March 28, 2025

Events, concert to benefit boy with leukemia

Everything from horseback riding to American Indian singing and dancing demonstrations are part of the Weliwoni Ranch Fun Day and Concert beginning at 10 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 17, at 3202 Broadway in Glenburn.

The event benefits the family of 13-year-old Dimitrje Treworgy, who has a rare form of acute leukemia.

Dimitrje is unable to live in his mobile home “due to mold and other contaminants that could be potentially lethal to him,” said Kelly Demmons.

Dimitrje will travel to Boston for a bone marrow transplant in a few weeks.

Demmons invites families to attend this special day that also features quill-jewelry making and traditional American Indian birch-bark toys along with a range of music from pop to country.

The benefit ends with an hour long Elvis Presley Tribute Show from 3 to 4 p.m.

Admission is $20 for families of up to two adults and two children, $7 for each additional child, $10 for a single adult.

Dimitrje’s family has architectural drawings of the proposed cottage they need to build, as well as the land, a well, septic system, electricity, driveway and the beginnings of a concrete pad. Now neighbors and friends are working to help them complete the project.

Dimitrje’s mother, Jessica Treworgy, reports “our contribution back to the community” will be the formation of a special charitable trust, My Son’s Place, Inc., for families “whose lives have been devastated with a diagnosis of leukemia for a child.”

For more information call Demmons at 827-6819 or e-mail

Bangor Community Chorus conductor Joshua Schmersal and BCC members invite you to “Come to Our Cabaret,” beginning with a spaghetti supper from 5 to 7 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 16, at First Baptist Church, 56 Center St. in Bangor.

Admission is $10.

After the supper, Carolyn McKinnon wrote, you can “expect a fun-filled evening of entertainment provided by members of the chorus, accompanied by pianist Colin Graebert.”

President Brad Emerson and the board of trustees of the Jonathan Fisher House, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, invite you to its first antique show Saturday, Aug. 16, at the Blue Hill Fairgrounds.

For $15 you can enter for early admission and sales between 8 and 10 a.m., with the regular admission of $5 charged from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Food concessions will be open from 8 a.m. to closing, and both breakfast and luncheon items will be sold.

Maureen Rawding e-mailed planners have been working “to offer a diversified outdoor summer show, featuring Maine and neighboring-state dealers, offering everything from furniture to estate jewelry, linens, elegant glass and porcelains.”

Local crafters Denny Robertson, Cressida Keefe, Linda Freimuth, Ellie Carlisle and Gayle Durnbaugh will demonstrate carving, rug hooking, spinning, hand quilting and rug braiding.

For more information, call 374-2459 or e-mail

Susan Ramsey of the Blanchard Preservation Society invites you to the Piscataquis Riverdrivers bean-hole bean supper, “noon ’til dark” Saturday, Aug. 16, in Blanchard Center.

The event includes crafts and 50-50 raffles, Chef Paul’s Grill Fare, noon to 2:30 p.m., music with the Monson General Store Gang and Veikko Honkala & the Fiddlin’ Woodsprite at the picnic area on the river; a Rubber Ducky Race at 4 p.m.; and Bill Macomber’s bean-hole bean supper with all the fixings at 5 p.m.

The suggested food and music donation is $10 for adults, $5 for children under 12.

For more information, call 997-3706, e-mail or visit

Steve and Linda Howard, Sue Osgood, Kimber Hoyt, Deb Boyd and John Jones invite you to the Dover-Foxcroft Congregational Church Annual Fair, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 16, on the church lawn at 824 West Main St.

The fair features foods from baked goods to fresh vegetables; crafts made by church members, a jewelry table and a “trash and treasures” section.

Lunch includes homemade pies, and the children’s section offers games and prizes.

The group hopes to make this “our biggest fair yet,” they wrote. If it rains, the fair will be indoors.

Ann Carter of Charlotte reports the St. Croix Valley Amateur Radio Club’s annual cookout begins at 1 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 17, at the public landing in Robbinston. The picnic includes the organization’s monthly business meeting. For more information about the organization, call Carter at 214-4540.

Joni Averill, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor 04402;; 990-8288.

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