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Center’s refurbished hearing aids can be a lifeline

Never underestimate the power of the pen. Seven years ago, a letter to the editor of the Bangor Daily News was forwarded to Mary Poulin at the Warren Center for Communication and Learning. The author sought help for a dear friend who’s hearing loss was so pronounced he…
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Never underestimate the power of the pen. Seven years ago, a letter to the editor of the Bangor Daily News was forwarded to Mary Poulin at the Warren Center for Communication and Learning. The author sought help for a dear friend who’s hearing loss was so pronounced he could not understand his doctor’s instructions. As a heart patient, misinterpreting how to take his medication could have proved fatal.

The letter spawned the Regional Hearing Aid Bank, affectionately known as ReHAB.

“This is my baby,” said Poulin, executive director of the Warren Center, with pride. “I have watched it grow and it fills such an important need in the community. Unfortunately, we have more than a 100 people on our waiting list. We are constantly searching for funds to keep the program going. Each aid costs about $500 to refurbish.”

Not being able to hear can have profound consequences on a person’s life.

“People tend to withdraw from the community because they can’t hear and things are not fun for them anymore,” said audiologist Amanda Samoluk. “Consequently they will often stay home where they can turn the TV up really loud.”

The ReHAB program repairs and refurbishes old donated behind-the-ear hearing aids and gives them to those in need. In-ear models cannot be recycled but the center receives a credit when the aid is returned to the factory. The credit is put toward the reconditioning of other models.

“There is no other program like this one,” said Samoluk. “It is essential to the community. Often, elderly people would not be able to be part of the community and interact with family and friends, and especially their doctors, without a hearing aid.” The center covers most of the state.

The process to take part in the ReHAB program is quite simple. First, there is a test to determine hearing loss. You will need a referral from your doctor. Then an application is completed and your name is added to a waiting list. When the name comes up, a hearing aid is fitted. Clients are asked to make a nominal copayment, usually less than $25.

Samoluk offers tips for communicating with someone who may be hard of hearing:

. Get the person’s attention before starting a conversation.

. Speak slowly and clearly. Do not shout or overemphasize your words.

. Make sure the person can see your mouth. Don’t talk behind a newspaper, hold your hands in front of your face or talk from behind the person.

. Face the person and make sure there is ample lighting so the person can see your face.

. Limit background noise by turning off the television. Remember, appliances such as the dishwasher or microwave oven create background noise that can make voices hard to hear.

When people return to the Warren Center for a follow up, it is clear what an effect the program has made on theirs and their family’s lives, said Samoluk.

“One woman’s daughter told me how wonderful it is not to have to write out conversations with her mother on paper anymore,” she said.

A hearing aid has a ripple effect, Samoluk added, because everyone involved with the person benefits. And that trickles back to the center.

“We go home feeling good at the end of the day,” Samoluk said.

If you would like information on the ReHAB program or wish to donate a hearing aid, call the Warren Center at 877-542-9000.

Mark your calendars for the Voices to Be Heard Yard Sale set for 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, May 31. All proceeds benefit Warren Center programs.

Carol Higgins Taylor is director of communications at Eastern Area Agency on Aging. E-mail Higgins Taylor at For information on EAAA, call 941-2865, toll-free 800-432-7812, e-mail or log on TTY 992-0150.

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