We write in support of Chellie Pingree for Congress. We have observed and worked with Chellie during her four terms in the Maine Legislature and around the midcoast community. Her varied experience and far-reaching passions contribute to her leadership in many roles. Chellie already has proved to be an adept and diligent policy-maker. She stands firm for her beliefs and yet listens to and works with colleagues of all backgrounds and ideologies.
As both majority leader of the Maine Senate and president of Common Cause, Chellie proved that she speaks out, tells the truth, works hard for her principles and does what’s right, even when it isn’t politically popular. In doing so, Chellie has demonstrated true leadership on issues such as prescription drug pricing, sustainable development, campaign finance reform, land conservation and fiscal responsibility.
We will be proud to have Chellie representing Maine – she will make life better for all of us. Please support Chellie Pingree for Congress on June 10.
Evelyn deFrees and Brad LaRoche
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