March 27, 2025

Court news

3rd District Court, Bangor

Cases May 12-16, 2008

Jason P.R. Arkebauer, 20, Orono, operating vehicle while license suspended, $250.

Jeffrey E. Ary, 46, Bangor, criminal trespass, $200.

Tellis Abraham Baker, 32, Brownville, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, jail 30 days.

Michael E. Beals, 37, Hampden, failing to register vehicle, $100.

Aimee Bernard, 19, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

James Blakeman Sr., 48, Brewer, operating vehicle while license suspended, $250.

Mario A. Bobadilla, 29, Old Town, disorderly conduct, $250.

Leisa Bouchard, 37, Chester, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250; attaching false plates, $100.

Marie Brackett, 54, Bangor, criminal trespass, jail 30 days; three counts violating condition of release, jail 30 days; violating condition of release, jail 45 days.

Elaina Branco, 18, Orono, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Burton Brayall, 21, Holden, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Timothy M. Breen, 18, Winterport, unlawful use of license, $150.

Michelle Brewer, 32, Bangor, harassment by telephone, $200.

Zachery Broadhead, 19, Orono, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Rachelle Brooks, 44, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250.

Justin Burgess, 25, Bangor, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Matthew Burrill, 25, Dedham, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250.

Brian J. Caggiano, 25, Veazie, operating vehicle while license suspended, $500; sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300.

Belinda Campbell, 56, Brewer, failing to register vehicle, $100.

Lucas Carpenter, 20, Hermon, failing to comply with sex offender regulation act, dismissed.

Jeannie M. Chapman, 28, Augusta, domestic violence assault; domestic violence criminal threatening; both counts dismissed.

Samantha J. Chase, 21, Milo, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Christopher A. Converse, 43, Bangor, operating vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 14 days, license suspended 18 months.

Michael Corey, 36, Bangor, three counts theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, jail 21 days each count.

Cherie A. Corizmascioli, 34, Canaan, operating vehicle while license suspended, $500, jail 30 days; failing to appear in court, jail 10 days; violating condition of release, $500, suspended, jail 30 days; operating vehicle while license suspended, $500, suspended, jail 30 days.

Richard Coulombe, 52, Old Town, possessing marijuana, $400.

Matthew M. Couturier, 22, Auburn, violating condition of release, $250.

Erik E. Dahlgren, 23, Bangor, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants; operating vehicle while license suspended; both counts not guilty.

Nathan Doucette, 26, Old Town, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $500.

Jason K. Drake, 31, Orono, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Amber Duncan, 22, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Ryan D. Ellman, 19, Orono, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Marco Antonio Fernandes, 19, Stoughton, Mass., disorderly conduct, $250; minor possessing liquor, $200.

Bruce G. Finlay, 51, Brewer, failing to register vehicle, $100.

Joseph A. Fullwood, 20, Philadelphia, allowing minor to possess or consume liquor, $500.

Kyle W. Gahm, 21, Alfred, violating condition of release, dismissed.

Steven A. Gaudet, 52, Bucksport, operating vehicle after registration suspended, $100; failing to notify of motor vehicle accident; $150.

Robert A. Gray, 20, Holden, disorderly conduct, $200.

Dustin B. Greenlaw, 20, Calais, possessing marijuana, $350; minor possessing liquor, $200.

Jerimy R. Grindle, 30, Bangor, violating protective order, $100; domestic violence assault, $300, jail 14 days; violating condition of release, jail 14 days; violating protective order, jail 14 days.

Matthew L. Harriman, 31, Old Town, operating vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 72 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Amanda Hazlett, 29, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $500.

Kelly Ann Heald, 19, York, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Brian Hendsbee, 28, Madison, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer; violating condition of release, both counts dismissed.

William Hilderbrand, 20, Brewer, violating condition of release, dismissed.

Shane M. Howe, 23, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Jonathan B. Hughes, 20, Portland, possessing marijuana, $350.

Edward B. Hunt, 36, Westbrook, operating vehicle while license suspended, $500, jail 48 hours; violating condition of release, jail 48 hours.

Lee A. Hustus, 27, Bangor, violating condition of release, jail 24 hours.

Brian L. James, 21, Presque Isle, criminal trespass, dismissed.

Rachel E. Jenkins, 24, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended, $250.

Stacy Keefer, 37, Augusta, operating vehicle while license suspended, dismissed.

Mackenzie R. Kelley, 25, Old Town, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250, restitution, $350.

Bradley R. Kennedy, 21, Hampden, operating vehicle while license suspended, $250.

Lauren A. Kimball, 21, Orono, failing to notify of motor vehicle accident, dismissed.

Wayne R. Knott, 48, Linthicum, Md., rule violation, operating vehicle after disqualified, dismissed.

Ethan D. Laplante, 18, Caribou, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Roberta D. Laxton, 31, Bangor, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $700, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Francis V. Leonard, 44, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended, $500.

Eddie H. Lowder, 51, Holden, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $700, jail 72 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Michael D. MacArthur Jr., 21, Bangor, operating vehicle without license, dismissed.

James MacDougall, 56, Boston, Mass., criminal trespass, dismissed.

Randy L. Mains, 27, North Waterboro, operating vehicle while license suspended, $500.

Seth Martin, 19, Hampden, sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300; possessing marijuana, $350; operating vehicle while license suspended, $500; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400.

Aleksandr Masura, 23, Orono, sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300.

Jessica L. Mayo, 19, Orono, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Danmel T. McBeth, 24, Brewer, criminal trespass, $250; refusing to submit to arrest or detention, $500.

Elizabeth F. McVicar, 47, Calais, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, license suspended 90 days.

Jonathan Merrill, 24, Augusta, violating condition of release, jail 48 hours.

Michael Michaud, 18, Alton, domestic violence terrorizing, $300, jail 90 days suspended, probation one year.

Matthew Midgette, 27, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250, restitution, $125; operating vehicle without license, $100.

Carly M. Milne, 19, Richmond, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Jesse Moan, 19, Lisbon Falls, minor possessing liquor, dismissed.

Craig J. Moody, 42, Orrington, attaching false plates, $150.

Philip E. Morrill, 58, Brewer, possessing lobster beyond minimum or maximum, $450.

Nicholas Morse, 21, Brewer, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Nicholas R. Muncy, 22, Aurora, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer.

Dajuan E. Myricks, 27, Lithonia, Ga., rule violation, duty status not current, $250.

Amy L. Oliver Stubbs, 30, Hermon, failing to register vehicle, $100.

James Paradis, 45, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended, $500, jail three days.

Richard N. Peale, 23, Readfield, furnishing liquor to minor, $500.

Martin L. Pearsall Sr., 44, Dover-Foxcroft, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Drew Pearson, 19, Hermon, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Richard L. Potter, 59, Orrington, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $750, jail 60 days, all but 48 hours suspended, license suspended 90 days.

Michael D. Powers, 20, Westfield, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Tyler Prendergast, 24, Bangor, two counts violating condition of release, jail 48 hours each count; criminal mischief, jail 24 hours; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400.

Scott Reed, 39, Glenburn, disorderly conduct, $500.

Jared T. Reid, 23, Old Town, operating vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, $700, jail seven days; operating vehicle without license, jail 24 hours.

Shawn R. Richardson, 22, Old Town, fishing without valid license, $100.

Rodney Robinson, 23, Bangor, two counts assault; violating condition of release; all counts dismissed; failing to appear after bailed, jail 25 days.

James V. Roet, 20, Brunswick, minor transporting liquor, $100, license suspended 30 days.

Michael R. Roman, 22, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended, dismissed; possessing marijuana, $350.

Dwan N. Russell, 20, Old Town, sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300; possessing marijuana, $300.

Megan D. Sanborn, 22, Manchester, N.H., criminal mischief, $250.

Marie Sanderson, 23, Orono, sale, use of drug paraphernalia; possessing marijuana; both counts dismissed.

Randolph L. Sands, 48, Bangor, assault, $300, jail 20 days.

Erica Savage, 18, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250.

Stephanie Sawyer, 39, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended, $250.

Adam W. Shaw, 22, Verona, unlawful use of license, $150.

Travis J. Shaw, 20, Bradley, furnishing liquor to minor, $500.

April M. Smith, 22, Old Town, operating vehicle while license suspended, $500, jail 48 hours; violating condition of release, jail 48 hours.

Edgar Stanhope, 40, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, jail seven days; two counts assault, jail seven days each count.

Carole Nicole Starling, 24, Hampden, operating vehicle while license suspended, $750.

Kenneth Stecher, 21, Hampden, criminal trespass, $300; sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300; possessing marijuana, $350.

Benjamin B. Stevens, 21, Bangor, disorderly conduct, $250.

Jason G. Suitter, 30, Bangor, disorderly conduct, $250.

Nicholas Sullivan, 20, Carmel, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, license suspended 90 days; violating condition of release, $250; operating vehicle without license, $150, suspended; sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300; minor transporting liquor, $100, license suspended 30 days.

Kristopher R. Tarbox, 25, Washburn, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, jail 48 hours; violating condition of release, jail 48 hours.

Elizabeth J. Tedford, 60, Bangor, criminal trespass, dismissed.

Jennifer Thomas, 22, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250.

Benjamin R. Toppi, 20, Orono, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Adam R. Tracy, 18, Milford, criminal trespass, $300; minor possessing liquor, $200.

David W. Tracy, 24, Norridgewock, rule violation, operating vehicle after disqualified, dismissed.

John Tuell, 20, Orono, criminal trespass, $250.

Victor S. Uriz, 19, Brewer, sale, use of drug paraphernalia, $300; possessing marijuana, $350.

Michael Vardaro, 20, Bedford, N.H., minor possessing liquor, $200.

Beth F. Violette, 27, Bangor, operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250.

Brittani Faye Vradenburg, 19, Springvale, operating vehicle while license suspended, $250.

Jesse D. Wallace, 19, Franklin, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Nathan Webster, 26, Bangor, domestic violence assault, $300.

Sterling Wheaton, 19, Carmel, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400.

Sidney Wilcox, 19, Bangor, attaching false plates, $150.

Kristina M. Wildes, 18, Bangor, minor possessing liquor, $250.

Walter Wilhelm, 53, Greenbush, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250, restitution, $1,100.

Ryan Willette, 20, York, disorderly conduct, $250.

David E. Winnett, 39, Bangor, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, license suspended 90 days; violating condition of release, $250.

Michael Douglas Winslow, 30, Veazie, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 72 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Bryan Worcester, 21, Bangor, operating vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days; trafficking in dangerous knives, $250; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400, jail 48 hours; violating condition of release, jail 48 hours.

Malcolm Young, 32, Bangor, hindering apprehension or prosecution, $400.

Glendon D. Yule, 21, Brewer, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250.

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