I have some unpleasant news for Charles Sykes (“Evolution not supported,” BDN May 26): Reality does not care a whit about human sensibilities. He finds the idea that Homo sapiens descended from apes “ridiculous,” but he neglects to address the mountain of evidence that supports it.
If Mr. Sykes (or any other reader) sincerely wishes to understand the evidence for the theory of evolution, there are innumerable texts on the subject. Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species” is not the easiest read, but it was the first.
Any modern biology book (not censored by the religiously blinkered) will give at least an outline. Online sources include pbs.org/wgbh/evolution, becominghuman.org/ and Harvard’s and Berkeley’s Web sites, among many others.
I hope this helps pull the hair shirt of ignorance from over the eyes of at least one reader.
Jeremy Winston
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