Track & field

HIGH SCHOOL Aroostook County Championships At Presque Isle Caribou girls 194.16, Presque Isle 108, Fort Kent 49, Fort Fairfield 33.83 4×800: 1, Caribou (Sund, Lily , Sheehan, Mary Jo , Bossie, Megan , Michaud, Dayna ),…
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Aroostook County Championships

At Presque Isle

Caribou girls 194.16, Presque Isle 108, Fort Kent 49, Fort Fairfield 33.83

4×800: 1, Caribou (Sund, Lily , Sheehan, Mary Jo , Bossie, Megan , Michaud, Dayna ), 10:57.3h. 2, Presque Isle 11:02.5h. 1600 Race Walk: 1, Saunders, Hannah, (C), 8:10.0h. 2, Googins, Arielle, (PI), 9:58.0h. 3, Cyr, Nicole, (C), 10:08.0h. 4, Ouellette, Alyssa, (FK), 10:48.0h. 5, Pizzuti, Ally, (C), 11:00.0h. 100 Hurdles: 1, King, Karyn, (C), 18.7h. 2, Forsman, Amber, (FF), 19.7h. 3, Wong, Tori, (C), 21.3h. 3, Bosse, Meg, (C), 21.3h. 5, Kinsey, Kaitlyn, (FF), 22.1h.. 100: 1, Pelletier, Jamie, (FK), 12.9h. 2, Collins, Emily, (C), 13.3h. 3, Savage, Christine, (C), 14.0h. 3, Witmer, Briana, (FK), 14.0h. 5, MacDonald, Danielle, (C), 14.4h. 1600: 1, Saunders, Hannah, (C), 5:49.0h. 2, Pinette, Mackenzie, (PI), 5:49.5h. 3, Bossie, Megan, (C), 5:57.0h. 4, Sheehan, Mary Jo, (C), 5:58.0h. 5, Bernard, Kaitlyn, (FK), 6:02.0h. 4×100: 1, Caribou (Kalnova, Betty , Dorman, Victoria , Savage, Christine , Collins, Emily ), 55.0h. 2, Presque Isle 56.9h. 3, Fort Kent 59.1h. 400: 1, Pelletier, Jamie, (FK), 1:04.8h. 2, Michaud, Dayna, (C), 1:05.9h. 3, Kalnova, Betty, (C), 1:07.7h. 4, Sund, Lily, (C), 1:09.0h. 5, Buck, Krista, (PI), 1:09.1h. 300 Hurdles: 1, Whittier, Katrina, (PI), 51.1h. 2, King, Karyn, (C), 52.3h. 3, Forsman, Amber, (FF), 58.8h. 4, Buck, Erin, (C), 59.5h. 5, Bosse, Meg, (C), 1:01.8h. 800: 1, Michaud, Dayna, (C), 2:38.0h. 2, Bossie, Megan, (C), 2:39.0h. 3, Pinette, Mackenzie, (PI), 2:40.0h. 4, Saunders, Hannah, (C), 2:42.0h. 5, Bernard, Kaitlyn, (FK), 2:43.0h. 200: 1, Pelletier, Jamie, (FK), 27.7h. 2, Collins, Emily, (C), 28.7h. 3, Ward, Tessa, (PI), 29.5h. 4, Whittier, Katrina, (PI), 29.8h. 5, Kalnova, Betty, (C), 30.3h. 3200: 1, Saunders, Hannah, (C), 13:10.0h. 2, Sheehan, Mary Jo, (C), 13:17.0h. 3, Bossie, Megan, (C), 13:51.0h. 4, Fox, Jaylee, (PI), 14:18.0h. 4×400: 1, Caribou (Kalnova, Betty , Dorman, Victoria , Michaud, Dayna , King, Karyn ), 4:34.8h. 2, Fort Kent 4:53.1h. 3, Presque Isle 4:56.5h. Long Jump: 1, Pelletier, Jamie, (FK), 14-07. 2, Ward, Tessa, (PI), 13-08.50. 3, Adler, Shae, (PI), 12-06. 4, Buck, Erin, (C), 12-05. 5, Kinsey, Kaitlyn, (FF), 12-04. High Jump: 1, Kinsey, Kaitlyn, (FF), 4-04. 1, Griffin, Amber, (PI), 4-04. 1, Buck, Erin, (C), 4-04. 4, Bosse, Meg, (C), 4-02. 4, Williams, Rose-Mary, (FF), 4-02. Javelin: 1, Ward, Keisha, (PI), 91-04.50. 2, MacDonald, Danielle, (C), 89-04. 3, Williams, Rose-Mary, (FF), 82-09. 4, Buck, Krista, (PI), 82-07. 5, Lane, Danielle, (C), 77-07. Discus: 1, Williamson, Ashley, (PI), 100-04. 2, Williams, Rose-Mary, (FF), 93-08. 3, Bradstreet, Paige, (C), 89-05. 4, Anderson, Emily, (C), 87-03.50. 5, Lewis, Samantha, (FF), 75-02. Triple Jump: 1, Whittier, Katrina, (PI), 31-02.50. 2, King, Karyn, (C), 29-09. 3, Collins, Emily, (C), 29-08. 4, Buck, Erin, (C), 28-07.50. 5, Blaisdell, Allison, (FF), 26-00. Pole Vault: 1, Savage, Christine, (C), 8-00. 2, MacDonald, Danielle, (C), 5-06. 3, Blaisdell, Allison, (FF), 5-00. 3, Hessert, Ally, (C), 5-00. 3, Bosse, Meg, (C), 5-00. Shot Put: 1, Whittier, Katrina, (PI), 29-11. 2, Williamson, Ashley, (PI), 29-04. 3, Anderson, Emily, (C), 27-09. 4, Ward, Keisha, (PI), 27-05. 5, Bartlett, Hallie, (PI), 27-01.50.

Caribou boys 214.50, Presque isle 122.50, Fort Kent 26, Fort Fairfield 21, Limestone 6

4×800: 1, Caribou (Sleeper, Christian , Freme, Tim , Melbourne, Steve , McElwain, Spencer ), 8:58.1h. 2, Presque Isle 9:05.4h. 1600 Race Walk: 1, Rush-Mabry, Noah, (FF), 7:45.0h. 2, Bondeson, Finn, (C), 7:46.0h. 3, Sleeper, Jared, (C), 8:23.0h. 4, Flynn, DJ, (C), 8:26.0h. 5, Connolly, Ian, (C), 9:05.0h. 110 Hurdles: 1, Mclean, Elizan, (PI), 16.9h. 2, Desjardins, Gerard, (PI), 18.6h. 3, Saucier, Dan, (C), 19.0h. 4, Smith, Phil, (C), 19.9h. 5, Jenkins, Graham, (FF), 21.5h. 100: 1, Theriault, Tyler, (C), 11.6h. 2, Blaisdell, Robby, (C), 11.9h. 3, Schuster, Rob, (C), 12.4h. 4, Nnazor, Zowa, (PI), 12.5h. 4, Zubrick, Oliver, (PI), 12.5h. 4, Branscom, Steve, (C), 12.5h. 1600: 1, McElwain, Spencer, (C), 4:47.0h. 2, Sleeper, Christian, (C), 4:56.0h. 3, Richards, Evan, (PI), 5:04.0h. 4, Noyes, Ryan, (FF), 5:05.0h. 5, Hafford, Brandon, (PI), 5:13.0h. 4×100: 1, Caribou (Dubay, Carlin , Theriault, Tyler , Swan, Nate , Blaisdell, Robby ), 46.5h. 2, Presque 50.6h. 3, Fort Kent 53.7h. 4, Presque Isle l ‘B’ 54.3h. 400: 1, Theriault, Tyler, (C), 53.3h. 2, St Peter, Kyle, (C), 54.4h. 3, Noyes, Ryan, (FF), 56.9h. 4, Mclean, Elizan, (PI), 57.0h. 5, Byrnes, Richie, (PI), 57.7h. 6, Branscom, Steve, (C), 58.9h. 300 Hurdles: 1, Dubay, Carlin, (C), 47.1h. 2, Desjardins, Gerard, (PI), 47.2h. 3, Rossignol, Parker, Limestone/MSSM, 49.4h. 4, Howe, Matt, (PI), 50.3h. 5, Smith, Phil, (C), 50.5h. 800: 1, McElwain, Spencer, (C), 2:07.0h. 2, Richards, Evan, (PI), 2:14.0h. 3, Sleeper, Christian, (C), 2:17.0h. 4, Flora, Matt, (PI), 2:20.0h. 5, Michaud, Jake, (C), 2:22.0h. 200: 1, Theriault, Tyler, (C), 24.2h. 2, Swan, Nate, (C), 24.7h. 3, Potvin, Jon, (FK), 26.0h. 4, Graham, Dusty, (PI), 26.9h. 4, Nnazor, Zowa, (PI), 26.9h. 3200: 1, McElwain, Spencer, (C), 10:30.0h. 2, Freme, Tim, (C), 10:54.0h. 3, Johnson, Jason, (PI), 11:22.0h. 4, Howe, Matt, (PI), 11:23.0h. 5, Hafford, Brandon, (PI), 11:24.0h. 4×400: 1, Caribou (Branscom, Steve , Till, Matt , Schuster, Rob , Dubay, Carlin ), 3:53.9h. 2, Presque Isle 4:04.6h. 3, Fort Fairfield 4:07.5h. 4, Fort Kent 4:08.4h. Long Jump: 1, Selander, Steven, (C), 17-10.50. 2, Blaisdell, Robby, (C), 17-10. 3, Potvin, Jon, (FK), 17-06.50. 4, Swan, Nate, (C), 16-10. 5, Noyes, Ryan, (FF), 16-08. Pole Vault: 1, Dubay, Carlin, (C), 11-06. 2, Selander, Steven, (C), 9-00. 2, Freeman, Will, (C), 9-00. 4, Guerrette, Lloyd, (FK), 8-06. 5, McLaughlin, Nathan, (FF), 8-00. Shot Put: 1, Winslow, Ryan, (PI), 42-05.50. 2, Harris, Matt, (PI), 41-06. 3, Adams, Andrew, (C), 40-07. 4, LeSaldo, Jason, (FK), 38-10. 5, Jouvelakos, Josh, (PI), 37-09. Triple Jump: 1, Desjardins, Gerard, (PI), 40-01.50. 2, Potvin, Jon, (FK), 38-07. 3, Blaisdell, Robby, (C), 36-00. 3, Mclean, Elizan, (PI), 36-00. 5, St Peter, Kyle, (C), 35-04.. High Jump: 1, St Peter, Kyle, (C), 5-06. 1, Schuster, Rob, (C), 5-06. 3, Johnson, Jason, (PI), 5-04. 4, Guerrette, Chase, (PI), 4-10. 4, Barnes, Zachary, (PI), 4-10. 4, Smith, Phil, (C), 4-10. 4, Till, Matt, (C), 4-10. Discus: 1, Johnson, Jason, (PI), 117-05. 2, Richards, Lucas, (PI), 110-06.50. 3, Harris, Matt, (PI), 106-05. 4, Rossignol, Addison, Limestone/MSSM, 105-09.50. 5, Potvin, Jon, (FK), 101-00. Javelin: 1, Zehentner, Franz, (C), 144-04. 2, Swan, Nate, (C), 138-01. 3, St Peter, Kyle, (C), 131-08. 3, Desjardins, Gerard, (PI), 131-08. 5, LeSaldo, Jason, (FK), 124-00.

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