My husband and I are retired and on a fixed income, and our most significant, unpredictable cost is health care. Some of our adult children have jobs which do not provide health benefits. They are not alone: More than 120,000 people in Maine and more than 47 million people nationwide do not have health insurance. We find it hard to believe that every other industrialized country in the world has universal access to affordable health care.
My husband is old enough to qualify for Medicare, which has worked well for us and provided excellent coverage for a wide variety of complex medical issues. We believe that universal health care is well within the reach of the richest country in the world if it ranks the health of its citizens as a high priority.
Chellie Pingree, a candidate in next month’s 1st Congressional District Democratic primary, has been recognized as a leader on health care reform. In our state, she has fought big drug companies to pass a prescription drug pricing program in the Maine Legislature (Maine RX). She believes Americans deserve universal health care coverage for all citizens. That’s why I am supporting Chellie Pingree for Congress and urging Democratic residents of the 1st District to vote for her. She knows what needs to be done and how to go about starting it.
Patty Ryan
Mount Desert
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