WARREN – The annual dinner and meeting of the Knox-Lincoln Soil and Water Conservation District will be held Thursday, Nov. 6, at the North Nobleboro Community Hall on Upper East Pond Road.
Dinner is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. followed by brief reports from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service and Farm Service Agency and a presentation of the district’s annual awards, which will include the 2008 Outstanding Cooperator of the Year and the 2008 Conservation Education Teacher of the Year.
Guest speaker for the evening will be LaMarr Clannon from Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials, who will address the relationship between land use and natural resource protection with a focus on water resources, nonpoint-source pollution and storm water runoff.
Tickets for door prizes will be given at the entrance. Pre-registration is required and reservations are now being taken. The cost for the dinner is $15 per person. To receive your registration form, contact District Office Manager Katherine Ward at 273-2005, ext. 101, or e-mail kathy.ward@me.nacdnet.net.
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