March 13, 2025

Court News

3rd District Court, Bangor

Cases April 28 to May 2, 2008

James E. Ahearn, 19, Amherst, operating vehicle while license suspended, $250.

Donna B. Ames, 60, Bangor, violating condition of release, dismissed.

Valerie Antonio, 18, Cape Elizabeth, minor consuming liquor, $200.

Cristina Arrigoni Martelli, 40, Orono, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.

Brandon Ashe, 25, Bangor, criminal mischief, $200, restitution $142; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $100.

Ami L. Austin, 32, Brewer, failing to register vehicle, $150.

Dina Baker, 32, Eddington, displaying fictitious vehicle certificate, $150.

Renee J. Beal, 31, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

James S. Bergeron, 25, Old Town, operating vehicle while license suspended, $250.

Travis Berube, 20, Eliot, minor possessing liquor, $300.

Harold Botting, 44, Orono, possessing marijuana, $350.

John A. Boyce, 19, Oakland, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Colleen Brady, 19, Hermon, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200, restitution $20.

Michael A. Burt, 19, Arlington, Mass., minor consuming liquor, $200.

Boadean A. Byther, 28, Bangor, operating vehicle without license, $150.

Tanya Caparotta, 35, Brewer, operating vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, $600, license suspended 90 days.

Stacey Caron, 36, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Michael J. Carr, 21, Falmouth, criminal trespass, $200.

Donald E. Chandler, 24, Orland, violating condition of release, $250; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400, restitution $220.

Susan L. Connolly, 37, Windham, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400, jail 10 days; violating condition of release, jail five days.

Benjamin M. Crandall, 34, Bangor, criminal trespass, jail 72 hours.

April Cromeenes, 26, Boothbay Harbor, forgery, jail five days, restitution $520; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, jail five days.

Tiffany Crowe, 21, Robbinston, operating vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, $500, jail 72 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Ryan Currie Huggard, 27, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $500; criminal trespass, $250.

Rachelle Curtis, 20, Corinth, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250.

Roland D. Curtis Sr., 40, Eddington, operating vehicle while license suspended, $500.

Amanda Cust, 19, Bangor, minor consuming liquor, $200.

Brad Dansereau, no age listed, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $500.

Michael J. Davis, 19, Bangor, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Donna Decesere, 28, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, jail seven days.

Deborah A. Diehl, 46, Bangor, operating vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, $500, jail 72 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Ashley D. Dobransky, 20, Lewiston, minor consuming liquor, $200.

Kate Drouin, 50, Orrington, dangerous dog complaint violation, dismissed.

Albert L. Dunifer, 67, Hermon, animals creating nuisance, dismissed.

Christopher Eversole, 23, Bucksport, operating vehicle while license suspended, $500; failing to give correct name, address or date of birth, $150.

Donna Fatum, 37, Old Town, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $750.

Gregory S. Fellows, 36, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer; violating condition of release; both dismissed.

Gabrielle Finger, 18, Poland, minor possessing liquor, $200.

John Flannery, 25, Patten, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250, restitution $89.

Randy Floyd, 46, Brewer, failing to notify of motor vehicle accident, $150.

Hannah Francis, 23, Orrington, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $500.

Gertrude N. Frederick, 51, Stockton Springs, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Scott R. Gagnon, 27, Bangor, theft of services, jail 15 days.

Adam C. Gallant, 30, Glenburn, operating vehicle without license, $150.

Ian M. Gosselin, 18, Orrington, operating vehicle while license suspended, dismissed.

Tiffany A. Gourley, 20, Bucksport, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Taylor S. Greene, 18, Glenburn, sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300.

Corey B. Hartley, 19, Bangor, minor consuming liquor, $200.

Nicholas Hass, 18, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Kimberly Hawkes, 34, Corinth, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.

Shane Henderson, 35, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, jail five days; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400.

Bruce P. Herbert, 32, Alton, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $400, restitution $24.

Jeffrey Hichborn, 29, Hudson, operating vehicle while license suspended, $500.

Charles L. Huerth, 35, Hampden, assault, dismissed.

Nicholas Huff, 19, Orrington, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Tanya Hyson, 21, Glenburn, attaching false plates, $200.

Charles Jipson, 31, Lowell, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $500.

Melissa D. Jones, 20, Farmingdale, minor transporting liquor, $100, license suspended 30 days.

David Karnofsky, 19, Bar Harbor, criminal mischief, dismissed.

Tina Keaton, 26, Bangor, failing to register vehicle, $150.

Ryan R. Kenney, 19, Bradley, minor consuming liquor, $200.

Crystal King, 21, Millinocket, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $350.

Devan R. Knight, 19, Lisbon Falls, minor consuming liquor, $200.

Kyle Kovar, 27, Newton, N.J., operating vehicle without license, $150.

Leah Laroche, 19, Greenville, minor consuming liquor, $200.

Justin Kyle Latta, 21, Orono, criminal mischief, $500.

Joshua M. Leonard, 17, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended, dismissed.

Robert J. Levasseur, 45, Amherst, failing to register vehicle, $150.

Jeremy Brian Levesque, 21, Sabattus, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Donald Louissaint, 19, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250, restitution $1.99.

Michaela Luke, 21, Orono, disorderly conduct, $300.

Ryan Lyford, 19, Kenduskeag, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $300.

Darrell MacDougall, 43, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended, $250.

Thomas M. Malec, 41, Oklahoma City, Okla., rule violation, operating vehicle after disqualified, dismissed.

Hogan E. Marquis, 20, Old Town, minor consuming liquor, $200.

Heather M. Massow, 37, Old Town, operating vehicle while license suspended, $250.

Alan C. McCann, 29, Hermon, two counts assault, $300 each count, jail 48 hours each; violating condition of release, $200.

Jake McDougal, 20, Lisbon Falls, minor consuming liquor, $200.

Holly A. Mitchell, 22, Tenants Harbor, failing to register vehicle, $150.

Jason Mitchell, 26, Bradley, false public alarm or report, $250.

Jared M. Morris, 23, Bangor, attaching false plates, $100.

Joel Neal, 19, Rockland, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Wayne R. Osborne, 25, Springfield, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250; unlawful possessing of scheduled drug, $400.

Nicholas Osgood, 19, Orrington, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250, restitution $110.

Dean Pearson, 38, Brewer, possessing marijuana, $350; sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300.

Lauren M. Poulin, 20, Winslow, minor consuming liquor, $200.

Gregory E. Ramp, 20, Old Town, operating ATV on public way, $100.

Anthony M. Raymond, 20, Orono, minor possessing liquor, $200.

James P. Reinzo, 27, Greenfield, attaching false plates, $100.

Adam Rice, 19, Orono, criminal trespass, $250.

Jose A. Robles, 58, Old Bridge, N.J., rule violation, operation of vehicle 14-hour rule, $250.

Jerome Rodgerson, 20, Bangor, two counts violating condition of release, jail 48 hours; disorderly conduct, jail 48 hours; assault, $300, jail 48 hours.

Ian R. Rollo, 20, Wrentham, Mass., minor consuming liquor, $200.

Aaric Rowe, 21, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Chelsea K. Rullo, 20, Veazie, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Paul W. Rush, 22, Patten, failing to make oral or written accident report, $150.

Kathryn Sabo, 19, Carmel, minor consuming liquor, $200.

Sheldon Sanborn, 35, Waldoboro, operating vehicle while license suspended, dismissed.

Stephanie L. Satow, 20, Orono, minor consuming liquor, $200.

Jennifer Scaranari, 32, Hudson, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250.

Chelsea Seguin, 19, Orono, allowing minor to possess or consume liquor, $1,000.

Dillon E. Shaw, 21, Veazie, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Darren R. Smith, 26, Hampden, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $500, jail 15 days, license suspended one year.

Emma Smith, 20, Orono, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Keith Smith Jr., 19, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400; minor transporting liquor, $100, license suspended 30 days.

William Smith, 35, Levant, sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300; possessing marijuana, $350.

Yolanda S. Smith, 20, Hudson, minor consuming liquor, $200.

Joshua Smock, 29, Charleston, operating vehicle while license suspended, $500.

Tayla Stanley, 21, East Millinocket, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250.

Joshua Stronge, 20, Fryeburg, attaching false plates, dismissed.

Maranda L. Thibeault, 23, Monson, failing to register vehicle, $150.

Joshua P. Thomas, 24, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended, $250.

Samuel Thomas, 21, East Baldwin, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250; misuse of identification, $350, restitution $100.40.

Joel J. Thorney, 22, Orono, criminal mischief, $500, restitution $236.88.

Luke Todd, 20, Augusta, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Christopher L. Tracy, 20, Milford, operating vehicle while license suspended, $250.

Nicholas R. Treadwell, 17, Brewer, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.

Kerry A. Tuck, 25, Bangor, operating vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, $500, jail 72 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Jared Turcotte Brown, 18, Lewiston, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Joshua Underhill, 20, Stetson, minor consuming liquor, $200.

Allison B. Vazquez, 18, Orono, minor consuming liquor, $200.

Jennifer Lyn Vish, 35, Bangor, disorderly conduct, dismissed.

Callie S. Walker, 23, Bangor, attaching false plates, $100.

Amy M. Walton, 21, Bangor, operating vehicle after registration suspended, $150.

Rebecca L. Ward, 29, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250.

Cheryl Wark, 53, Bradley, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.

Nicholaus Watson, 27, Brewer, sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300.

Christopher Whitney, 28, Holden, failing to register vehicle within 30 days, $150; operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $1,000.

Mary L. Willey, 66, Brewer, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Nicholle Worcester, 23, Bangor, operating vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, $700, jail 14 days, license suspended 18 months.

Harry J. Wounded, 36, Bangor, disorderly conduct, $250.

Chad Wynne, 28, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended, $500; sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300.

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