BLUE HILL – The First Congregational Church of Blue Hill’s Christmas Angels have begun collecting donations for the 2008 holiday gift-giving season.
This year the group welcomes cash donations as well as volunteer Angels who can shop for gifts. Each Angel is given a detailed list with the age, clothing size and needs of the child receiving the gifts. Individuals can shop for one child or more, and organizations such as clubs and businesses may organize shopping teams. The shopping takes place in November, and gifts are distributed in early December.
The Christmas Angels are also looking for donations of children’s books and stuffed animals in new condition.
For information about the Christmas Angels program, contact Kathy Soper at 374-2703 or To receive assistance from the program, contact Wendy Ritger at 374-2891 or by Friday, Nov. 21.
Financial donations are welcome and appreciated. Send checks with the notation “Christmas Angels” to Christmas Angels, First Congregational Church of Blue Hill, P.O. Box 444, Blue Hill 04614.
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