Knox County Superior Court
Cases May 12-19, 2008
Christopher B. Barnes, 22, Rockland, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400, jail 180 days, all but 30 days suspended, probation one year; operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.
Sheldon W. Curtis, 22, Rockland, unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, $400, jail four years, all but eight months suspended, probation two years, restitution $60; violating condition of release, jail seven days.
Derek F. Dennison, 27, Portland, acquiring drugs by deception, jail three days, probation partially revoked, probation continued.
Travis Dennison, 19, Rockland, burglary of motor vehicle, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.
Denise E. Konkler, 50, Rockland, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $1,000, jail 120 days, restitution $3,700; theft by deception, $1,000, jail 120 days, restitution $4,881.
Laurent H. Morin, 46, Rockport, gross sexual assault, dismissed.
Kevin J. Mulvihill, 43, Camden, operating vehicle while under the influence, $700, jail seven days, license suspended 18 months.
Walter Oesterlin, 76, Rockport, assault, dismissed.
Michael Priest, 44, Warren, criminal conspiracy, jail six months.
Keovilaisack Sayasane, 41, Union, two counts criminal threatening, jail 90 days each count; obstructing report of crime, jail 90 days.
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