3 students, $15 family.

Kiwanis Rose Sale

The Hampden Kiwanis Club will conduct its annual rose sale through Friday, March 28. Roses will be delivered Thursday, April 3. The cost is $16 per dozen roses. There are no color choices. Reserve roses by calling Dana at 862-4501 or Vivian at 862-4500.


Wild Theatre workshop

Keep those midwinter blues away from your child’s February vacation and register him or her for a theatrical adventure at the Fields Pond Audubon Center. Nancy Tyndall, director of Milkweed Puppet Theatre and Holly Twining, Maine Audubon naturalist and previous performer in New York City, will lead participants through a Wild Theatre workshop.

Children will be dropped off at Fields Pond to work with Nancy and Holly for five hours to rehearse a short play by exploring movement, dialogue and puppetry. There will be time to create puppets and have an adventurous nature walk. The day will conclude with a performance at 2:45 p.m. for parents, family and friends.

Wild Theatre will be held 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 20, at Fields Pond Audubon Center. The cost is $36 members, $40 others. Call 989-2591 for a vacation camp registration form.


Poetry workshop

Poets are invited to register for a workshop that will include plenty of time for practice. The workshop is scheduled 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 23, at the Orland fire station, Schoolhouse Road. Storm date is Saturday, March 1.

Registration deadline is Sunday, Feb. 17. The fee is $15.

Workshop leader is Sharon Bray, poetry editor of the Narramissic Notebook, member of the Salt Coast Sages and prize-winning member of Maine Poets Society.

To register or to obtain info, call 469-7308 or e-mail


Planetarium programs

Not leaving town for school vacation? Why not leave the planet with the help of the University of Maine’s Jordan Planetarium? The domed theater in Wingate Hall on the Orono campus can take visitors out of this world with programs during school vacation week:

. “Moon Shadows,” 7 p.m. Saturdays, Feb. 16 and 23; and 1 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 20.

. “Follow the Drinking Gourd,” 7 p.m. Sundays, Feb. 17 and 24.

. “Worlds of Wonder,” 10 a.m. Tuesday and Friday, Feb. 18 and 22.

. “Earth’s Wild Ride,” 1 p.m. Tuesday and Friday, Feb. 18 and 22.

. “Hubble Vision Omnidome,” 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 22.

Across the solar system and beyond, these programs span distance and appeal to various ages. For information about each program, the Planetarium Web site has details at

Admission to all showings is $3 per person and tickets can be reserved at 581-1341.

For sky watchers who enjoy the real thing, an actual eclipse of the moon will be on tap at the Jordan Observatory on Wednesday evening, Feb. 20. The timely darkening of the moon will be visible to anyone with a clear sky, but visitors are welcome to look through the observatory telescopes free, 8:30-11 p.m. The observatory is located on the south side of the Memorial Union.

Family Valentine Dance

The Orono Parks and Recreation Department will sponsor its annual family Valentine dance 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 14, at the Keith Anderson Community House.

The dance is open to children in grades one through five who are accompanied by an adult. Music, dancing, food and games will be part of the fun. The admission fee is $15 per family. A photographer will be available to record the memories of the event for an additional fee.

Registration is required and seating is limited. Call 866-5065 to make reservations.

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