March 14, 2025

Clickback on Olympics

Recent ClickBacks have sought editorial page reader comment on the Olympics, nuclear power and the merits or drawbacks of negative political ads. To join the discussion, go to and look for the ClickBack logo in the Opinion section.

Is the television coverage of the Olympics too America-centric? Do you want to see the best performances, regardless of the country the athletes are from?

Yes, the coverage is too America-centric. They should show the best performers regardless of where they come from. And yes the commentators gabble on too much. They should learn to shut up. But, my main quibble is with the commercials. Too many, too stupid, and far too long. As for McDonalds as a source of Olympic athletes’ food, give me a break!

American TV is really advertising with occasional breaks for programs, and it’s getting ridiculous.

– rwvine

Did President Bush’s attendance at the Olympics in Beijing send the wrong message? Should he have spoken out more strongly against China’s poor record on human rights?

Our government collects the personal mental health records of people with mental illnesses for the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, collects DNA from people charged with federal crimes, performs warrantless wiretaps, iris scans kids and is planning to make us all carry an ID card with an imbedded microchip. So President Bush attending the Olympics implies not so much that the U.S. tolerates China’s human rights abuses but rather that our government is hoping to learn from them.

– takei

The president should attend the Olympics not only to honor the spirit of international good will in athletic competition, but also to bring about change. One must be open to opportunities that can lead to better communication and exchange of ideas. Only by fostering good relationships can we work toward the eradication of human rights violations and persecution not only in China but throughout the world.

– classylassie

Should Maine consider building a nuclear power plant at the Wiscasset Maine Yankee site?

Every energy source we consider for Maine has environmental and cost-benefit risks whether it’s global warming or spent nuclear fuel storage. Nuclear power doesn’t contribute to global warming. Fortunately there have been significant advances in spent fuel storage and reprocessing around the world since Maine Yankee shut down in 1997. Maine must consider all energy options from an economic, technical and environmental view including nuclear power. No question about it, the feds need to activate the Nevada spent fuel storage site.

– dick6273

Do negative political ads work or will they backfire on the candidates who use them?

People often vote against a candidate rather than for the candidate’s opponent, so unfortunately, negative ads do have an impact. And once Sen. McCain has been compared to Cotton Hill, Hank’s irascible father on “King of the Hill,” the damage is done. Likewise, it might prove troublesome for Sen. Obama to be compared to Otter (Tim Matheson) from “Animal House” who used his amazing powers of persuasion to get the Delta Tau Chi fraternity into even bigger jams than they were already in.

– takei

Negative political ads have, unfortunately worked in the past because too many people believe what they hear and see in a 30 or 60 second sound bite. We need to be interested enough in the candidates’ philosophies and their effect on our lives to research and learn about the possible impacts. – classylassie

What are the candidates, like 10 years old? I would like them to tell me what they intend to do for us, not what their opponent did or didn’t do. Why don’t they all grow up?

– mrstix

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