September 21, 2024

Wardens urge caution when riding on trails

MILLINOCKET – In four separate instances on Monday, Judy and Rick Givens encountered moose standing on snowmobile trails between Millinocket and Jo-Mary Mountain.

Judy Givens twice was frightened – and angry – not with the moose, but with snowmobilers riding on the trails from the opposite direction, according to Deborah Turcotte, acting spokesperson for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.

The Givenses had slowed their machines and waited for the moose to move, she said in a telephone call to the DIF&W. But snowmobilers approaching from the other side of the trail did not do so, Judy Givens said.

“They know it isn’t safe, but they think it is fun to get as close as they can,” said Givens, who called state officials to express her concern about the safety of moose on the trails. “They are stressing the moose. The moose are exhausted. They don’t need this.”

This season’s deep snow pack has been making it difficult for moose and deer to travel to and from winter yards, according to DIF&W wildlife biologist Lee Kantar. Last weekend’s storm left a crusty coating of ice on the snow, adding to the difficulty, Kantar said.

“Deer, moose and other animals are looking for easier travel out of the deep snow to reduce energy expenditure and will be using the packed snowmobile trails, logging roads and other routes to make their treks,” the wildlife biologist said. “Outdoor recreationists need to take caution in approaching wildlife in this situation.”

In one of the instances Monday, Judy Givens said, as the approaching snowmobilers moved closer to the moose, she didn’t know whether the animal was going to charge her or attempt to get out of the way.

“His head was down and his ears were pinned back,” she said. While the moose did finally move off the trail, Givens said, “I didn’t know what he was going to do.”

According to the Maine Warden Service, a division of DIF&W, it is against state law to use a motorized vehicle such as a snowmobile or an ATV to intentionally kill, injure or harass wild animals or birds. A person found in violation commits a Class E misdemeanor, which is subject to up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.

State wardens and biologists are urging snowmobilers to be considerate of the plight of wildlife this winter, and to slow down and use caution if they see a deer or moose on the trails.

“It’s always important to drive at a reasonable speed for conditions and give yourself time to slow down and stop if an obstacle such as a moose or a tree is on the path,” said warden service Capt. Joel Wilkinson.

Kantar agreed.

“Snowmobilers and ATV riders need to watch their line of sight when traveling down trails,” Kantar said. “They need to be able to see far out what is ahead of them and avoid potential collisions with animals and other objects.”

He said people, too, need to be “very cautious” and avoid driving around a moose.

“They certainly should avoid doing this if it means that they have to closely approach an animal,” Kantar said. “You don’t know how a moose is going to react.”

State officials issued these tips on how to share the trails safely with wildlife:

. Maintain a fair distance from animals.

. Give moose and deer ample space to move off trails. They need an escape route.

. If you suddenly come upon an animal, slow down and stop. Do not move toward the animal or corner it.

. Do not approach deer or moose. The animals already are stressed by severe conditions this winter and will be stressed more by approaching snowmobiles.

“If deer or moose are in the path, they need time to move away from people and look for a place to jump off the trail to gain access to the woods,” Kantar said. “I think people need to critically evaluate the situation, back off, and give the animal time to move.”

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