The following petitions for bankruptcy were filed at U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Bangor during February 2008:
Brian A. French, delimber operator, no dependents, Weeks Mills: assets, $3,948; debts, $18,199.
Marlene G. Lounsbury, substitution worker, no dependents, Camden: assets, $6,226; debts, $17,211.
Caroline N. Levine, fdba Caroline’s Corner Store, fdba The Country Store, baker, no dependents, Fayette: assets, $149,820; debts, $341,022.
Joan Charlene Michaud, aka J.C. Michaud, disabled, no dependents, Van Buren: assets, $7,390; debts, $18,493.
Michael Tibbetts, laborer-yardman, and Tori Tibbetts, fka Tori Beal, registered nurse, two dependents, Whiting: assets, $143,414; debts, $198,434.
David L. Green Sr., fdba David L. Green Inc., fdba D.L. Green Inc., fdba Northeast Ministock, managerial, two dependents, Hampden: assets, $238,881; debts, $457,366.
George R. Hicks Jr., no employment given, no dependents, Sebec: assets, $53,180; debts, $53,283.
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