March 18, 2025

Rockland Kiwanians skipping meal for children

Today is a very meaningful day, and this week is a very meaningful week for members of the Kiwanis Club of Rockland.

John Batty e-mailed me that today, under the leadership of club president Keith Wass, club members will “skip the usual meal during their meeting.”

The Rockland club will donate the cost of that meal to the Kiwanis International Foundation’s Children’s Fund as its contribution to the “Skip a Meal for Children” program being observed by Kiwanis Clubs this week throughout the world.

Also participating in this program are Kiwanis-sponsored clubs in colleges, high schools, middle schools and elementary schools, and clubs for adults with developmental disabilities.

And this week the Kiwanis Club of Rockland will help Rockland area merchants participate in “Cars Can Kill Kids” Awareness Week.

This effort helps merchants and members of the media inform the public about the dangers of leaving children alone in and around vehicles.

Batty and members of his awareness program committee offer parents these tips to help keep their children safe around vehicles.

“Plan ahead to use drive-in services where available. Many businesses will provide curbside drop-off and pickup service, if you call ahead.

“Never leave keys within the reach of children.

“Keep vehicles locked at all times; even in the driveway.

“Make sure all young passengers have left your car after it is parked.

“Teach children to never play in or around vehicles.

“If possible, leave your children with a responsible adult or arrange a baby-sitting co-op with your neighbor to give you an hour to run errands.”

If you would like assistance in helping get this message to your organization or club, call 596-6989 for information.

Continuing with the children’s theme, here’s good news from librarian Lyn Smith of the Pittsfield Public Library.

Smith wants parents to know the library will be offering several “special programs during the school spring break.”

First up is Goats! at 11 a.m. Tuesday, April 22, at the library, 110 Library St.

At this gathering, people from Stony Knolls Farm in St. Albans will show you how cheese and soap “are made from goats,” Smith wrote.

Next, Sara Yasner of Clifton, who is about to “release her first CD of original songs,” will lead a Sara Sing Along and Musical Instrument Making Workshop at 11 a.m. Wednesday, April 23.

Not only will children get to participate in the singalong, but they will also be helped in creating their own musical instruments from recyclable and natural materials.

Children ages 6-10 are invited to enjoy Sheep to Wool at 3 p.m. Thursday, April 24, at the library.

Here they will follow the journey sheep wool makes as it is turned into fiber, spun into yarn and made into products, Smith explained.

Children will create their own wool product at this event, which is the first of a new monthly Kids Explore program for children in this age group.

Finally, teens and tweens will enjoy video gaming and play Dance Dance Revolution and Guitar Hero from 3 to 5 p.m. Friday, April 25, at the library.

For information about the week’s activities at the library, call 487-5880.

In recognition of April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month, staff of Rape Response Services of Bangor reminds area women that a Basic Women’s Self Defense program will be taught 6-8:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning April 22 and running through May 8.

For information or to register, call Cathy Rumsey at 947-7384.

In celebration of TV Turn Off Week, April 21-25, Brenda Hall of Mount Desert Island Hospital reports a Children’s Open House will be held 4:30-6 p.m. Tuesday, April 22, at the hospital in Bar Harbor.

Children and their parents are invited and encouraged to participate in a variety of activities and to “ask questions and take advantage of this great opportunity to get a firsthand look at what happens behind the scenes of their local hospital,” Hall wrote.

After registering, they will be able to visit several Open House areas including the Emergency Department, Physical and Occupational Therapy, the Laboratory, Radiology and Surgical Services.

Members of the Wellness Program will share healthful snacks and exercise reminders.

Parents should preregister children by calling Hall at 288-5082, ext. 198 or by e-mailing

All children who attend must be accompanied by an adult.

Joni Averill, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor 04402;; 990-8288.

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