. Water district trustees, 3:45 p.m. Tuesday, 614 State St., audit report, line of credit discussion, water operator license update, fuel bid, updating trustee disclosure forms.
. City Council’s transportation and infrastructure committee, 5 p.m. Tuesday, City Hall, recycling committee report, grant applications for sidewalk projects, airport passenger statistics.
. Planning board, 7 p.m. Tuesday, City Hall, site plan approval for fill and grade at 772 Mount Hope Ave., conditional use-site plan approval for drive-through restaurant at Broadway Shopping Center, preliminary approval for 23-lot subdivision at Grandview Avenue and Essex Street, final approval for 14-lot cluster subdivision at 1379 Essex St.
. Public health advisory board, 3 p.m. Wednesday, Bangor Region Chamber, 519 Main St., Maine Network for Health Web site demonstration, board endorsement process, Maine Youth Overweight Collaborative.
. Thomas Hill Standpipe, spring tour, 3 p.m. Wednesday.
. Housing authority board, 4 p.m. Wednesday, 161 Davis Road, insurance renewal, bills for excess consumption of heating oil, Section 8 Housing Choice voucher program, executive director evaluation.
. BanAir Corp. board, 4 p.m. Wednesday, City Hall, report on International Enterprise Center and Foreign Trade Zone No. 58, authorization to apply for Maine for regional economic development revolving loan program grant, request to buy BanAir Industrial Park lot, Hannaford Brothers Co. request to lease office space at 39 Florida Ave., request for proposals for auditor for fiscal years 2008-2010.
. City Council’s business and economic development committee, 5 p.m. Wednesday, City Hall, cultural commission grant request, review of Bangor Center Corp. program and budget, renewal of downtown special assessment district, license agreements for July 4 fireworks and farmers market, proposal to redevelop 113 Maine Ave., executive session regarding sale of 113 Maine Ave.
. City Council, 5 p.m. Thursday, City Hall, budget workshop, update on Honeywell energy efficiency contract, review of miscellaneous accounts, tax rate and assessed value update, review of capital and new program requests, review of proposed override, review of questions and issues to date.
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